Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Which way will get better results: going into the pump flaccid or erect?

Which way will get better results: going into the pump flaccid or erect?

Which way is the better way in achieving gains, gowing into the pump flaccid or erect?


Going in flaccid will most likely result in fluid buildup, which doesn’t contribute to any permanent gains.

Erect and staying that way is best.

Hard, Harder, and Hardest! Going in, while you’re in, and coming out.

From my own experience, I can’t emphasize it enough. It’s key to getting the more lasting internal expansion and keeping fluid build up to a minimum.

Of course, it is easier said than down, especially over several sessions and a decent length workout. Porn helps as does stimulating yourself by milking the tube while inside. I expect erectile drugs probably work best of all but I have yet to go that route.

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