Tube Size Being Relative to Gains
I originally posted this here:This Works (Dynamic Stretching) ,but was told to make a seperate thread.
It always seemed to me that gain was somehow governed by the size of the tube. Has this been addressed before?
What I mean is this: I have noticed that actual length gains were about 1/8-1/4 inch less than the stretched length. Also - I am not sure of actual measurement here - it seemed to apply to girth. So in the same way that say the size of a turtle for example is governed by the size of it’s habitat - it will only grow so large based upon the tank size - I wondered and it seemed the penis in regard to pumping is similar. Are gains in pumping governed by penis size % in the tube?
I know that the theory with static pumping is to pack the tube and this will result in stretching it. But, it seemed to me regarding this type of pumping that the tube needed to be slightly larger in both length and width. Never hitting the end or the sides.
On my second try that I mentioned as an old guy I started with a 7 1/2” tube. As I started to get close to the end it seemed that my gains slowed a bit. I then bought an 8” tube and things picked up again. I don’t really know if what I am getting at is true but it has SEEMED this way to me from observation.
So, I am wondering if this has been discussed before. Does it have to do with the dynamics of a tube and loss of properties as one gets close to touching the parameters, is it related to the penis size in relation to tube - like a turtle, or something completely different? I don’t know but I am interested in anyone’s ideas.
I hope I have explained myself…
Last edited by HomerJS : 03-21-2014 at .