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Survey: tube size v. girth

Survey: tube size v. girth

I was looking through older pumping threads and realized a common question is what size tube a guy should buy. If we all give some info, new guys might have an easier time selecting an appropriate size. Please provide the following:

  • 1) Your unpumped girth. Details such as where it is thickest would help.

    2) Tube brand, size and type (straight, tapered). Please provide advertised size and actual measured inside diameter.

    3) How much you pack and after what amount of time/vacuum.

    4) Any additional advice or comments.

My answers:
1) Unpumped girth is about 5.1” at base and 4.75” midshaft. Head is the same or slightly larger than midshaft.

2) I use the cheapo aquarium siphon tube, which of course has straight walls. Stated diameter is 2”, though the actual inside diameter is 1 7/8”.

3) After 3 10-15 minute sets at 5” Hg, roughly 1.5” is packed at the base. Foreshaft and head aren’t even close to packing.

A 1.75” ID tube would be perfect for me now. No $$ now for a better tube, so I’ll make do.

1) 5” everywhere

2) Got my tube made at a plastics store. The inside diameter is 2”, the same all the way around. Outside diameter is 2.25”. It’s about 10” long.

3) First inch of base is totally paked after a few minutes. The rest I’d say gets to maybe 1.7” - 1.8” packed on the sides. There is more room on the top and bottom.

4) Is the base being totally packed and the rest not totally packed going to be a problem? Do I need a bigger tube?

If you’re looking for a cheap tube which has a bigger outside diameter than 2” (the biggest gravel tube made), go to a plastics store and buy a clear plastic cylinder. Get them to cut it to a foot long (you can cut some more off later). Then get them to put a top on it and drill a hole in the top as well as stick an attachment for a hose in the hole.

Works amazing for me and it only cost $20.


This is a good thread and will help a lot of guys have the common question of what size cylinder to buy.

1) Your unpumped girth. 6.5

2) Tube brand, size and type (straight, tapered). Please provide advertised size and actual measured inside diameter.

I have two, but no longer use the larger one because I don’t want any more girth. I was 5.75 girth when I started pumping so I bought a 2" inside diameter tube x 10" length, straight-sided, bottom flange, from LA Pump.

3) How much you pack and after what amount of time/vacuum?

I do very short but multiple sessions of about 6 minutes, usually between 6 HG and 8 HG (I’m "seasoned." Newbies shouldn’t go to 8 HG.) I pack the 2" tube everywhere but just below the head, with a very tight squeeze on the head. I should be using the 2.25 tube, but I’m no longer looking to gain size, just keep what I have.

4) Any additional advice or comments.

When buying a cylinder, guys new to this should buy a diameter as close to their girth as they can. See the sizing page at
Buying a wider one either out of vanity or thinking that much more width will bring much more girth does not in fact make sense.

Given the option, go always for a longer tube over a shorter one. If you have a choice between an 8" or a 10", for example, buy the 10". If you do gain substantial length, you will appreciate later having that extra two inches of space to pump into. Even though your non-pumped erection may be below 8", you may find that if you are 7", you possibly pump up to 8" under vacuum. That puts you right up against that inside valve. Not good for your sensitive glans.



Whoops, change unpumped girth for me to 6”, not 5”. For some reason I thought that said flacid girth.

Great Thread.

1. My unpumped erect girth is 5.6" at the base, 5.25" midshaft, and 5" foreshaft. I believe that the circumference of my head may be slightly over the 5" of my foreshaft. Maybe 5.25".

2. I bought my pump from about five years ago. The tube has in inside diameter of 2" and an inside length of 9". The base is tappered inward. I’d like to buy a straight on next. Visit the link that avocet posted for sizing. I’d like to try a tube that is not tappered. I also feel that I should have possibly bought a tube with an inside daimeter of 1.75" to start with, then move up to 2" ID when I packed the first one really well. Los Angeles pump design, also known as will suggest that you buy a cylinder that is .25 inches wider than your diameter. I measured my diameter just by looking down and using a ruler. It should be done correctly by measuring your circumference then using the pie formula (circumference divided by 3.14). I then would have possibly opted for the 1.75" ID tube.

3. I used to pack the tube up behind the head (forming that unwanted donut) then up slowly I’d pack forward coming up the base after 30 minutes or so at an unknown Hg. That was before I learned that I was only pumping my cock full of lymphatic fluid. After reading avocet’s pumping routine I bought a trigger handpump with a guage. I then jelqed and pumped for 10 minutes at a time. Some of my veins would begin to touch the tube sides during the end of the second or third 10 minute session. More skin would also touch the sides sometimes along with those raised swollen veins. I’d slowly pack some of the base also.

I abandoned that regimen when I went home for the summer. I had no privacy or time at home with my family. I did not experience any gains, but I had only applied it for three months. I was definitely beggining to get larger in the tube though both in length and girth. I trully believe that I just didn’t give those gains enough time to cement and reveal themselves in my unpumped erect size. I’ve started PE’ing again. I’m just doing the Newbie routine at this time. I will definitely apply pumping to my routine again when the time is right. I will definitely use it to achieve my girth goals along with squezes.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Hi guys, I’m a newbie poster but have been jelqing for about 6 months now and just added pumping two weeks ago (along with recreational Cialis use).

Unpumped girth is about 5.75” base, 5.4~5.5 mid shaft, 5.4 above that.

Pumped girth is 6~6.25 base, 5.8 mid shaft, 5.8 above that; however, I just got my new 2”ID tube yesterday so we’ll see how the week goes. Before I started any PE my erect measurements were 7-7/8x5.25…now it’s usually 8x5.5~5.625. All the Cialis does is increase the flaccid length and make it easier to get and stay hard for “seconds”.

Yesterday was my first chance to try intercourse with my girlfriend after using the new tube…you should have seen her eyes…ohhhhhhhh yessssss!

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

1) Your unpumped girth. Details such as where it is thickest would help.
5.8 at base 5.3 midshaft

2) Tube brand, size and type (straight, tapered). Please provide advertised size and actual measured inside diameter.
LAP Inc. straight 2” ID

3) How much you pack and after what amount of time/vacuum.
1/4 of base is packed (up to 1/3) 6mins at 6in/Hg x 3 sets

4) Any additional advice or comments
Using shorter times and more sets reduces the donut effect for me. Even while using higher vacuums.

1.) Unpumped girth is 5.75” at the base, 5.5” midshaft and glans. My pumped girth is around 6” midshaft.

2.) I’m using a Newart cyllinder, using mouth suction to create vacuum.
The cyliner is straight wall, but the opening is 1.8”, while the rest is 2”(a little hard to measure) I also use a 2.25” of the same brand, after packing the 2”.

3.) I pack the 2” tube after 40 minutes, short sessions, I frequently release the vacuum, and I try not to exceed 5” Hg. I mostly stay around 3-4” Hg. I then move up to the 2.25”, and i pack about 2” after 15 minutes, some of it beeing ballsac- skin.

4.) I apply heat during the whole session, which I think is good for the tissues and helps me pack quicker.
I’ve been pumping steadily for 3 months. I try not to get impatient, it’s the long term gains I want. I’m greatly inspired by Peforeal and Avocet8, who have made great gains through consistent pumping with moderate vacuum and a sensible routine.

January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Im thinking of buying a pump.

So ummm…if my size is 8x5,8 what size pump would be good for me?

And where does pumping effect the most girth or length?

If you got a good pump is it close to 100% that you are going to get temporally(i don’t mind pumping before sex)results quite fast?

If i buy one of those cheaper ones and its not the right size do i waste my money?

I am a poor student so i really would not like to screw this up.

(and once again, sorry about my bad english)

Looking to be a kiwi.

hi folks,

first of all since this is my first posting ever on thunder’s: thanks a lot for keeping this site up!! i’ve been reading for a while and found many helpful things to consider while pe’ing.

to get on topic. i’ve been pumping and jelqing for 2 months (and now have a question for the more experienced ones). until now there’s some smaller gains inside the tube and in flaccid state as well, but not erect.

> unpumped girth

5.5, everywhere

> Tube

straight tube, 8”x2.25”

> How much you pack and after what amount of time/vacuum.

1 inch at the base, after some minutes, and tapping the top of the tube with my glans

my question:
i bought this 8x2.25 tube without knowing much about pumping. my size is 7.1x5.5 so i do now consider the tube to be oversized in diameter.

now i’m about to order another one, but which one? when i take a look at they recommend the 1.75 cylinder for a 5.5 circumference. i am wondering if it’s possible for me to achieve girth gains using a tube i am packing unpumped. can i cause damage with a tube that’s too narrow? or: will a 2” cylinder be ok for achieving more length too or is it too wide for me?

thanks a lot!

i just found this thread Cylinder Diameter Question where another newbie has the exact same question. perhaps i should have posted there… sorry

Damn, I Posted in wrong spot again; have to be careful about leaving too many windows open.

<Moved Post>

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