Well, over the last week I’ve been giving my penis a bit of a hard time, I guess.
I trained Thursday and Friday last week, and then there was Valentines weekend, where I had sex with the wife 3 times, one session being 2 hours long (thanks, high fives all round). So no rest days, and my penis was definitely looking and feeling tied. Monday, back into my Routine. During my Routine, I felt a little pain on the left side, but carried on, and ignored it, putting it down to being tired.
After I finished, the pain remained, and I started thinking how stupid I was for training, and continuing when I could feel it.
There was no swelling, redness (or outward signs) so after some research, I put it down to an overstretched superficial nerve or ligament. I was more going towards the nerve theory, as the pain wasn’t always there, and it was like a heat pain, (when I say pain, I mean discomforted, nothing that serious as pain). My understanding, is that the easiest/first nerves to damaged are the temperature sensitive ones, and when damaged you feel heat.
So for the next couple of days, my P.I’s are terrible, not because of any physical reason, just down to concern, and trying to rest as much as possible. You naturally start feeling every little twinge, (most probably already there before) and you imagination goes wild.
Now come Wednesday night, I’m lying in bed feeling around, and notice some swelling just under the glans of the penis, like half a ring on the top, with the worst of this being on the left side. I tried squeezing/massaging the swelling out a little, but found that it just irritated it more, with the swelling/redness increasing, and becoming painful… the pain moving down the left side of the penis.
I did some more research on Thursday, and found that this is called lymphocele. From looking at images, (Google: Lymphocele Penis). I found a couple of photos that looked the same as me.
It is cord like swelling seen vertically or horizontally on the shaft of penis usually after vigorous prolonged intense sex sessions or masturbation. (Yeah, the 2 hour alcohol induced sex session was pretty vigorous) ;)
It happens when the lymph channels in your penis are temporarily blocked. Just like veins carry blood back to the heart, there is another system called lymphs that carry fluid from tissues back to the lymph channel. Lymph is a clear fluid that forms part of the body’s immune system. During vigorous sexual activities the tissue in the area may get injured and the lymph fluid which has to be drained is then trapped within the tissue resulting in hard lump in the penis. Although they may look scary, totally harmless.
From what I read, there is no treatment recommended by doctors… you just have to wait. I did read a post on the forum, where FireGoat recommended using your thumb to try and massage the fluid away. Unfortunately for me this has just irritated it more, and since FireGoat is somewhere in Scotland, that would mean that his thumb is unavailable in my location. ;) I also tried a pussy massage on Wednesday night, but that didn’t really help either. Someone else suggest jumping on a Trampoline, may help. I’m unsure if I need to do this naked or not, put will try it tomorrow. :jumpblue:
I do remember having this before starting Peing, after masturbating, but not quite this bad. So, I don’t thing Peing is the primary cause, but more a combination of all of the above. I’ve tried griping from the mid-shaft, and doing a very light stretch. There was no pain or discomfort, which is positive.
So at present, I having a week off Peing, trying to stay away from the wife :eek: , and mentally preparing for maybe a couple more weeks off, if necessary.