Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping 101

Spahettidick, how much heat do you use before a session? I’ve recently ditched my pump and started sucking on the tube in my shower because I can easily get a lot of heat in the shower (and for privacy reasons). The downside is that I can’t tell what the pressure is, but I’m sure that the heat makes it so that I can pump higher without any negative signs or pain. Also I’m getting even better expansion this way.

Wow thank you so much for letting me in on this information. I’ll give it a try.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

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Sure bro, I’ve even tried putting hot water in the tube this way too and I’m liking that a lot. Good luck.

What kind of pump do you have? I have a lapdist deluxe package one and I’m guessing to do this you just attach the hose regularly like you would to the cylinder, but then detach it from the pump? It seems pretty tight on the pump, I don’t want to damage anything. How did you get it off? Or are you just really flexible and suck on the cylinder with your mouth lol?

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

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I keep the hose on the tube, I just take it off the pump. I got the same package except skipped out on the DVD. You need to pull the hose off of the pump (It is kind of stuck on pretty well but just keep working at it until its off). I used my fingernails and kept trying to get under it and slowly but surely it came off, nothing broken, so don’t worry It’s not attached with glue or anything, but still be careful. Its well worth it.

I put really warm water on in the shower and after I warm up I put on some lube and start pumping. I’ll suck into the tube until I get a right level of expansion and either hold the pressure in with my finger, or put something in the way of the tube. Then I angle the cylinder under the hot water to keep heat on it. What I have been doing recently is catching hot water in my mouth and putting that into the cylinder through the hose and then tilting the cylinder upwards so I can pump back up and suck only the air out. Try it and see if you like it, I don’t ever want to be caught by my roommate while pumping (almost happened) and since I take it you’re in a dorm also, I think shower pumping is ideal. I cant wait to go home and do it in my hot tub (discretely)!

Yeah haha I am in a dorm also. Definitely don’t want to be caught. Yeah the hose is pretty tight like I’m scared I won’t be able to get it back on if I take it off. Have you tried putting it back on?

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

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Yeah I squeezed it back on in less than a second, then I had trouble getting it back off again! The trick is using your fingernails and being persistent. I doubt I’ll ever use my pump again being using my mouth is that much more convenient, and its something less to hide. Haha anyone want to buy a pump? ;)

Okay good good. Thanks again!

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Hey just wondering, in order to achieve growth through pumping, should we be making sure we see our dicks getting bigger than normal in the tube compared to our normal measurements out of the tube, or will this happen over time (dick grows on days off so when we get back to our “on” days, we will see it longer or thicker in the tube)?

What exactly should we be shooting for here and looking for?

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
Hey just wondering, in order to achieve growth through pumping, should we be making sure we see our dicks getting bigger than normal in the tube compared to our normal measurements out of the tube, or will this happen over time (dick grows on days off so when we get back to our “on” days, we will see it longer or thicker in the tube)?

What exactly should we be shooting for here and looking for?

Its a good question. I compare pumping to clamping in a way - you want it to expand during the session. I think someone like Westla for example, could give you the anatomic explaination to why.

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Yes I am hoping a vet may chime in here if they understand my question like gprent or peforeal or avocet. I tried to qord it the best I could.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Hi every body.

Do you think you professional pumpers that I can break my plateau after my newbie one inch gain in BPEL.

thank you

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
Hey just wondering, in order to achieve growth through pumping, should we be making sure we see our dicks getting bigger than normal in the tube compared to our normal measurements out of the tube, or will this happen over time (dick grows on days off so when we get back to our “on” days, we will see it longer or thicker in the tube)?

What exactly should we be shooting for here and looking for?

We all have pumping days when our cocks look larger than a normal erection, inside the tube. We all also have days when it doesn’t look like it meets our hopes or expectations from the pumping.

My theory is, so long as you are erect in the tube under vacuum pressure, what is supposed to happen, will happen. Gains occur slowly. Be prepared to commit for the long run. What looks like a major gain in one day is usually a flash in the pan. Though a sign that better things may be in your long-range future.

That help?



Yeah thanks.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

How much pressure would you say is to much? Most I see say around 5Hg or maybe 6Hg. But what if you don’t feel any pressure at that point?


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