Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by YesSir12345
Thanks Sparky.

I was just curious, has anyone ever tried using urethral sounds in conjunction with pumping?
I had this idea that if you stick a thick enough rod in your penis while pumping, will it help with gains?
I was thinking that if you did this, the chambers would expand more outward rather than inward, resulting in a better stretch and better gains.
Just an idea though.

This is another fetish my girl and I share. I’ve actually been using sounds since I was a boy starting with sterilizing Lego rods (haha). Currently I’m up to a 3/8 of an inch diameter rod. I bought a set of them with sizes 1-17. The 3/8” rod is the number 10 size. I can fit the #11, but it takes quite a bit of work and hurts a lot.

Ok, now it makes sense.

This isn’t going to help your PE, just make sure you keep them real clean or else you can really have some problems.

Originally Posted by YesSir12345
Thanks Sparky.

I was just curious, has anyone ever tried using urethral sounds in conjunction with pumping?
I had this idea that if you stick a thick enough rod in your penis while pumping, will it help with gains?
I was thinking that if you did this, the chambers would expand more outward rather than inward, resulting in a better stretch and better gains.
Just an idea though.

This is another fetish my girl and I share. I’ve actually been using sounds since I was a boy starting with sterilizing Lego rods (haha). Currently I’m up to a 3/8 of an inch diameter rod. I bought a set of them with sizes 1-17. The 3/8” rod is the number 10 size. I can fit the #11, but it takes quite a bit of work and hurts a lot.

I have tried pumping with sounds a couple of times. My favorite size is the 5/16”. I figured the sound would expand internally while the pump expanded externally. Thing is, I like to keep things simple and setting up with the sounds and the pump is a bit of a hassle, so I haven’t tried it enough to know if it helps with gains. Just talking about it though has got me interested to try it again. :) It is also fun to pump up and then use the sounds after.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by YesSir12345
…I am a pumper and I wanted to ask all those PE Gurus and Pumpers out there when the best time for pumping is. Is it best to pump in the morning after you wake up or is it best to pump at night before bed? …

After pumping for 7 years, I’ve found that pumping in the morning is much more effective and efficient for me than in the evening. Probably because my testosterone level is higher in the a.m., I get a fuller pump and longer erect stretch in the tube.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal
After pumping for 7 years, I’ve found that pumping in the morning is much more effective and efficient for me than in the evening. Probably because my testosterone level is higher in the a.m., I get a fuller pump and longer erect stretch in the tube.

I second all that, PLUS if pumping fatigues your penis, you have the whole day to recover and allow you to have maximum nite wood, which I believe is a huge benefit.

If you get some fatigue, and you pump at nite, it will greatly decrease or completely eliminate nite wood, which means you are losing a great benefit to penile health and possibly an important method of cementing gains.

Hey guy any ideas on web sites that just the gauges by themselves.


"What You Are And What You Want To Be Is What You Do"


Hey guys this Is probably a stupid question, but when you are measuring yourself to pick out the right cylinder size, you should be measuring when fully erect right? On the L.A.Pump site it didn’t specifty so I just wanted to be sure.

Originally Posted by Nickleplate

Hey guys this Is probably a stupid question, but when you are measuring yourself to pick out the right cylinder size, you should be measuring when fully erect right? On the L.A.Pump site it didn’t specifty so I just wanted to be sure.

Yes that’s the best measurement. But don’t forget to alow for ernhanced girth cuased by the vacuum ie take the next size up.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

OK guys, well Ive read through lots of the information on the pumping forum and its all very great. However, I still have a few quick questions, it seems that there are lots of different makers of cylinders/pumps preferred by different people, or I hear about many different brands/sites. Is there one you guys find to be the best quality for a newbie pumper? Also, as far as the lubrication goes for when you are pumping what do you prefer? Ive seen some people say a good oil based lotion you prefer, Vaseline, etc. Also, I assume that if the proper warm-up and warm down is done, there should be no discoloration from pumping, is that correct? I appreciate all the advice you can give.

Hey guys I think this is my first post. I have a 7” dick but porn make me feel insecure and I am 33 so it’s starting to bother me way more than it used to.

So I have a couple of questions
The main one is:
Can I pump regularly and still be sexually healthy and active? I realize there may be a warmup/adjustment phase but I was wondering if there is a happy medium of pumping for gains and pumping for temporary size?

Also, on pumping for temporary size, how does this work? Do I need a cock ring or will it get hard at the pumped size an hour two after the pump?

Sorry for repeats I have thumbed through SEVERAL pages and have gleaned some info but just wanted to see if I could get some direct answers.

Havent started p.e. Yet and I don’t think jelqing is for me so I am wondering if I can do this?

I really appreciate it guys. This is one helluva resource!

Nickleplate: I would recommend the pump that probably the most guys recommend, and its lapdist. You don’t need lubrication at all, I only use it when my foreskin gets sore (when it gets stuck at the inside wall). No, I don’t think warm-, up and down will prevent discoloration - its all about conditioning your unit until you hit about 4-6Hg. I had major discoloration in the beginning, because I started out with 20 minute sets at 5Hg (very stupid). My advice for sets is: never pump for more than 10 minutes and work your way up to 5-7Hg max (after many weeks).
I have yet to see permanent gains, so I do not really have any perfect routine to share with you.

fabyo: Yes you can pump and be sexually active. It will stay plump for some time, depending on how much you’ve pumped and at which level. Your flaccid looks much bigger after a few sets, that’s for sure.

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by Nickleplate
Also, as far as the lubrication goes for when you are pumping what do you prefer? I’ve seen some people say a good oil based lotion you prefer, Vaseline, etc. Also, I assume that if the proper warm-up and warm down is done, there should be no discoloration from pumping, is that correct? I appreciate all the advice you can give.

I like baby oil. Sometimes I add a drop of sexual lubricant like Astroglide.
Vaseline is too thick and messy.

Originally Posted by fabyo
Hey guys I think this is my first post. I have a 7” dick but porn make me feel insecure and I am 33 so it’s starting to bother me way more than it used to.

So I have a couple of questions
The main one is:
Can I pump regularly and still be sexually healthy and active? I realize there may be a warmup/adjustment phase but I was wondering if there is a happy medium of pumping for gains and pumping for temporary size?

Also, on pumping for temporary size, how does this work? Do I need a cock ring or will it get hard at the pumped size an hour two after the pump?

Sorry for repeats I have thumbed through SEVERAL pages and have gleaned some info but just wanted to see if I could get some direct answers.

Havent started p.e. Yet and I don’t think jelqing is for me so I am wondering if I can do this?

I really appreciate it guys. This is one helluva resource!

Pumping should make no difference to your sexual life - except to improve it! - Providing you don’t go mad when you start. Start at about 3 Hg to get your unit acclimatised and gradually build up to 4½ Hg. If that intensity makes you sore or your find your foreskin swells, or you get discoloration, ease off the vacuum a bit

You will find temporary size happens at first, but this should become more permanent as you progress. There are various opinions on whether a cock ring should be used when pumping. I wouldn’t, as I feel it leads to the above situations. But many experts here do. So if you do try it, start at very low vacuum.

There are various opinions on whether you need to be hard in the tube. I think your best plan is to read as much as you can about it in this forum. It really boils down to personal preference. I have gained but rarely go into the tube hard. After a session it is hard. But if I overdo the session then I lose the erection.

But you really should try the newbie exercise, just to condition your dick for the pumping

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Ok guys, so my LApump came in 2 days ago, Ive done 2 sessions, and will do another one tonight. Let me just say, wow, this stuff rocks. I love it. Morning wood like crazy, my dick just feels good all day. Anyway thanks for all the good advice. Only trouble Im having so far is my heating pad kinda sucks.

Ok so I guess my question is, if I pump, lose the erection or whatever, then get an erection 2 hours or so later, will it get fully hard, will it be bigger than normal because of the recent pump?

I am going to have to do this stealth so I just want to know what I am getting into before I spend money on it..
Thanks again guys.

Awesome info - thank you very much!


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