Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Alternative measuring with a penis molding kit??

Alternative measuring with a penis molding kit??

I’m sure this idea and product has been around for a few years but I thought it might encourage others including myself to get more involved in the forums sharing results. This is only effective of course if the measurements are 100% or close to accurate to your normal EG, BPEL etc.

I’m by no means discouraging anyone from posting pictures of themselves on the picture thread but for guys like myself this might be a halfway point and posting the pictures of the mold with a ruler and tailors tape for girth would possibly ease the transition towards posting actual pictures. Maybe this is a bad idea perhaps the senior members can chime in on this concept.

I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to post links on this thread but the company is called createamate and I will leave it at that. I don’t want to break any rules. I have no affiliation to a dildo manufacture although I’m sure if left out around the house it would be susceptible to becoming a cat toy…..if you had cats that is.



I’ve actually thought about this for a couple of reasons
1) its hard to ensure that you’re measuring exactly the same each time
2) I have no real sense why my penis looks like up close

I never thought about using it for posting pictures. Neat idea

Starting Stats (7/2015): NBPEL: 7.25 | BPEL: 8.25 | EG: 5.25

Current (9/2015): BPEL 8.25 | EG 5.5

Goal: BPEL: 9.5 | EG 6.5 The Slow Road to Bigger and Better

Originally Posted by SlowBro
I’ve actually thought about this for a couple of reasons
1) its hard to ensure that you’re measuring exactly the same each time
2) I have no real sense why my penis looks like up close

I never thought about using it for posting pictures. Neat idea

I like the idea of being able to get more guys involved with accurate measurements during their PE career. I would likely have to take Cialis or something similar to maintain 100% EQ during the casting which states you need to stay hard for 3 minutes.

I’m excited about trying this and seeing the result.

GoFor8: Any update? Would be interested to see how this went.

Starting Stats (7/2015): NBPEL: 7.25 | BPEL: 8.25 | EG: 5.25

Current (9/2015): BPEL 8.25 | EG 5.5

Goal: BPEL: 9.5 | EG 6.5 The Slow Road to Bigger and Better

Originally Posted by SlowBro
GoFor8: Any update? Would be interested to see how this went.

Undecided which style I should get. The suction cup or what appears minimal additional length vibrator option as I would like to make comparison pictures possibly and having the size as accurate as possible would make sense.

If things are accurate I might consider making two molds since it comes in a package of two which would be helpful for the before and after pictures once my injury heals.

I’m purchasing it now, any suggestions for the options I mentioned above?

I’d go for the one that will be closest to your actual size (the minimal additional length vibrator). Good luck and keep us posted.

Starting Stats (7/2015): NBPEL: 7.25 | BPEL: 8.25 | EG: 5.25

Current (9/2015): BPEL 8.25 | EG 5.5

Goal: BPEL: 9.5 | EG 6.5 The Slow Road to Bigger and Better

Originally Posted by SlowBro
I’d go for the one that will be closest to your actual size (the minimal additional length vibrator). Good luck and keep us posted.

Agreed; i ended up with the minimalist option which has the vibrator inside which is strange that they don’t offer simply one without. None the less excited to give this a honest effort and will report back once it’s arrived and I’ve made my first mold.

Depending on which kit you got you don’t need to insert the vibrator at all.

I have thought about this as a good way to hopefully see real progression over time.

Coincidentally, and probably ironically, I originally got a kit for my now ex-GF. She actually still wants me to make her the mold since she says I promised I would, lol.

Anyways, I like this idea, obviously the hard part(no pun intended) is making sure you stay as erect as you mix the material to pour in the tube(this is where a significant other will come in handy). Also, a consistent method of achieving erection and taking the mold to keep as many things the same as possible to measure true growth.

Definitely like this idea. My wife and I bought one a few weeks back I was under pressure and the mold stuff set up and I went soft. So be prepared the first time. No pressure. I ordered more its fairly cheap. My wife supports me in doing PE. Not cause she wants it bigger she is actually complaining a little about size now. I am doing it for me. But she does not wanting. Me posting pics but she said I could post a pic of the mold. So for people with spouses who are not comfortable or themselves who are not this may also be a good option .

It has finally arrived!

Heading to the doctors office later tonight and will hopefully leave with a prescription for Cialis. It’s too expensive to risk the chance of going soft or not having an accurate measurement.

Side note - I recently received my new tube from pump toys and couldn’t be more satisfied with the quality and first dynamic pumping session. My new heating pad arrived and is fantastic as many others have already mentioned; heat is critical for gains.

If anyone would like pictures of the molding kit packaging or what it comes with just let me know.



Still undecided if I will actually post the mold of my first mold starting size and a post PE mold 1 year later. It wouldn’t be a true newbie starting size as I’ve already done a bit here and there but not consistently.

An unexpected exciting update has occurred in my life within the last 7 days. I’ve met a great girl with many common interests and goals who’s also very career orientated and driven like myself. She is also the first women I’ve ever met who’s open and excited about the PE training that I’ve been doing. The best part related to this thread is she’s more than willing to help me make my first casting mold. This is fantastic news as my love life has been non existent for quite some time.

Hope everyone is doing well of the holidays and keep us updated with your experiences using the casting molds.


I’m looking to have the first mold completed in 12 days. I can’t wait to give this an honest effort and see if this can give accurate measurements and more importantly a tool for newbie members to track progress 12 months down the road for comparisons.

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