Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

I mainly pump because it’s just damned fun.
I still need to make a thread proposing my new measurement for a cock which is.

PPEL or pump packed erect length.

My pump digs in basically bone pressed and I find it’s a good way to measure my length. in the pump.
I leave my dick in for up to an hour at a time, it’s fine, remove for 60 seconds, massage and put in again, mine seems to be very resilient to pressure (so noobies, don’t do this) I’m not even trying to push myself, it just doesn’t really hurt that much around 10hg for an hour, more at the base where it digs in more than anything.

Anyhow in the pump I can get a nice length and with extensive use over a few months accompanied by an ADS i did manage to see 3 or 4mm of growth in my ‘fully packed’ state.

I was wandering which was the best way to go about using the pump. 1 pump slowly till you get a full erection& leave the vaccum level the same till the end of pumping session? Pump slowly till erection & release air pressure & start again till end of jelq session?

I personally get my erection first with some lube and porn, then drop it in the pump at about 5hg for 30 seconds, then straight to 10 - my cock just can handle it

I then just chill out and watch a movie, routinely giving the pump a squeeze to bring it back to 10.

Originally Posted by inches-au

I personally get my erection first with some lube and porn, then drop it in the pump at about 5hg for 30 seconds, then straight to 10 - my cock just can handle it

I then just chill out and watch a movie, routinely giving the pump a squeeze to bring it back to 10.

First, anyone reading this should know that the routine that inches-au describes is not a routine for newbies, and a number of veterans would either decline such vacuum levels, or report that they have tried and abandoned such an approach.

If it works for you and you are good with your PIs and EQ, good for you, but those are considerably higher vacuum levels than are generally recommended these days.

Second, inches-au, DonkeyBruce01 is pumping without a gauge, so those numbers are not useful for him. (I know that you could not tell that from his post; it’s in another thread, Just bought my first penis pump. No gauge; help!).

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I must admit this has come up before, I wonder if my gauge is broken or something.
Here’s the pump I use

and as far as I know 10hg is passed the red line.

I’m not super experienced at pumping, I’ve probably only done it 80 or 90 times total, it must be a broken gauge or just the way my dick is designed.

Lampwick: My apologies on these 2 posts.
Looks like my dick can only sustain 10hg if I build up to it, I had an extra long session today and it’s the first time I’ve done it in a few months.

Results, not pretty.
- Karma strikes, blister from pumping, it’s a doozy.

Originally Posted by inches-au
Lampwick: My apologies on these 2 posts.
Looks like my dick can only sustain 10hg if I build up to it, I had an extra long session today and it’s the first time I’ve done it in a few months.

Results, not pretty.
- Karma strikes, blister from pumping, it’s a doozy.

I hope that no one derives satisfaction from being ‘right’ when someone else sustains an injury from being ‘wrong.’

Good luck with the blister, and keep us posted on your recovery.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


Great thread about the needy things to know in pumping ;)


Question: I have something that can stretch my penis and am wondering where that can fit into the routine. It’s not like hanging weights, just keeps a nice constant pull. Should I do this before I pump, after, another part of the day, or what?

So question for all you pumpers, have you seen your EQ improve from pumping, and how much has it improved?

I don’t pump regularly anymore but I went through a period about 2 years ago when I was very overweight, unfit and lazy.
I pumped regularly (3 times a week) and did at least 500 kegels a day on the train to work.

My erection quality was so good my cock hurt from being so hard (not joking)

Even though this may be off subject, I just got a pump an trying to get good seal. Is it okay to use hair removal cream to get hair off so I get better seal

I want to start pumping, what is good pump to buy that is popular on this forum, I looked at the bathmate but I saw where of you said it might be be a scam and it’s pretty expensive. I want to buy a nice pump that will give me good results. I’m 7.3x5 right now and would like to increase both length and girth. Which pump should I get and where can I buy it?

Any help is appreciated!


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