Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping 101


I’m surprised you have not gotten bored enough to shoot for 9”

Originally Posted by avocet8
I’m about what I’ve been, for years now. I have a half inch of length that comes and goes. If I slip below 8 L, I get back to work. Doesn’t take long to get that back. A week or two. Otherwise I do very little PE. I have this psychological thing now about the 8 Inch Club, you see. :)

Some of this, of course, doesn’t make any sense at all. It’s about ego. When I was a very average 6 L, I had good, fun sex. I still have good, fun sex.

Thanks. Eight is the minimum I want to shoot for two. Only 2% of the world’s population have one and I think that is the size that looks good on a guy’s body. And yes, it is about ego. I mainly doing it for the locker room/nude beach.

1st Jun 07: EL: 6.0 inches. BPEL: 6.5 inches

1st Aug 08: 7" with the V-pump!

7"would be heaven, 8"would be great, 9" would be damn fine!

Very good information, it has answered alot of questions I had.

I do have a few questions left, I don’t have the money to buy a pump with a gauge, so I bought a cheaper one. Can I still use it? It is 2” ID, I am 5” NBPEL and 4”-4.25” Girth is this to big for me?


Originally Posted by Bagged84

Very good information, it has answered alot of questions I had.

I do have a few questions left, I don’t have the money to buy a pump with a gauge, so I bought a cheaper one. Can I still use it?

Yes. Carefully. Very carefully.

Originally Posted by Bagged84

It is 2" ID, I am 5" NBPEL and 4"-4.25" Girth is this to big for me?


This thread:

Selecting Your Cylinder Size

suggests that it is not the one that you would want to get if you could have your ideal size. However, in inexpensive pumps, you generally have limited choices in size. You will need to be careful not to suck one of your testicles into the tube while pumping. That is very painful. That’s another good reason to be very careful and stay with a low level of vacuum.

Over time, you have a good chance of developing more base girth, and as your base girth increases, this will be less of a problem.

With 4 - 4.25" girth, you might want to consider an aquarium cleaner tube. They may be better suited to your current girth, and are also inexpensive. Read this thread to find out more, and about other alternatives:

Homemade Tubes?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Thanks Lampwick!

Ok I have re-measured, my base girth is 4.25” and my mid-shaft girth is 4.5”. What size tube should I go with?

Also if I can use the cheap pump I bought, how can I tell if I’m getting the right amount pressure without a gauge?

Sorry for all the questions! The answers are appreciated!


Oh, I forgot to add that I’m working towards length and girth. I would like to get some girth more, but length gain would be fine too.



Here’s an exercise for you: as I already mentioned the thread Selecting Your Cylinder Size , why don’t you take a look at that and then tell me what you think? There is a chart very early on in the thread that you should find very helpful.

As for how you know you’re getting the right amount of pressure without a gauge, that can be tricky, which is why they make gauges.

You can\’t go on the basis of sensation, or pain. And you can’t know that you are ‘safe’ ‘because it doesn’t hurt yet’.

I take it that you can see through your cylinder. I would suggest that you pump to the bare minimum needed to get a seal, and then just a little more. VERY little. Keep your early sessions short and your vacuum levels very low. Watch your penis through the cylinder and see if you are getting any expansion, and how your color is. Don’t worry if you do not get expansion immediately.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Bagged84 - Lampwick is giving you excellent advice. Do every thing he says there exactly.

Additionally, you might take a look at this pump that comes with a gauge — $25.00 US dollars:

Lap pump = harbor freight tools pump

High quailty, sold by pumping vendors for $60.00 or more. I have it and it is excellent. Direct link here:

Harbor Freight Tools – Quality Tools at Discount Prices Since 1977

I measured a few days ago, and I gained my first quarter inch in Mid-EG, now at 5.75 exactly. My base girth is well over 6”, although I did not measure for exact size. It is such a wonderful feeling making gains, however slight they may be. I’m definitely sticking with pumping, the expansion, and harder erections are incredible.

Started 4/20/08 BPEL 7.0 EG 5.5

Current 9/08 7 3/8 BPEL X 5.75 MSEG

Aiming for a more realistic goal - 8 NBPEL 6.5 MSEG

Guage readings

OK - I have to ask this! I have a Kaplan pump - The gauge reads as follows: -5 then -10 then -15 etc .. As in negative 5 and negative 10 etc - So what PRESSURE should I stay below to not get hurt? I keep seeing 5 and 6 - But I am just not sure what you guys are meaning. My guage reads both HG and BAR.

Thanks for any help!

Are you just starting with pumping, mnytalnts? If you are, I would recommend that you use very low vacuum (not pressure) for a short period of time. To throw out a number, try starting at 2 inHg.

Don’t rush into more vacuum or longer sessions too quickly, and resist the temptation to use more vacuum or more time than you had intended. Set your targets before your session, and stick with them. And read the very first post in this thread by avocet8, and the threads Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth! and Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections: .

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Thanks Lampwick! I am not really new to it, but I just wanted to make sure I was reading things right. It just didn’t seem like 3 (that some post) was enough. I typically am at about -5 HG ( apx -0.2 BARS). I just keep reading about people filling the tube. That just never happens for me in 10 mins. I would have to have a ton of pressure to fill the tube and would take more than 10 mins (I have done it before, for sure not a good idea), maybe that just takes time with lower pressures? I am not new to pumping, but I am new to understanding the proper way to do it if that makes sense.

Thank you for your response.


-5 inHG is not a bad pumping level. How long do you pump for, and for how many sets? Rest days?

More than 10 minutes in a session is not bad, as long as you are not just starting out. Some can fill the tube at low vacuum quickly, for some it takes more time, and some have observed that they just do not seem to see expansion until they use more vacuum than 2 or 3 inHG.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I go -5 to -7hg actually. At least on my gauge, -2 or -3 would do nothing for me and would barely hold the cylinder on me. I go for 2 sets of 10 mins. It def pulls on my member which I like and it does engorge it. But unless I went MUCH longer it does not start hitting the sides of the tube. Should I go longer? I do other typical PE (Stretching, jelq, etc) in conjunction. The best “feeling” I get is at -10hg. I have been pumping and PEing about 6 months now off and on - But have made a recent commitment to track everything and be serious about it.

I have one to two rest days a week. Depending on how I am feeling.

A relevant quote from one of the thunder’s vets:

gprent - Soft when I exit pump

Originally Posted by gprent

I have been staying in the 3”hg range for quite a while now and my results are the best ever. Seems I really wasted a lot of time, like years, trying to make pumping at high pressure work. If you want to skip all the hassle and go right to getting consistent excellent results, just try pumping at low pressure for a week. I do three 12 to 15 minute sets every work out with a massage to full erection between each set. Finish off your routine with a full erection for at least 5 minutes. You will be impressed with you flaccid size and EQ.

Originally Posted by G_want7

G, you are a genius. I’ve tried just exactly as you said, and all I can say is that I’ve got the best erection quality (and size) ever! Thanks my friend!!!

It might be worth trying it for a week as gprent suggests to see what happens. It certainly worked pretty well for me.


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