Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping 101

bump bump

everyone what are your routines and your results with pumping?

lets keep a nice big long thread with tons of information on pumping and advice

I’ve posted mine. I’m always a little reluctant to talk about specific routines because what might work well for me might not work at all well for others. And, I change mine when I get the intuition I should.

For me PE comes down to two issues: how much time do I have for this? and what feels good in terms of comfortable lig and tissue stress? These are very subjective decisions. It’s about feel.



Hi to all the fellow pumpers. I have pumped alone and then just jelqed. When I put them together, I “feels” the best. Time will tell. I jelq around 7-8 minutes, pump about 10-12, then jelq (slow, almost a squeeze) 7-10 minutes. I warm up before with warm-hot water and stretches. I use warm water when I cool down, too. When I do that second jelq, boy, it looks and feels good, better than jelqing alone. So, jelqing and pumping is a good routine in my book. I also try to get an erection and get is as hard as I can for about 5 minutes afterwards. Anyway, that’s it, and thanks to Avocet8 and the other guys who contribute to the PE knowledge kitty. His post helped me decide pumping and jelqing is a good combination.

very true

Originally posted by avocet8
It's about feel.

The more PE I do, the more I read, the more I think it boils down to this point.

Guys ask “When do I need a rest day?”, “How many hours a day should I PE?”, “How long do I need to jelq for?”, “How much pressure should I exert?”etc.

Obviously we are all new to PE at the beginning, and what seems clear now, wasn’t back then. And one must not be tempted to overdo it at the beginning. I took months to get my jelqing routine right. And when I did, I knew it immediately. It FELT right.

Guys, you really have to LISTEN to your johnson. If you don’t feel it is working, good chance it isn’t. If you feel you have had a good seesion, good chance you have. If you feel like a rest, take it.

Do what FEELS right for you.


Well said, Guiri.

I never felt that a very strenous session helped me if I felt at all beat-up after it. A good session for me is sensing nice stretching during it and still feeling sexually invigorated afterward. I know a lot of guys do very stressful workouts. But if I can’t get a decent hard-on after PE, I don’t feel good about the session.




Do you know if anyone on this forum combines both hanging and pumping and what their success has been doing both? I haven’t seen any posts. In addition, I assume one would jelq in concert with hanging/pumping.

Also, I’ve read where pumping does not give permanent gains, but I can’t beileve this to be true - what have you found?

Thanks, Glenn

glenn delta

I hang, pump, uli, 6 days a week 3 on 1 off


Hey Jelq

I guess you think it’s working - for some reason I thot guys only did one or the other. What’s the advantge od doing both? By the way, up to 4 rings, wear them all the time accept to take a shower - took your advice and started wrapping them this a.m./ While I don’t care about the brass touching my skin, they AREN’T polished brass, kinda grotty, so thot I didn’t want my nut sack to turn green (heard of blue balls but not green ones).


glenn delta

The advantage should be faster gains! and more girth!

Well thats what im hopeing!


I might be out of line here, but...

…might I suggest that this excellent thread be pinned at the top of the Pumper’s Forum? Alternately, might we consider creating a “Classic Posts” forum for threads such as this one, The Horse440, et al? (Maybe with thread redirects so they can still be found through their original fora).

Just a thought =)

Hey Jabari,

I stuck this thread for you, it should have been stuck a long time ago. Thanks !!

On the Classic Posts idea, how would we determine which are the classic posts?? Let the members do it with the “rate a thread option”?

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Re: Hey Jelq

Originally posted by Glenn Delta
While I don't care about the brass touching my skin, they AREN'T polished brass, kinda grotty, so thot I didn't want my nut sack to turn green (heard of blue balls but not green ones).



You buy a cheap ring; you get a green finger. Shoulda gone for the platinum.



Avocet & Thunder


great idea! Designer Scrotum Stretchers. Platinum, gold, silver - ANNND jewel-encrusted rings for your jewels. Shit, I’m in the wrong business


Thanks Thunder =)

And I just remembered the thread rating thing when I saw the stars next to this thread today.. if only there were a way to make more active use of them :P

Re: green balls, what about wrapping your sac in a sock, like the set-up BBS mentionned in the “Cyberstud low balls” thread in the Main Forum? It keeps the boys warm, -and- it prevents skin contact with tarnishing agents.


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