Thunder's Place

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Tell me what size tube I need

Tell me what size tube I need

Yes I understand this question has been asked aprox. 1.3 million times. I’ve been skimming over everything for the past 1/2 hour and can’t find what I need. I’m looking at ordering a pump from LAP, the deluxe package. My EG is 4.7, so what size cylinder shall I need. The 1.5in or the 1 3/4in? Thanks

Definitely the 1.75.

Appreciate the quick reply, damn 1hr library time :P

Hey Gprent,
at what EG do you go to the 2.0 tube?

I am 5" EG non-pumped, with pumping I go to 5.5" on a good day. I am going to order a cyllinder from Lapdist (as per your previous suggestion) but don’t want to get one I can only use for 2 months…

Also, I am 8" BPEL but in the tube I am damn near 9" by the end of a pump session. WHat LENGTH tube should I order, in your expert opinion? And will I need a coupler as well? (You addressed these questions in the thread I am citing below, but in no great detail and without my specific measurements.)

Thanks a lot!

PS: You can see pics and comments of my current equipment at this thread: Commander Blop
(which Gprent has commented on previously…)

Last edited by commanderblop : 11-16-2004 at .

On a good day, you would be packing a 1.75 inch tube. So perhaps you should order the 2.0 tube and then what you do is staging. That is where you start your pump routine with your existing setup until you get to 5.5 girth and then switch over to the 2.0 tube and continue with another pump set.

You should get the 10” long cylinder and buying a male coupler would be a good idea, just to make sure you can fit all your equipment together.

Thanks for your speedy reply, Gprent. As well as the expertise.


Just quickly, what role does the ‘male coupler’ play?

I am just curious because I am thinking of going out and looking/possibly buying a penis pump tomorrow…

Giver Hard

Giver Hard! Scotty! later days ------ (Start) BPEL 7.75" x 5.25-5.5 EG (Goal) BPEL 9.00" x 6.0-6.25 EG

The male coupler is the fitting that goes on the end of the vacuum hose and connects into the female coupler the screws into the top of the cylinder. So the male coupler is always connected to the pump side of things and the female coupler is always screwed into the cylinder.

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