Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by coclor
How much pressure would you say is to much? Most I see say around 5Hg or maybe 6Hg. But what if you don’t feel any pressure at that point?

I asked that question a few posts up if you look. I got told that 5Hg should be the red limit. Its okay to go a little higher if you feel you aren’t fully engorged, but not much more. I tried today at 7HG and I got a big red spot after one session, so I am staying at 5Hg.

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by coclor
How much pressure would you say is to much? Most I see say around 5Hg or maybe 6Hg. But what if you don’t feel any pressure at that point?

It isn’t about what you feel (unless it’s pain, in which case it’s definitely too much).

That’s why the general recommendation is to pump with a gauge. At low vacuum levels, you may not feel the vacuum much. That doesn’t mean that it’s not effective.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Hi before I commit to start pumping, may I know if permanent results could be achieve with it ?

I don’t feel any pain at higher pressure even at 10Hg or above, have gone up to 20Hg,only a slight pain of the tube against my body. But I’ll try the lower pressure to see how it goes. I was just going by the point when I did feel a good pull. I only go for 10mins. Tried longer but got what is called the “doughnut effect”.

Originally Posted by coclor
I don’t feel any pain at higher pressure even at 10Hg or above, have gone up to 20Hg

Don’t do that again. EVER.

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Originally Posted by Miburo
Hi before I commit to start pumping, may I know if permanent results could be achieve with it ?

Before you commit to start pumping, I’d suggest that you read a few of the threads here about pumping and members’ experiences with pumping.

From those threads, you’ll learn that many do get permanent results from pumping. So, the short answer is yes, but you’ll understand ‘why’ a lot better if you do some reading here. And if your next question is to for someone to suggest a routine or equipment, again, look at the existing threads first.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Hello all:

I have been lurking at Thunder’s for a few months, but have just started the newbie routine at the first of this month (December ‘07). I am taking it slowly and gently. So far so good.

Reading this thread and others in the pumping forum has convinced me that I would really like to add pumping to my PE routine.

If I were to closely follow all the guidelines laid out in this thread (slow, low pressure, short sessions), when do you vets think it would be ok to start pumping?

Tomorrow? One month from now? Three months from now?

Secondly, I am looking at getting one of the Boston Pump cylinders and am wondering which style might provide the best seal. They have a contour, a curved flange, and flat flange, and one with no flange at all.

I don’t mind trimming my pubic hair but would rather not shave completely if possible. Do any of these bases look better than others?

The Boston cylinder page w pics:

No new theories or routines out there? :)
I’ve had a four week break from the pump now after some bad discoloration. In the meantime I hung just to make sure I maintained the earlier earned length. Anyhow, I’m starting again and I need more advice this time. I’ve read that more and more are pumping on low pressure but for very long sessions (30-40 minutes). How many sets should I start out with and end up with? I tried two 30min-sets today at 3Hg, and I felt very heavy, with no pain or discoloration - success?


Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal
No new theories or routines out there? :)
I’ve had a four week break from the pump now after some bad discoloration. In the meantime I hung just to make sure I maintained the earlier earned length. Anyhow, I’m starting again and I need more advice this time. I’ve read that more and more are pumping on low pressure but for very long sessions (30-40 minutes). How many sets should I start out with and end up with? I tried two 30min-sets today at 3Hg, and I felt very heavy, with no pain or discoloration - success?



Give us an update in 24 hours and tell us whether it was successful or not. Keep an eye on your PIs, too. What is your schedule?

In your 30 minute set - was that uninterrupted, at a static vacuum?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 03-12-2008 at . Reason: successful for success

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal
No new theories or routines out there? :)
I’ve had a four week break from the pump now after some bad discoloration. In the meantime I hung just to make sure I maintained the earlier earned length. Anyhow, I’m starting again and I need more advice this time. I’ve read that more and more are pumping on low pressure but for very long sessions (30-40 minutes). How many sets should I start out with and end up with? I tried two 30min-sets today at 3Hg, and I felt very heavy, with no pain or discoloration - success?


For just starting up after recovering from discoloration, I would suggest making your set times shorter, on the order of 12-15 minutes each. The longer you pump for, the more likely for the blood to lose oxygen and get dark. Still keep the pressures low. The most important thing when returning after a long break is not to go back to the condition you just recovered from. :)

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Guys, since this is probably the most important thread on the pumpers area, I will just write a few things to some of our folks.

Gprent, I’ve been trying longer sessions at 3Hg (2x25) and I’ve been getting a pretty good expansion. Anyway, as I’ve just started doing that, I can’t exactly report if I’m getting any sort of discoloration. Do you think I should change things a bit and choose to do more sets of less time (3x15)? I have the idea that I can’t get the same expansion when I do more than 2 sets, which is basically why I’ve decided for the 2x25min approach. Well, tell me what you think.

Lampwick, I’ve also followed your advice and started to pump at a non-erect state (I enter the tube 100% erect, and then go read some book or do whatever). I will report if I gain from this. Until now, it just feels good, and it’s a fantastic sensation of relief not having to watch porn to keep me aroused. I’m not a puritan, it just doesn’t feel right.

Avocet, I’m still following most of your advices, and they have allowed me to grow 1” in a year. I will never forget what you did for me! Thanks!

Peforeal, I still haven’t tried the velcro wrap, still trying to build an ADS based on a pipe foam cylinder, first. Time will tell if I can make it.

I think I’ve reached a plateau. I’m not getting any longer since December, but my girth seems to be slowly developing. Anyway, what should I do? Wait for it to pack the tube (it will take a long time, I think) and then hope that it will allow me to get some length gains, or should I target length as well as girth at this point? I’m 6.3 x 4.9, and I’d like to reach my goal of 7x5.5.

My routine:
5 min hot wrap
30 sec manual stretches in all directions, including the cat, the dog, the fridge, etc :D
2x25 at 3Hg
total of 300 jelqs
5 min hot wrap

Thanks in advance. Love you all. Big big hug!

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Originally Posted by G_want7
Gprent, I’ve been trying longer sessions at 3Hg (2x25) and I’ve been getting a pretty good expansion. Anyway, as I’ve just started doing that, I can’t exactly report if I’m getting any sort of discoloration. Do you think I should change things a bit and choose to do more sets of less time (3x15)? I have the idea that I can’t get the same expansion when I do more than 2 sets, which is basically why I’ve decided for the 2x25min approach. Well, tell me what you think.

I think you should definitely give 3Hg(3X15) at least one try. I am willing to bet you will get the same or better expansion and with a little less trauma, whether obvious or not. There is also nothing wrong with doing (3X15) one day and (2X25) the next. Variety is always a good idea in my opinion.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
I think you should definitely give 3Hg(3X15) at least one try. I am willing to bet you will get the same or better expansion and with a little less trauma, whether obvious or not. There is also nothing wrong with doing (3X15) one day and (2X25) the next. Variety is always a good idea in my opinion.

Thanks for the advice G. Well, the only reason why I am considering stop doing the 2x25 is because of discoloration. I am feeling fantastic doing that, but I really wouldn’t like to darken my penis in a way that it turns to be irreversible.

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

First of all, the pump is a miracle thing to me. I have a vascular problem getting blood to the penis and it staying there. I was very pleased with the size of my penis initially and just had to have the pump to get it up. Not only does the pump get it up rock hard, but I have noticed that I have gained a lot of girth particularly and about an inch in length that I did not intend to do. However my friend says she is very happy about the pump because I can “really tear her ass up” she says. Whatever, as I said, the pump it the best thing out there and believe you me you will have “a dick of steel” when you pump up that sucker.happy pumping.paperclip

Originally Posted by kelley new
First of all, the pump is a miracle thing to me. I have a vascular problem getting blood to the penis and it staying there. I was very pleased with the size of my penis initially and just had to have the pump to get it up. Not only does the pump get it up rock hard, but I have noticed that I have gained a lot of girth particularly and about an inch in length that I did not intend to do. However my friend says she is very happy about the pump because I can "really tear her ass up" she says. Whatever, as I said, the pump it the best thing out there and believe you me you will have "a dick of steel" when you pump up that sucker.happy pumping.paperclip

Congratulations on your gains and your improved EQ (erectile quality), Kelley New.

You might also find the thread Vacuum Pumping when you have ED; the short version, according to Avocet8 of interest, if you have not read through it already.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


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