Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by andrewcopeland
Ok got it.. So 5 Hg for my 30 mins everyday is ok.

There is no way anyone here can answer that for you. It certainly sounds reasonable, but it your dick and only you will be able to answer that question.

Go ahead and start with that, but watch your EQ and PIs carefully, and make smart adjustments to your time and vacuum based on how your dick is reacting to that level of stress.

There is no other way to be successful.

Its like me saying, “how much should I eat a day, do you think 5 eggs, 3 pieces of toast and a half a chicken is enough?”

Well…how big are you, what is your body fat, how much physical work do you do, how much exercise…etc, right? THEN, are you losing fat or gaining it on that amount of food…right?

Same with PE, it crazy to think anyone can tell you the right amount of PE to do for you to gain. We can give you a general ballpark that may work for many, but there is no one workout that works for everyone.

However, if we say, as Avocet does, that you should be able to get a good hard erection when you are done, you now have a guideline that tells you something about what that workout did to YOU.

The PI thread and the EQ thread (linked at the bottom of my post) are designed to allow you to take the PE of your choice and TAYLOR it to a level where you are in real danger of being successful at growing a bigger dick.

As I have stated a post or so up, I am convinced that what we are doing with pumping is NOT expanding the tunica with the vacuum force, rather stimulating the smooth muscle to expand, which in turn will cause slow steady expansion of the tunica.

If you read the pros here like Avocet, Peforeal and Gprent, you will see that they all have come to the conclusion that steady modest vacuum over time will cause you to have a bigger dick, and you won’t have any injuries getting there.

If you think you are expanding your tunica with the vacuum, it tempts guys to get stupid and impatient.

Read this thread, read my PI and EQ thread, then you will have a much better chance of success.

So, to partially answer your question, don’t go above 5 in hg, and really if you are fairly new to this 3-4 is even better. Don’t look for a day to day increase of size, but certainly look for much improved flaccids and EQ. Those signs are great indicators that you are on the right track.

So many guys talk about pumping ruined their EQ…well, its because they are doing too much! Take me for example, I’m a vet here, and I pump at 4 in hg. I am currently doing 5 minutes at 4 in hg…FOR ONE SET!!!! If I go over that, it puts me into over training!

So, you really have to learn to read the indicators your body is giving you, then you will have a damn good chance for a bigger dick, but for certain you can have a much harder, better functioning dick.

Thanks for the help guys.. Been very worried

Originally Posted by andrewcopeland
Thanks for the help guys.. Been very worried

About what? If you are a beginner, try 3-4 in hg for 5 minutes, and see what your EQ is from that. If thats fine try increasing your time by 10-15%, and again see what that does to your EQ.

Its smarter to make small incremental changes and give it a day or a week, then increase it if all signs are good, then jump right in to 30 minutes if you are just starting out.

Remember, its slow and steady that wins this race.

I Got my pump from LAP Dist today :]!! I did my first pump 5hg x 10 minutes as instructed by Avocet, and it was AWESOME!

I can’t wait to get to next week so I can start increasing my Reps!

Also, is it normal for my pelvis(area around the fat pad) to be a bit sore from the suction? It was only sore for like 5 minutes.

The temporary soreness is caused by the unaccustomed pressure of the tube against your pubis. I can’t remember if I experienced that or not. It may be that you won’t notice it at all as you pump regularly.



Ok thanks!

Originally Posted by Lampwick
How long have you been pumping, TenInchGoal? And are you seeing anything different in the tube than when you started?

One of the early signs that pumping was working for me was that I started to pack the base of the cylinder more and more quickly over time.

I’ve gotten some signs in the beginning, better flaccid hang the rest of the day and the day after. And as those signs faded, I increased the time. But I got good EQ’s at all anymore. Just some lymph after three sets.

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal

I’ve gotten some signs in the beginning, better flaccid hang the rest of the day and the day after. And as those signs faded, I increased the time. But I got good EQ’s at all anymore. Just some lymph after three sets.

Your original question was:

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal

Measured recently, and no girth gains at all … How many 20-25 min sets should I do at 3-4hg really? 2-3 sets isn’t working.

Have you modified your routine, and how are things working for you?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Avocet8 - Have you any experience with the variable electric vacuum pumps?

Cycling the vacuum does seem like a good idea.

Never experienced a variable electric. But other guys here have. I hope they will comment.



Originally Posted by Lampwick
Your original question was:

Have you modified your routine, and how are things working for you?

I’ve quit it now, I got massive discoloration. I got a big red spot on the top, like a feelable knob, and a few under :( . I can’t even hang now, because the spots will remain/get worse. I need to peel those away, but how, is it possible when they are more than visible?

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

So I had been pumping for about a week and a 1/2 for 10 min a day at 5hg with no problems, so today I moved to one 15 minute session at 5hg, and upon returning to flaccid state I had the doughnut thing! Will this go away?

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal
I’ve quit it now, I got massive discoloration. I got a big red spot on the top, like a feelable knob, and a few under :( . I can’t even hang now, because the spots will remain/get worse. I need to peel those away, but how, is it possible when they are more than visible?

Sounds like some time off is in order.

Your original question had to do with getting little to no results with longer and longer sessions, as I recall. A deconditioning break may be in order. Let some healing happen, and then come back at it gently.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by CsUltimate
So I had been pumping for about a week and a 1/2 for 10 min a day at 5hg with no problems, so today I moved to one 15 minute session at 5hg, and upon returning to flaccid state I had the doughnut thing! Will this go away?

It will. Give it time.

One thing that I found helps is to do some jelqing after your session. In addition to bringing in fresh blood, it just seems to do a good job with evening out the fluid distribution in your penis. You don’t have to do many, or do them with much intensity. Someone else here has suggested that you bring yourself to full erection after your pumping session. I expect that would have the same effect.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Ok thanks for the advice!


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