Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by AlmaDiedAlone
Avocet, do you think my routine will work? I know it varies from person to person, but does it sound good?

5 minute hot wrap
10 minute 3-5 hg pump
100 jelqs
1 minute maual clamp
10 minute 3-5 hg pump
1 minute manual clamp or stretches

Done 4x a week, M/W/Th/F

Sounds pretty good to me. You can cut down a couple minutes on your warm wrap. Any flaccid cock will heat through in 2 - 3 minutes.

You have a clamp in there. Why not start with some stretching after warm up?

How long have you been doing this? Any signs of gain so far?



Originally Posted by avocet8
Sounds pretty good to me. You can cut down a couple minutes on your warm wrap. Any flaccid cock will heat through in 2 - 3 minutes.

You have a clamp in there. Why not start with some stretching after warm up?

How long have you been doing this? Any signs of gain so far?

Yeah, just a small manual clamp. I want to get used to that, so I can actually clamp in the future. I want girth more than anything. Why do you recommend stretching after my warmup?

A little over, what, 2-3 weeks now? Yes, some slight gains. Well, flaccid hang is DEFINITELY more pronounced. Thicker and everything too. Some times it’s a bit towards normal, but slightly improved, and other times it’s just like…wow.

Erect measurements seem improved. Length I’ll say 100%, but girth shuffles between 4.75 and 5.00. I think it’s more often towards 5.00 now, so it probably has increased slightly.

I’m hoping for 8” NBP and 6” G midshaft. Shouldn’t be too difficult to obtain, I’m 7-7.5 x 5 or so now.

I just started pumping last week. After a couple of months, when I’m doing 2 or 3 sets a day, should I do the sets back-to-back with jelqing in between, or should I do one set earlier in the day and another later?

Your choice. I find it more convenient to do the manual exercises between pump sets.



Thanks for the quick response avocet!

Hello all.

I have just restarted pumping after a 2 year absence and have a few questions for anyone who can answer.

When I initially began pumping 2 years ago I had done it for approx. 2 months and had made a small gain in the tube (1/2 in.) and what appeared to look like a minimal out of tube gain while receiving oral from my ex when I was fully erect. My measurements while out of the tube remained the same as when I began and hadn’t measured for a few weeks when receiving oral as described above.

I have been back at it for three weeks now and have had an astonishing gain while in the tube.close to an entire inch in length. No increase yet in anything out of the tube.

I’m packing the tube (9 X 1.75) halfway down my shaft with a noticeable tapering from half way onward. I’m 5.5 lenght and 5in. Girth when erect.

I’ve followed the protocol Avocet has laid out and have accelerated to one 20 minute session followed by a ten minutes session in these three weeks. I think my previous experience had conditioned me somewhat and I’m able to progress faster than I had before as far as time and pressure.

I’ll start with light Jelq for 2-3 minutes as a warm up, followed by either the 10 or 20 minute session (I alternate them) and do 100 Jelqs between sets. I’ll also do 30 or more stretches including and overhand stretch where I use my thumb as a fulcrum and bend my penis over (almost like bending it in half or doubling it over) as I stretch.

When in the tube I start off at 2-3 psi for 4-5 minutes and then increase to 5. Towards the end of the session I’ll go to 5.5 or 6 psi and stay there for the remainder of my time. I think that an incremental increase in pressure is beneficial and I like to be maxed out at the end of the session to ensure effectiveness.


1) Would there be a benefit from stopping pumping for a determined length of time before resuming?
(As mentioned my gains in the tube have been very very good so far)

2) How much gain in the tube equates with out of tube gains?
(I’m positive that there has to be something good which will come out of in tube gains even though measureable out of tube gains are nonexistent or negligeable.) I realize I’ve been at it for only 3 weeks and can’t expect miracles.

3)Does flaccid length and girth increase with gains in the tube?

Thanks in advance for your input. It’s great to be back guys.

I have a couple of questions for the pumpers as well. I’ve only been pumping for two weeks, but I want to know a few more things.

First of all, I’ve been pumping for 2 5-minute sessions the second week of pumping. I pump between 3-5” Hg. In between sets I do 5-10 minutes of jelqing. I’ve also thrown in a few holds after my last session. I notice that right when I take the pump off my penis is dark purple. It looks bruised. Is this normal, or a sign of overtraining? I don’t want to stifle my gains.

Second, how long have most of you been pumping before noticing measurable erect gains? I’ve read somewhere around 2 months. Is this reasonable? I’m looking for girth. How long before most of you noticed a substantial girth gain?

Hey newjaydot,

I’ve had the same look after a session. I massage it immediately after a pump session and the color returns to normal after a few minutes. From what I’ve read you’re overdoing it if it remains that color after your session is over.but digress to the veterans’ opinion.

I just want to add that, in my experience, warming up with heat and the ability to continue having good errections is true. The first time I pumped (last week), I didn’t warm up and for 2-3 days I had weak erections. Then, I followed some of your advices and used a heat pad and I didn’t have any other errection problem. On the opposite, my errections are stronger and more frequent.

How many days a week do you guys suggest pumping? I’ve just started 2 weeks ago. I currently do 5 days, Monday-Friday. Is this too much? Too little?

I’m thinking of adding clamping as well. I’ve been doing PE for 4 months now. How many days a week should I clamp with pumping?

Thanks all!

Five days on, two off is a good schedule.

If you haven’t clamped before, try doing it after your last pump set.




Question: After I pump for a certain time, the ridges of the foreskin swell as if they were injected with sillicone :D . I don’t pump much, only 3 X 5 minutes with series of jelqs in between. This hasn’t caused me any problem yet, the swelling goes away after 1-2 hours, but I wanted to know if it was normal. Thanks.

You’re getting some lymphatic fluid buildup. Normal for some guys.



All right. Thanks.


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