Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Newbies Progress & Story

Shhhhh…. nobody is supposed to know where all that medical cannabis infused with heroin goes.

Did you know there are actual bags of IV fluid containing 40% alcohol? They are used to treat methanol poisoning (common with people who run meth labs, the side-product methanol becomes a vapor they inhale). Since methanol poisoning leaves you with neurological damage, blindness being the worst, it’s critical to flush out the methanol from brain receptors by replacing it with massive amounts of ethanol. So we actually see a few patients per year who are having the most amazing drunken trip in the ER, followed by 2 days of the worst hang over known to man.

To make it better: those bags have an expiration date. They always disappear a few weeks before that date. Odd.

* 7 July 2015 (start): BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

* 6 december 2015 (latest): BPEL: 18.7 cm (7.4") / EG 13.6 cm (5.4")

note: I study medicine, will be honest and skeptical, but I never mean to offend :) My picture thread: TCG's pictures, gains and rants.

Yeah they all get hooked on candy (Adderall, or other speed pills) because of studying, and long work hours.

Last edited by Poonmaster : 01-22-2016 at .

Ritalin too.

Never used any of that stuff. I vividly remembering having bad sinusitis and a sore throath in Spain once and getting paracetamol with codeine. Harmless stuff, but I spent the next week in a haze. I figured I respond ridiculously to drugs, so no Adderall or Ritalin for me.

* 7 July 2015 (start): BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

* 6 december 2015 (latest): BPEL: 18.7 cm (7.4") / EG 13.6 cm (5.4")

note: I study medicine, will be honest and skeptical, but I never mean to offend :) My picture thread: TCG's pictures, gains and rants.

I’m still pretty happy about how my Routine is going… always fighting the urge not to get to carried away… patience is the key. Reading the Injury Forum seems to keep me out of trouble… a good reality reminder… your penis will fall off if you go to hard!

Kegels don’t seem to be as simple to do, as I thought. I’m doing around 120 (holding for 3 seconds) a day. (1 set of 60 in the morning and another 60 at night). Sometimes less if I’m getting busy with the wife ;) .

I start getting a burning feeling around the 50 rep mark. This is interesting as after nearly 3 months, I would have thought I would be more conditioned by now. Looks like I’ll have to keep working on these.

Measuring again in a couple of days… should be interesting!!! :)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Monthly Update (After 3 Months PEing):

So, after thinking newbie gains were coming to an end… surprise… they haven’t. I’ve just measured up and found that I’m 7.5” BPEL, so another 0.15” in the last month, 0.5” in total over 3 months. NBPEL is 7.0”. Interesting, I must say! My erection is now starting to point up towards the stars (45º) which it hasn’t done for years.

I still feel this is due to improvements in EQ, but whatever it is; my penis has never been this long.

Something that I’m definitely having trouble comprehending is the increase in girth of my glans. They are now around 5.7” EG, up from Starting stats of 5.28”. I’m having a bit of trouble getting my head around this one. To be honest, I don’t really believe it myself. I’ve measured several times… not sure what to say.

What seems to be struggling is my shaft girth. I have had some increase, but I truly believe this was only because of improved EQ. I’ve had no measurable improvement over the past month. This is where I’m going to have to work.

I now can control my erection level during Jelqing much better. I don’t have to stop half way through now to maintain it. I use my mind, and think about “sexy thoughts” when I feel my erection is starting to subside.

Supplements are going well. I saw an increase of pre-cum the other day, while measuring… I guess that’s positive.

Will post again shortly, outlining my gains, Routine, and measuring. Sometimes these posts get a bit long otherwise. ;)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

My routine for my fourth month of PE has not changed significantly from the last couple of months. I have continued Wet Jelqing for 120 reps, and do them all in one set. I am probably averaging 100 Kegels a day. I play around with a few V-stretches, Helicopter stretches (I think that’s what they are called) at the end of the work out, but nothing serious.

I still feel that this is enough, as I seem to be still gaining, and anymore at this stage could result in overtraining and/or injury.

4th Jan to Present Routine.

5 min warm up in Shower
Stretches: 2 Rep - Down / Left / Right / out / up / 30 sec hold each / finished with 1 min stretch down.
Wet Jelq: 1 Set of 120 / 3 sec each
Jelq squeezes: 10 Sets of 4 Jelq squeezes while holding the base.
V-Stretches: 1 or 2 in each direction, only hold for a couple of seconds.
Stretches: 1 Rep - Down / Left / Right / out / up / 30 sec hold each / finished with 1 min stretch down.
5 min warm down in Shower.
2 sets of 60 Kegels during the day (approx.).

Total workout time 34 minutes (including warm up/down).

Training Days are Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri, 4 days a week. I do my Workout in the mornings.

I tried doing some folwers in bed at night, with the idea of helping to maintain the stretch through out the day. After a couple of nights, I started to get a slight ache around the base area of my penis, so I decided to stop these. I am considering introducing pumping into my Routine, with the hope of working on my shaft girth, as this seems to be my weak point, in regards to gains.

My starting Stats (4th Nov) are as follows:
BPEL 7” / 17.8cm
MS-EG 5.28” / 13.4 cm
Gland-EG 5.28” / 13.4 cm

4th of Feb Stats are as follows:
BPEL 7.5” / 19cm
MS-EG 5.4” / 13.7 cm
Gland-EG 5.7” / 14.5 cm

I’m not going to record my floppy size, unless I see a notable increase. It seems to be somewhere around 4.7” long BPFL. Like many here, there is just too much variation to get an accurate measurement. However, I do think it has improved in size, and seems to spend more time bigger than smaller. :)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Nice going

Good job. It seams that it is working out for you. Does your wife notice the difference? How do you feel about your growth?

Originally Posted by omilanez

Good job. It seams that it is working out for you. Does your wife notice the difference? How do you feel about your growth?

Yeah, It seems to be going in a positive direction. I still have a lot to learn, and a bit of fine tuning to do in relation to my technique, routine, etc.

I’m having a week or so off right now, as my unit is starting to show signs of being overworked. I’ll go into it in more detail in my next post.

Does the wife notice the difference… you’d think so, wouldn’t you… but nooooooooooo! I asked her the other night,

“Does it feel any different”… and she replied… “mmm, no”. (:eek: ) lol. I guess if the changes are over several months, they sort of sneak up, and aren’t easy to see, without a ruler.

And in Regards to growth… yeah, of course I’m happy. I’m still putting it down to improved EQ… stretching the wrinkles out… but the increase in glans girth has me a bit mystified, to be honest. It will be interesting to see if the gains continue.

I think my biggest problem is pushing to hard (injuries :eek: )… I really want to concentrate on EQ, and gains being secondary… but it’s hard to hold yourself back… repeat, “slow & steady wins the race” *100. :)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Injury Scare

Well, over the last week I’ve been giving my penis a bit of a hard time, I guess.

I trained Thursday and Friday last week, and then there was Valentines weekend, where I had sex with the wife 3 times, one session being 2 hours long (thanks, high fives all round). So no rest days, and my penis was definitely looking and feeling tied. Monday, back into my Routine. During my Routine, I felt a little pain on the left side, but carried on, and ignored it, putting it down to being tired.

After I finished, the pain remained, and I started thinking how stupid I was for training, and continuing when I could feel it.

There was no swelling, redness (or outward signs) so after some research, I put it down to an overstretched superficial nerve or ligament. I was more going towards the nerve theory, as the pain wasn’t always there, and it was like a heat pain, (when I say pain, I mean discomforted, nothing that serious as pain). My understanding, is that the easiest/first nerves to damaged are the temperature sensitive ones, and when damaged you feel heat.

So for the next couple of days, my P.I’s are terrible, not because of any physical reason, just down to concern, and trying to rest as much as possible. You naturally start feeling every little twinge, (most probably already there before) and you imagination goes wild.

Now come Wednesday night, I’m lying in bed feeling around, and notice some swelling just under the glans of the penis, like half a ring on the top, with the worst of this being on the left side. I tried squeezing/massaging the swelling out a little, but found that it just irritated it more, with the swelling/redness increasing, and becoming painful… the pain moving down the left side of the penis.

I did some more research on Thursday, and found that this is called lymphocele. From looking at images, (Google: Lymphocele Penis). I found a couple of photos that looked the same as me.

It is cord like swelling seen vertically or horizontally on the shaft of penis usually after vigorous prolonged intense sex sessions or masturbation. (Yeah, the 2 hour alcohol induced sex session was pretty vigorous) ;)

It happens when the lymph channels in your penis are temporarily blocked. Just like veins carry blood back to the heart, there is another system called lymphs that carry fluid from tissues back to the lymph channel. Lymph is a clear fluid that forms part of the body’s immune system. During vigorous sexual activities the tissue in the area may get injured and the lymph fluid which has to be drained is then trapped within the tissue resulting in hard lump in the penis. Although they may look scary, totally harmless.

From what I read, there is no treatment recommended by doctors… you just have to wait. I did read a post on the forum, where FireGoat recommended using your thumb to try and massage the fluid away. Unfortunately for me this has just irritated it more, and since FireGoat is somewhere in Scotland, that would mean that his thumb is unavailable in my location. ;) I also tried a pussy massage on Wednesday night, but that didn’t really help either. Someone else suggest jumping on a Trampoline, may help. I’m unsure if I need to do this naked or not, put will try it tomorrow. :jumpblue:

I do remember having this before starting Peing, after masturbating, but not quite this bad. So, I don’t thing Peing is the primary cause, but more a combination of all of the above. I’ve tried griping from the mid-shaft, and doing a very light stretch. There was no pain or discomfort, which is positive.

So at present, I having a week off Peing, trying to stay away from the wife :eek: , and mentally preparing for maybe a couple more weeks off, if necessary.

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Well, back into it today. My first session after my week break (read above). My penis seems a lot better, not perfect, but I’m not sure if it’s all in my head or not… so thought I’d give a light workout a go.

I took it real easy today, after spending the week thinking about my Routine. Basically, I’ve been Jelqing at too high an erection level, I believe. I read that your penis is suppose to still have a spongy feeling to it, to be on the safe side.

Mine has been pretty firm (maybe 90% at times) which is too much for a newbie like me. I’ve also, been probably stretching a little too hard, in both the stretches and the Jelqing.

So today, I eased into the stretches, and reduced the amount of pull. I also Jelq at a much lower (safer) erection level, still being pumped with blood, but with a definite spongy feeling, not ridged as before.

Routine Today:

5 min warm up in Shower
Stretches: 2 Rep - Down / Left / Right / out / up / 30 sec hold each / finished with 1 min stretch down.
Wet Jelq: 1 Set of 120 / 3 sec each
Stretches: 1 Rep - Down / Left / Right / out / up / 30 sec hold each / finished with 1 min stretch down.
5 min warm down in Shower.

Workout Time 29 minutes

Training days this week: Tue/Thur/Sat.

I still got a good pump out of the Routine, which I’m happy about, and should hopefully maintain the gains I have. As my first goal is a healthier, and hardier penis, I will continue to take it easy, for the near future anyway ;)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

I’ve just started a new supplement cocktail.

Ginseng 1000mg
Maca 600mg
Guarana 200mg
L-Arginine 1150mg
Canela 150mg
Zinc 25mg
Lecithin 500mg
Vitamin A
Vitamin B 1,2,3,5,6,8,9,12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E

Not all the supplements are spelt in English, but I think you can work it out.

Will see how it goes. :)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)


Well, after trying a light Routine for a week, (after the weeks break), the tenderness came back on the left side of the shaft. I’ve been reading up a lot here about different injuries, etc. and have come to the conclusion that I have everything… :D I’m joking about the everything, but there are so many possibilities, that making a diagnosis is pretty difficult.

The lymphocele under the glans has gone, (I’ve had this before PEing, so wasn’t really concerned) but the tenderness on the shaft is still there. The tenderness comes and goes doing the day, and after a week of no PEing, pretty much disappears. I’ve just taken another week off so far, and while I’m typing this, feel nothing. (now I have to concentrate really hard to feel anything).

I’m still having sex with the wife, which doesn’t seem to aggravate it, and even makes it feel better. Erection level is normal and there isn’t any visiable marks, or swelling, just a slight discomfort that comes and goes.

So, the only solution I see is to take more time off… maybe a month.

It’s a little bit of a piss off having to take time off from PEing, since I was getting some good gains, but my primary goals of better EQ and a healthier penis do not ride well with this slight pain. I have no reason to risk it, so rest it is. :)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Originally Posted by Skygod2016
It’s a little bit of a piss off having to take time off from PEing,

In my case wasn’t that bad because I wasn’t gaining, but surely pisses me off too.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures


Take it easy. I understand because I took two weeks off so I could heal. It takes time you do not want to injure yourself and be sidelined for a longer period of time. Just rest and take some Advil. Worked for me.

Thanks guys for the support… it isn’t easy keeping your hand off it, but I know I need to wait… and come back stronger and wiser next time. ;)

I’ve taken a break from the cocktail of supplements listed a couple of posts ago. Right now I’m just taking a multi-vitamin until I get back into PE.

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)


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