Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping when you have ED; the short version, according to Avocet8

5 minutes each? I averaged an hour when I didn’t masturbate.. Good read!

Starting BPEL: 8". Starting girth: 6.5"

Goal BPEL: 9.5". Goal girth: 7.5"

Started's Samurai 9/2020

Is it recommended to take a dose of sildenafil 30 minutes before pumping

Your quote “having some erections leads to even more erections” (paraphrasing a bit) is spot on I think. This makes a lot of sense. I remember for one period in life where a lot was going one (long story) I was getting CONSTANT erections during the day. Seriously it was probably 10-15 HARD random erections throughout the day.

Recently I’ve stopped masturbating and watching porn, and also sometime go through long periods of not having sex. I think that hinders a lot as well. Maybe it’s true that if you don’t use it you do indeed lose it, haha.

My ED is a result of a traumatic pelvic injury. I hope to regain what I lost.

Old thread but a good one. I don’t have ED, but my baseline EQ isn’t that good, however, I am in great shape physically. I recently started pumping again with a light 50 jelq warm up followed by one 10 minute set @3”hg. It doesn’t sound like much, but my erections are already improving. Night wood is back and increasing. Sometimes less is more with pumping. I will stick with this routine until I feel like I need to add another 10 minute set.

My EQ went from 80% to 95% in 2 months with water pumping, thank you for the advice here. I have never felt such a hard erection until I water pumped. In my 40’s and always got hard easily, sex for the last 14 years 2-4 times a week for 30-45 min each time.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Great thread. A few questions on my mind

Has anyone been able to treat their ED completely with just pumping? Without any Cialis or Tadalafil?

How long did it take if yes and how bad was the ED

I read some guys were able to fill their tube, I have just started pumping, I am pumping 3 sessions of 5mins between 3 to 5Hg, I feel although my penis gets erect during the pump, but I am the same length as I would be when erect. Is there something I need to do differently to feel like I am close to filling up the tube?

When I deflate the pump, I lose the erection immediately, how are others with ED able to have sex right after? Is cock ring the only way?(I don’t want to take ed pills for reasons I cited on my thread)

Should I try to pump with a cock ring , like entering the cylinder with it or that could be dangerous?

Lastly I have seen in some progress pictures penises with a bulge near the gland, I am guessing fluid build up, I don’t want that, is there something I can do to avoid that? I am not circumsized.

Sorry for so many questions, just thought it would be better to ask all at once than keep replying multiple times.

If you’re main focus is ED then my advice is to focus on health. Don’t think about packing a tube etc. Just focus on getting blood flowing etc. Some are lucky, I’m not, and pack quickly. Racing though can lead to the things your concerned with. Just do as Avocet suggested (still golden advice after all these years). Short sessions. 3-6hg. Regularly.

Over time you may just look down and realise you too pack the tube.

I do basically the above. Slow and steady. in 3/4 of a year I’m about 3cm longer and girthier. Excellent erections in my mid forties. I keep growing and not comparing to anyone but myself. It’s nice being bigger but only if it works well.

Hope that helps. Never taken any drugs so can’t help on that sorry.

Thanks @merlinthewizard for your reply, I agree my focus is on getting back erections as I am suffering with ED. I am doing as you said short sessions of 3 sets of 7mins at 5hg. I just don’t know if I am doing something wrong I keep losing my erection as soon as I deflate the pump. I will keep pumping to see if with time I am able to hold an erection.
If anyone has ED and pumps I would be glad to know what to do differently.

Great progress @merlinthewizard, 3cm and girthier in less than a year is awesome.


The more I go on this journey the more I tend to agree with Avocet. I’m also finding that short 5 minute sessions deliver about the same results as 7-10 minute ones. I’m nowadays sometimes doing 2x 5 min sessions in a row with 25 jelqs (massages) or just 5 min sessions on their own. I try to do a minimum of 5 minutes a day and ideally 20 minutes. I don’t overthink it.

On the ED are you getting erections at night or waking up? I think that’s the sign that you’re starting to get your piping working again. At least that’s my understanding from what I picked up from Avocet.

As with most things be patient. If you keep the pressure low you can’t be doing any harm.

Thanks @merlinthewizard for looking out.

Yes you are right 5mins does feel more comfortable, definitely less pulling

The next day after I pumped for the first time I had an erection in the morning, other than that no I don’t get erections in the morning nor night. Have your morning hood returned after pumping ? If so how long before you started getting them

Wanted to know when you have ED and you pump without any medication are you able to have an erection good enough for intercourse. I still seem to get soft the moment I take off the pump

Fortunately I don’t have ED. I experienced some issues during a hyper stressful phase of life but that is behind me.

I’m sorry I can’t help much. I do know that I come out of the pump engorged but not hard. I don’t think it matters to come out hard. I think you’re looking at just getting the blood flowing and system working again. More morning wood and night wood etc should come over time.

Hey Average07, as disappointing as it is, you will come out of the pump soft. Its just a mechanical filling of the penis, so don’t get demoralized! An erection is going to come from your partner, or thoughts of them etc. It is a good idea to put on a CR before pumping. It keeps down the edema as it can help block the fluid. A cock ring will keep the erection longer after coming out of the tube and if your partner is there, then you may be on your way to a great time. Keep the pressures low and keep your attitude up! You will make great progress as you stay consistent and as you learn more about how your body works.

@Average - consider wearing a cock ring over shaft and balls for 1 to 3 hours max after a good pump. This will help with the pump feeling staying longer and in theory assist with growth. Please note that you will get some more or a lot of EDEMA. However, use your new plump feeling wisely. Take it slow for MONTHS, yes Months and see what balance works best for you.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Hi @merlinthewizard , I don’t know why I thought I would come out hard, I was hoping to be able to pump and get an erection right before intercourse, To avoid taking any pills for ED. But you are right hopefully with the morning hood my mental state would be better , and I can expect an improvement on the ED. Glad you overcame yours

@lazerchicken Yes I finally got it, all this while I was thinking something must be massively wrong with me that even the pump can’t keep me hard. I am keeping it low for now and pumping daily, hoping to see some progress soon :fingercrossed

@Bemorethanbig I will try wearing a cock ring, maybe not for that long, I really don’t want edema. And yes the idea is to pump consistently for the next year and see how it goes. Hopefully I will have some nice progress stories for you guys soon

Thanks everyone for the moral support


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