Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

puppetmaster, I agree with gprent.

I’d also like to know how long you have been doing your current routine, and whether you are still gaining.

All that said, as a general recommendation, you might want to add a little jelqing or massaging in between and your pumping sets. You might also consider, if you want to add another ten minutes, going to a split set - two 10 minute sets in the morning, two 10 minute sets in the evening, if your schedule permits that. You should know that opinions are mixed on split schedules, as they are on rest days, as they are on pumping flaccid versus erect.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Why do you guys jelq AND pump…isn’t it essentially doing the same thing? I know i’ve heard the internal/external pressure, but ultimately its both pushing blood.

Originally Posted by invictus
Why do you guys jelq AND pump…isn’t it essentially doing the same thing? I know i’ve heard the internal/external pressure, but ultimately its both pushing blood.

Jelqing can’t give you the physical expansion that pumping gives and pumping doesn’t give you the physical massage that jelqing does. Combining the two gives you the best of both worlds and helps speed the permanence of the pump.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by invictus
Why do you guys jelq AND pump…isn’t it essentially doing the same thing? I know i’ve heard the internal/external pressure, but ultimately its both pushing blood.

Again, I agree with gprent, and would add that for me, jelqing or massaging is a way to flush fresh blood into the tissues, and it also seems to even things out. If I don’t get uniform expansion, jelqing or massaging helps with that. It moves blood through the tissues in a different way than pumping.

And actually, it’s not ultimately just pushing blood. Pumping is more like pulling blood; jelqing or massaging is pushing blood. One is pressure; one is fluid movement due to vacuum (negative relative pressure).

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Will pumping at the young age of 22 affect my erectile functions in the future (like making me have ED) or will pumping my balls (not too huge) cause sterility?

Thanks, -Mike

Originally Posted by wantonbe8x6
Will pumping at the young age of 22 affect my erectile functions in the future (like making me have ED) or will pumping my balls (not too huge) cause sterility?
Thanks, -Mike

The answer is no to both as long as you pump responsibly like outlined in this thread and elsewhere in the Pumpers Forum. In a nutshell, avoid high vacuum pressures and trauma.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
You really don’t have to do too much more as far as increasing the amount of PE you are doing. I think guys get the wrong impression that they always have to add more. You don’t. You reach an optimum level and then progress is made by just staying consistent and trauma free. You can experiment with 4, 10 minute sets, but you may find that is too much and then you should take it back to 3 sets.

I would only like to know what pressure you are using for your 3, 10 minute sets.

Between 3 to 5hg

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Puppetmaster, I agree with gprent.

I’d also like to know how long you have been doing your current routine, and whether you are still gaining.

All that said, as a general recommendation, you might want to add a little jelqing or massaging in between and your pumping sets. You might also consider, if you want to add another ten minutes, going to a split set - two 10 minute sets in the morning, two 10 minute sets in the evening, if your schedule permits that. You should know that opinions are mixed on split schedules, as they are on rest days, as they are on pumping flaccid versus erect.

I’ve been on my current program about two months now. I have noticed my post pump is starting to last longer now. I think I’ll stay with the 3 10 min routine for at least another 2 months.

I feel I get a better bump when I’m able to do my routine all in one session. I only take about 1 day of a week as well

Compatible Cylinder?

I want to buy another cylinder for my pump. I have a lapdist “classic” pump and I want to know if I still have to buy a lapdist cylinder. Is Lapdist’s Deluxe Pump compatible with different brands of cylinders? (I mean compatibility between male and female coupler of different brands..)

If so, where can I buy another cylinder? Can you give me some compatible brands?

Especially, I’m looking for not flanged cylinder…

I want more. For myself only.

Ok. I am having trouble using the search tool. I am trying to do a search on “When is the best time to pump or do any PE?” and I keep getting a blank page. I tried to start a new thread but it won’t let me. I need some help please.

I am a pumper and I wanted to ask all those PE Gurus and Pumpers out there when the best time for pumping is. Is it best to pump in the morning after you wake up or is it best to pump at night before bed? Morning is when I am usually the most aroused and I get a great pump out of it, but at night is when you get all those nocturnal erections and is when the body is repairing itself. Can anyone help me out int his department please?

You’ll do better in Search with just a few words: pumping time, etc.

I like to pump in the AM. I’m refreshed; my testosterone levels are highest then.



Well, I was typing in a variety of things using the search tool multiple times such as: “when to pump,” “best time to PE,” “best time to pump,” and I just kept getting the same thing, a blank page.

Thanks for answering my question Avocet.

I have another question.

My girl likes watching me pump, but she complains that I don’t do it hard enough. I guess she’s one of those people who like to see a distorted penis with bubbles and pockets of fluid, donuts, and just a bunch of nastiness. This distortion is not for me. She complains that she let me get a pump only to have fun with and that my pumping routine is “not fun,” because I haven’t yet packed my 1.75” diameter tube (I’m almost there) and that I don’t pump until my penis is all distorted. She keeps sending me links to pictures around the Internet of guys pumping up to the point where they have a big sack of fluid instead of a penis. She keeps saying this is how it’s supposed to be done. I keep saying that it’s the wrong way to pump and that it will only lead to damage and less gains, but she won’t believe me. I’ve tried explaining to her the physiology and biology of the penis saying that all that fluid build up is around and outside the actual penis (tunica). All she says is: “So? It is supposed to be for fun.” I’m not sure what to do or say anymore to her. I’ve also tried giving some links from this forum, but she refuses to read them.

I’ve been pumping on and off for almost 2 years now, and that I’m starting to keep a consistent pumping schedule; I am not so much of a newbie to pumping. I have a slight harder pumping schedule than what is mentioned in this thread, after getting my penis in better condition. I use anywhere between 5-7” Hg for about 15 minutes for 6 times with 5 minute breaks in between where I massage and jelq. Being that it is a turn off to my girl when I use a heating pad, I just pre-heat the tube and heat it while I take my 5 minute breaks instead of wearing the heating pad the whole time. Personally, I have been getting great after-pump results from doing this. My penis stays plump and fat for up to 6+ hours after my pump, and it’s not fluid.

Have her read some of the information here at Thunders. If she refuses, then she isn’t interested in the truth, she has a fetish about huge fluid filled penises.

Tell her that you would rather have a semi inflated penis that works then a huge one that doesn’t. Tell her there are two reasons to pump, one for entertainment, and the other to create a large penis…and you are into the second one.

Does she like you to use it on her when you’re done? If so, tell her that the huge ones are soft and mushy and that if you keep doing it properly, it will continue to get bigger, but in a usable way.

Tell her that all that edema is bad for the penis and in the long run doesn’t help enlarge it at all.

If after all that, she is still insisting, then brother, she doesn’t give a damn about you, she is just a fetishist and don’t get too serious about her.

Thanks Sparky.

I was just curious, has anyone ever tried using urethral sounds in conjunction with pumping?
I had this idea that if you stick a thick enough rod in your penis while pumping, will it help with gains?
I was thinking that if you did this, the chambers would expand more outward rather than inward, resulting in a better stretch and better gains.
Just an idea though.

This is another fetish my girl and I share. I’ve actually been using sounds since I was a boy starting with sterilizing Lego rods (haha). Currently I’m up to a 3/8 of an inch diameter rod. I bought a set of them with sizes 1-17. The 3/8” rod is the number 10 size. I can fit the #11, but it takes quite a bit of work and hurts a lot.

Originally Posted by invictus
Why do you guys jelq AND pump…isn’t it essentially doing the same thing? I know i’ve heard the internal/external pressure, but ultimately its both pushing blood.

I don’t even look at it like that. MECHANICALLY, the entire tunica is under load with pumping, however with jelqing, it loads a smaller section at a time. I think this fundamentally effects the fibers of the tunica in different ways.

Plus, I think that sometimes the vacuum force needed to stretch the tunica might be more than the surface skin and blood vessels and handle, especially for length.

With jelquing you can load the tunica enough to create that stretching without over loading the skin and surface blood vessels. The pumping can then take that stretch and maximize it.

Its a lot like benching from different angles, same basic exercise, but the different angles stress the muscles in ways that cause growth that one angle won’t.

When you aren’t getting gains from pumping alone, if you add stretching and or jelquing, it probably will allow the gains to begin.

If you are getting great girth but not length from pumping, I think stretching before your pumping is a good way to kickstart the length gains. You just need to figure out the right force and time levels.

Overall, I think pumping is the best way to get symetrical even gains, if your tunica will respond to the safe vacuum levels. If it won’t then I think jelquing with pumping should allow you to begin to make progress.

Stress the fibers enough to expand them with the jelque or stretch, then hold it at that new level with the pump. I think its damn near ideal.

Personally, after experimenting with water pumping, I think its far more effective than air pumping. This is critical however, only to those who cannot make gains with air pumping OR if they can’t get length gains, only girth. But like I said, I think that can also be remedied by hanging or stretching BEFORE pumping.


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