Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

About the sets

Hey guys.
I’m so sorry if this has been asked before.
When you say 1 10 min set everyday, do you mean being inside the tube for 10 mins straight?
Or just a total amount of 10 mins? Like 5 2 mins.


Oh, I’m Swedish, so sorry for any bad spellings.

Take care!

I just order today the Dr Joel Kaplan Vacuum Pump systems with a 2” tube.. I feel that I will work better with this pump and start getting gains from pumping! Real pumping will begin.. Can’t wait to receive this pump.

Starting stats: JAN 09: 7 3/8" BPEL x 5 1/2" EG mid-shaft

Goal for the first 12 months: 8 1/2" BPEL x 6 1/2" EG mid-shaft and a bigger head.. :D

Goal for life: 9 1/2" BPEL x 7 1/2" EG mid-shaft !

Originally Posted by rentor
Hey guys.
I’m so sorry if this has been asked before.
When you say 1 10 min set everyday, do you mean being inside the tube for 10 mins straight?
Or just a total amount of 10 mins? Like 5 2 mins.


Oh, I’m Swedish, so sorry for any bad spellings.

Take care!

No worries sir. You did not spell anything incorrect.

To answer your question though, when (1) 10 minute session is mentioned, that means the amount of time you are actually inside the cylinder.

Thank you!

I’m new to pumping so ten minutes seems like alot to me right now.
I’m doing five minutes and adding a minute every week.

Take care!

That’ll work as well. Do what works for you, that is not too dangerous and you are comfortable with. Trust me when I say no one is going to tell you to rush into doing more but you do want to continue to climb as much as you can handle.

Hello guys, I live in UK and would like to know where can I get a decent pump from! (Budget is under 80 pounds) my EG is 4.5" , I think I need 1.75" diameter cylinder. I have found this Dr Joel Kaplan pump … oduct.cfm?p=644 on this site! I would really appreciate if someone can suggest me a good one. Many Thanks. (Sorry don’t know if I was allowed to post links)

I was just wondering, is jelqing an essential part of the routine?

Starting: 4.25" NBPEL

Oct 12 2008: 4.5" NBPEL

Please note I have not begin training on my join date (or anywhere near it)

Most people seem to think so.

Originally Posted by nickymdh
I was just wondering, is jelqing an essential part of the routine?

No, but it has been speculated that jelqing will help cement gains acquired from pumping.


If I am already hard as a rock can I go ahead a pump to add some extra volume? I am unsure if you have to start out soft or not.

Originally Posted by txoutlawbull
If I am already hard as a rock can I go ahead a pump to add some extra volume? I am unsure if you have to start out soft or not.

I don’t understand the question: “can I go ahead a pump” ? Do you mean get a pump?

You can start out hard or soft.



My bad,

If I am already hard can I go ahead and pump to get extra volume is what I meant. Basically do you have to start pumping flaccid or not?


You can try, txoutlawbull. Opinions vary on whether being fully erect when you start your pumping session is mandatory, optional or not advisable. Whatever you do, keep the forces low to avoid injury, and see what works for you. Watch your PIs and EQ.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I’ve been wondering about this as well.. I just got my pump last Tuesday and so far I’ve really enjoyed the experience and feel like it’s working my dick in ways that manual exercises have failed to accomplish for me. However, I’ve made a few observations and I’m wondering if they indicate anything in particular or if they’re normal.

When I got into the pump fully erect, even while on some generic Viagra, if the pressure drops at all or if I just let the pressure out completely, my erection goes away instantly. The reason I found this weird is because I thought pumps were supposed to give guys erections who couldn’t otherwise achieve them. Am I mistaken? Is this even an issue?

I have been getting night/morning wood and a lot of stretching in my skin, which didn’t really happen on a regular basis with 3 months of manual exercises. So that’s a bonus. Also more frequent random erections.

Anyways, thanks for any feedback. This pumping stuff seems to be just what my dick needs to grow.. Besides the scary sight of my veins bulging in the tube and looking like they’re about to burst I am totally enjoying it lol :-p

Guys who use pumps to get sexual erections immediately put a constriction ring to hold the erection. Without the ring, they’d lose the hard-on, too.




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