Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

The guys who have Kaplan’s seem to like them.

Until that arrives, don’t do any pumping with the setup you now have. Without a gauge, you have no idea what pressure you’re using.

And, yes, take a week off from PE, or until your normal erection cycle comes back.




The fact that sometimes it gives suction and sometimes doesn’t also creates a problem.

One thing that I did notice, however, I was able to pump to the length that I had achieved last year using the ADS machine.

I was able to work up to an erection last night. But, I’ve always had a problem with duration. I do use cock rings now. Will, pumping help me get rid of the cock ring eventually?

How is your success avocet?

I received the pump today.

The pump instructions say that you must have a full erection and then go to -10.

Avocet, you recommend -5.

I was just wonder what people usually use to get results.

I trust Avocet because of experience.

Any other users that have shown good gains? Do you use -10 or -5?


Originally Posted by phantasm
Any other users that have shown good gains? Do you use -10 or -5?

I use -5 at most. I frequently use less.

Consider starting your session at -2, and gradually increase to -5.

For that matter, if you’re just starting out, you won’t do any harm by staying lower. Increase gradually as you get more experience and you develop a better idea of what your penis will tolerate. And watch your PIs!

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Avocet 8, A question to you and any other experienced pumpers.

Would you say that your increase in girth is due to expanded corpa cavernosa or thicker skin?

How much would you say that your own penis skin has thickened through pumping?

Are your erections as firm today as they were before you started pumping?

Are your erections in any way spongy?

Because some of the pictures I’ve seen of pumped cocks, they look a quite spongy even when erect. Like the skin is really thick, rather than a huge hard cock… you know what I mean?

I’m looking for some reassurance before I dive head-first into this pumping malarkey

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

My skin never thickened. What did happen a couple months into pumping was that I found I had more skin, very apparent when I was flaccid, but the same thickness as before. Fairly quickly my CCs began to fill out the new skin excess to allow for the girth/length increase. Now, no excess skin. Just right. I think that more skin surface is one of the first signs of gain.

No spongy erections. Good and firm.

Don’t look at the bloated photos. Nobody has to look like that unless he wants to.



Originally Posted by King_G
Because some of the pictures I’ve seen of pumped cocks, they look a quite spongy even when erect. Like the skin is really thick, rather than a huge hard cock… you know what I mean?

Overpump, and you can get that effect, if that’s what you want. Hey, you can get spongy and lumpy looking, if that’s your thing. It’s not that the skin is thick, it’s that your cock is temporarily bloated with excess fluids.

Pump moderately, and your cock will not look or feel spongy, even immediately out of the cylinder.

It’s your choice.

Originally Posted by avocet8
My skin never thickened. What did happen a couple months into pumping was that I found I had more skin, very apparent when I was flaccid, but the same thickness as before. Fairly quickly my CCs began to fill out the new skin excess to allow for the girth/length increase. Now, no excess skin. Just right. I think that more skin surface is one of the first signs of gain.

My experience was the same, which makes sense: pumping expands the penis beyond what you would otherwise have at a full erection at atmospheric pressure, so skin stretching is taking place. The skin stretching takes place before the internal structures catch up.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 04-15-2007 at .

Originally Posted by avocet8
My skin never thickened. What did happen a couple months into pumping was that I found I had more skin, very apparent when I was flaccid, but the same thickness as before. Fairly quickly my CCs began to fill out the new skin excess to allow for the girth/length increase. Now, no excess skin. Just right. I think that more skin surface is one of the first signs of gain.

No spongy erections. Good and firm.

Don’t look at the bloated photos. Nobody has to look like that unless he wants to.


Very interesting. That is the same thing that surgeons do when they need to place an implant. They insert a balloon under the skin to stretch it and come back later to place some sort of implant.

Originally Posted by King_G
A question to you and any other experienced pumpers.
1.Would you say that your increase in girth is due to expanded corpa cavernosa or thicker skin?
2.How much would you say that your own penis skin has thickened through pumping?
3.Are your erections as firm today as they were before you started pumping?
4.Are your erections in any way spongy?

1. Girth increase is definitely in expanded corpa cavernosa and spongiosum and not thicker skin.
2. I don’t think my skin has thickened at all, but it has stretched out over the years to accommodate the permanent increase in girth when erect.
3. Erections are as firm today as before I started pumping.
4. Erections are only spongy on the rare occasion when I might have overpumped. By the end of the day I’m back to normal when any lymph buildup has dissipated, and my erections are their normal firm selves.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Last edited by peforeal : 04-15-2007 at .

I had a couple of questions sorry if they’ve been asked and answered already I must’ve missed them.

1. Are these machines loud? Because discreet would be very appreciated seeing as I live at home.
2. Would pumping along with manual exercises cause the pumping gains to be permanent?

Not that I’m in a rush to start pumping I’d just like general knowledge on this potential option.

Last comment, I also noticed how just with manual exercises how the skin expands before the CC. I’m sure this is the case no matter what method of PE you use.

Thank you

Originally Posted by JayPeace
I had a couple of questions sorry if they’ve been asked and answered already I must’ve missed them.

1. Are these machines loud? Because discreet would be very appreciated seeing as I live at home.
2. Would pumping along with manual exercises cause the pumping gains to be permanent?

1. Manual pumps are pretty quiet. I understand that electric pumps are noisier, but I have no firsthand experience with them.

2. I think that the general consensus on permanency is that a light maintenance routine is useful to keep your gains, although I’m pretty sure that I’ve read posts by those who have reported that they have stopped completely and kept most or all of their gains. I think that a light maintenance routine is useful in any case for general penis health.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I’ve been pumping for a few weeks now, and have THE BIG MANS PUMP (lol) from Adam and Eve. It is enormous at 12 inches in length and who knows what in girth. It came with a cheap squeeze bulb pumper which I just replaced with the Harbor Freight pump with a gauge. I’ve been doing two 10 minute sessions at around -5 and occasionally up to -6, at which point it gets uncomfortable. I get more than a half inch gain in length and the girth gets bigger. Probably a half inch if I had to guess.

Here is the question. Would there be a big benefit to getting a new cylinder that is about 2in in diameter and say.9 inches long? I would possibly pack the tube and then get length gains, right? If so, who sells a tube with just a regular nipple on the end I could hook my Harbor Freight pump to? I see some companies use a special fitting that probably wouldn’t be compatible with just a rubber tube.

Am I using an appropriate vacuum pressure?

Thanks, guys.

Starting : 03/20/07 7in. BPEL X 5in. EG

06/22/07 7.25in. BPEL X 5.15in. EG

Goal: 8X6


Based on Gprent’s excellent thread

Selecting Your Cylinder Size

with a five inch girth, you should be looking at a 1.75" tube. I’m guessing that a nine inch long cylinder should be OK if you’re seven inches BPEL now and aiming for eight, although Gprent suggests two to three inches longer than your current BPEL.

I don’t know of anyone who sells a quality cylinder with a nipple adapter, rather than a female disconnect. You could use your Harbor Freight pump with a male adapter and then use any of a number of quality cylinders from VacuTech, LAPump, and so on. Both VacuTech and LAPump will sell you just the male adapter along with your cylinder purchase, or you can order it directly from McMaster-Carr (part number 5012K251 is $1.30 plus shipping and handling).

If you do that, the male adapter is barbed, so you can use the Harbor Freight pump with your Big Man’s Pump when you choose, and put the adapter in the end of the tube (but not too far, or it won’t come out again…) when you want to use your 1.75" cylinder.

I note, with a quick check online, that the Big Man’s Pump comes with three sleeves to accommodate different girths. I take it that you are using one of those sleeves; you don’t need to tell me which one you are using, but if you’re using the small, I’d definitely go with the 1.75" cylinder. If you’re using the medium, the 2.0" cylinder might work out for you if used with care, but I’d be worried about the potential for getting your balls sucked in. That’s not a pleasant experience.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Thanks, Lampwick.

Good news about the companies selling the adapter. Looks like that is what I will do. I’ll probably go with the 1.75 tube because I want to shoot for length first.

I can use the small or medium ring with the “BIG MANS PUMP” (lol) but the large is too big. I press the tube into my skin for the suction, so I guess the ring size doesn’t matter so much. Just having the silicone around the base of the tube is what allows the tight seal.

Yeah, I do have problems with my balls with the big tube. I have to block them with the back of my hand as I hold the tube so that they don’t get sucked in. I’ve had them come close and even that didn’t feel too good. Lol

I had a good day yesterday and hit 8in in the tube. Normally I get a little over 7.5. Time to cement those gains!

Starting : 03/20/07 7in. BPEL X 5in. EG

06/22/07 7.25in. BPEL X 5.15in. EG

Goal: 8X6

Originally Posted by Bubs
I’ll probably go with the 1.75 tube because I want to shoot for length first.

When you get your new tube, add to the experience base; post to Gprent’s thread

Selecting Your Cylinder Size

with your size, the tube size you bought, and how it’s working out for you. It occurs to me that there are a lot of posters looking for guidance in buying a tube, but not so many reporting back on how things worked out for them.

Originally Posted by Bubs
Yeah, I do have problems with my balls with the big tube. I have to block them with the back of my hand as I hold the tube so that they don’t get sucked in. I’ve had them come close and even that didn’t feel too good. Lol

Some members have had success with applying a ‘ball stretcher’ or some sort of loose wrap or cinch around the balls to help keep them from getting drawn into the tube.

(Or, if the tube is REALLY that big, it might be suitable for whole package pumping… but that is its own thing…)

Originally Posted by Bubs
I had a good day yesterday and hit 8in in the tube. Normally I get a little over 7.5. Time to cement those gains!

Good going; keep it up! (so to speak…)

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


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