Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping when you have ED; the short version, according to Avocet8

I hope its nothing like cialis. Cialis gave me erections that hurt. The erection the next morning was worse, The first time I had it the next morning I literally raped my wife in her sleep, it hurt like a mofo. Its also near impossible to last if you have that pain in your dick. I like getting hard when needed, and I like it to disappear when not needed. I’ve suffered in my youth with random erections and no privacy to jerk off. I’d be in a mall, see some girl bend over, and there goes the day. I’d wear my jacket around my waist, and shiver and still act like I don’t need the jacket. What a pain. Really getting a good sexual relation ship, where I could explain to her like “I need it” and she’d say come over or come over herself very enthusiastic and willing, and then living together and then later the drop in hormones with age are what have kept me from getting tossed in jail for rape. The last 15 or so years have been far better than the 15 before that. Random erections are definitely not something I need any more. Nowadays, the young-uns can bounce in front of me, and I enjoy it with out regret. I can go to a breastaurant, a titty bar or to a game and sit behind women wearing short skirts and not tent and be embarrassed. Fantastic. The whole PE quest is to get better erections when needed.

Erectile Quality

About 2 years ago I had a robotic prostatectomy because I had prostate cancer. I’d had issues with ED for many years before this. My urologists explained that the ED would probably get worse. He was right about this, unfortunately. Oral meds for ED have no effect on me. If I want a decent erection, I inject tri-mix which gives me an approximate 20 minute erection. The pharmacist told me that I would eventually need a stronger dosage. My next refill is stronger. Tri-mix erections are not the same as a natural one, but they do the trick.

Another thing that happens with a prostatectomy is that with no prostate and no seminal vesicle, there is no ejaculate. However, one can still have all the sensations of an orgasm. In fact these sensations are more intense for me. Lately though, I have not been having “orgasms” which is disappointing.

One of the positive aspects of pumping is that it has increased sensitivity. I don’t mean pain. I mean that masturbation feels more pleasurable. Sex is never going to be what it was when I was young. It is very different now, but I still find pleasure in it. Furthermore, it is not like I have a choice in this. If I did, I would happily go back to the days when I’d shoot a load and as someone else mentioned have spontaneous erections. Maybe in my next life! LOL.

Oh man, you must have a very understanding and willing partner. I’m hoping my wife will play with me and have fun while I pump and ring myself to fuck her. Once in a while she’d say bang me bang me, and I’d oblige, but I used to always have the feeling that if I had banged her till she said “OK now you can blow” that would have been fantastic for her. Well I never got that far. Hopefully I will with a pump and a good ring.

Originally Posted by biker_dude
I hope its nothing like cialis. Cialis gave me erections that hurt. The erection the next morning was worse, The first time I had it the next morning I literally raped my wife in her sleep, it hurt like a mofo. Its also near impossible to last if you have that pain in your dick. I like getting hard when needed, and I like it to disappear when not needed. I’ve suffered in my youth with random erections and no privacy to jerk off. I’d be in a mall, see some girl bend over, and there goes the day. I’d wear my jacket around my waist, and shiver and still act like I don’t need the jacket. What a pain. Really getting a good sexual relation ship, where I could explain to her like “I need it” and she’d say come over or come over herself very enthusiastic and willing, and then living together and then later the drop in hormones with age are what have kept me from getting tossed in jail for rape. The last 15 or so years have been far better than the 15 before that. Random erections are definitely not something I need any more. Nowadays, the young-uns can bounce in front of me, and I enjoy it with out regret. I can go to a breastaurant, a titty bar or to a game and sit behind women wearing short skirts and not tent and be embarrassed. Fantastic. The whole PE quest is to get better erections when needed.

That reminds me of high school on the bus sitting with a girl two years older than me and her noticing me hard and getting only very slightly embarrassed with a sweet smile on her face which I now know means she wanted to touch it!

I can still see her face and remember her name.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Lol man all I remember from high school was that lots of blame-less looking girls snorted black tar heroin just like me.

In high school there used to be small spaces where we’d turn sideways to pass when someone was going the opposite way. The girls would always turn their backs, and I’d almost always front up. Needless to say I stuck a lot of girls in the butt every day. There was this one girl who I swear loved it even when I was clueless about girls. She’d conspire to be in that position 2 -3 X as much as any other. I believe I stuck her more number of times than all the others combined. She also was the first to sprout a pair of titties, and she was happy to rub those on guys too.

Is there a recommended penis pump to use for overcoming ED? I have an electric pump but using it discreetly and getting it set up is noisy and time consuming.

Any set up with a gauge will do.

Originally Posted by Walter5169
Any set up with a gauge will do.

Thanks Walter!

Originally Posted by Walter5169

Any set up with a gauge will do.

I agree if you only use it for therapy. However, if you want to use it in order to generate a hard erection and maintain it, you should also get a "medical type" Vacuum erection device which allows you to slip on a tight tension band to maintain the erection such as this http://www.amaz … /dp/B002P9D7N6/ .

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"


Thanks DT Warren

Thank yOu

Originally Posted by avocet8
This piece isn’t about getting size gains, although they may happen along the way. It’s about getting sexual function back when you’ve lost your erectile response – either all of it or a degree of it and in a routine that doesn’t take all that much time a day.

Before ED your cock and your brain were in pretty much perfect synch. You saw and/or felt some sort of sexual stimulation and an erection or a “chubby” was not long to follow. This was because all the chemical combinations needed for an erection were in place and working and your smooth muscle tissue relaxed and the blood flowed in. You had good arterial and venous flow, your nerve endings were firing nicely; no impediments.

But you got diabetes, or you developed vascular insufficiency or venous leakage, or you took some needed medication that interfered with sex, or you got older or heavier or had an injury or surgical trauma, or your life went into stress-overload, or you smoked too much or you drank too much. The causes of ED add up to a laundry list.

But any of the reasons, or a combination of them, result in poor erections, or no erections, and the downside of that is you hardly use your penis anymore except to pee. You are not using your cock for sex with a partner or by yourself. You’ve become afraid to have sex and so you avoid opportunities and you don’t even get the benefit of semi-erections very often. Most of the time your cock is limp, with just enough blood going in to keep its tissues alive.

One of the reasons that your sexual response was good for so long is that you had a healthy pattern of nocturnal erections, whether you were aware of them occurring or not. Normal men without ED have 4 - 6 erections a night during the REM stage of sleep, each lasting about a half hour. That accumulates to 2 - 3 hrs a night of hard-ons. That’s a lot of erection time. The purpose of having nocturnal erections is purely a “housekeeping” function. Blood pours in, cleans out the gunk and accumulated flotsam in your arteries and veins that occurs while you are flaccid. This newly-oxygenated blood also feeds penile tissue. When nocturnal erections stop, so does the “housekeeping” and the intense oxygenation you used to get during the night.

A similar effect occurs in sexual and random situations. When you were younger you popped random boners at various times during the day, even sometimes when you didn’t want one. Now, not only are you not getting the nocturnal workout you used to, but you’re not getting the random ones anymore, and you’re probably not having sex as often as you did before, if you are having sex at all. It makes sense that your reproductive stuff is not real healthy. Your penis isn’t getting any exercise.

Using vacuum pumping while having ED you want to duplicate, on a smaller scale but effective scale, the same housecleaning and housekeeping you used to get from random erections, sexual ones, and the nocturnal erection pattern you once had.

One productive thing you can do is a series of mini-pumps, the object being to mimic those old patterns. To best accomplish this, make your vacuum pumped erections last only about 5 minutes each but do a bunch of them, just as happened nearly every night when you were “normal.” Pump at the lowest vacuum pressure that works. 3 – 5 HG is good. A little more HG pressure is OK, but only if you can tolerate that. Be as gentle as possible, though, remembering that it is not necessary that you get a cat-scratching post while in the tube. Any level of increased engorgement indicates blood flow and blood flow in brings oxygen in. You want oxygenated blood going in, a lot more than it has been since you got ED.

Allow the erection from the first 5 minute pump to subside and then start all over from first base. Blood pours in again, does its tissue oxygenation and its cleaning of your vessels. Allow the second erection to subside, then start yet again working up to 4 - 6 individual pumps per session, each giving you an erection, or a partial, in the tube. A partial is just fine for this purpose. After a few months of regular workouts – REGULAR being the key take-home word here (say 5 days a week, even 6) - and you will have gone a very long way toward rejuvenating your penile vascular/nerve system.

Nocturnal erections may begin to resume on their own, with sexual erections happening faster and lasting longer. You will probably find, if you use them, that lower doses of the erectile drugs you used to use will work just as well as the amount you took before. If you have ED and you are not using the erectile drugs on a regular basis, consider doing so, if your health condition allows that. There is a theory espoused by many urologists that goes: The more erections you have, the more you will have in the future.

You can start your pumping when flaccid, or semi-hard, or hard; whatever you can manage. It doesn’t matter: Your pumping workouts will be just as productive. This is all about getting oxygenated blood in again, and on a regular basis.

Pumping is not a perfect solution to ED but it sure can help in many cases of ED. If you try vacuum pumping, consider doing it on a mini-scale of what nature used to do.

And try to get off that charging horse attitude of I Want Sex Now! Instead, build toward a possible future of sex “now” and you just may get it.

Thank you. Great stuff here!


Originally Posted by Normaldude
Thank you. Great stuff here!

Avocet hasn’t been on here for a some time but he always had great things to say. You can search for all his posts - they are definitely worth reading.


Cylinders and friction

I use an electric pump for therapy and followed the directions measuring for the right size cylinder but I notice when I use the pump the scrotum wants suck inside the tube a little and pulls the testicle up a little and causes some pain. Should this happen at all with the right size tube?

Thanks zy

dynamic pumping

Originally Posted by zy
Is there a recommended penis pump to use for overcoming ED? I have an electric pump but using it discreetly and getting it set up is noisy and time consuming.


I got into pumping because of this thread and I found pumping certainly enhanced my EQ. I do suffer from ED (I am 69). I found dynamic pumping especially good after reading a thread by HomerJS called Dynamic Stretching. Because of the benefits I moved onto Dynamic water pumping using a Mr Fantastic electric pump. My EQ got still better and I also gained MSEG of at least 1/2” from 5” TO 5.5” and can up to 5.75” on a good day. There are many ways of dynamic pumping and I started out as Homer JS by manually cycling the max vacuum.



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