Originally Posted by GokusPecs
asdf.pngAs you can see they’re already bent because it’s a tube shape
Cut these into 3 segments (2.5-3.5 cm thick)
Then layer them like I shown in the picture I posted
The metal clamp I shown you is found at Home Depot or Lowes. The point is to keep the rope clamped (tightened), you can use a different clamp
The pictures I provided of my hanger is just my hanger. Just design your hanger the way you want it to be.
The tube insulation I use are pretty thick. You don’t feel the rope really, but eventually the tube insulation wears down so you have to eventually cut another new piece and replace it.
Now I get it, I thought you had to cut the padding as long as your flaccid penis size, then put your penis completely.
So you cut a small part of the padding which is made of.. Kind of styrofoam material? The first pad goes around your penis completely, pad 2 is 50% of pad 1, and goes on top of pad 1, pad 3 is even smaller than pad 2 and goes between pad 1 and 2. Then you use the rope to attach the cushion to the metal clamp, correct?
So you don’t glue pad 1, pad 2 and pad 3 together, you use the rope to attach them tightly to each other, right?
And you don’t put the metal clamp inside of pad 1 or something, you again, use the rope to attach the metal clamp to your padding, right?