I just spent six hours putting lab results into a spreadsheet. My brain hurts. Libre Office is just as counterintuitive as any other spreadsheet software I’ve tried; I kept having to go to the web to find out how to do even simple operations. Apparently there’s no way to prevent it from swallowing leading zeroes, and the suggestions for ways to keep it from swallowing trailing zeroes were complex enough to not bother. I don’t care if that’s the way Excel does it; in a lot of cases those zeroes *mean* something, and Excel is broken, I don’t care how many people use it. I did finally manage to find a way to turn off the spell checker, which was freaking out over the medical terminology, and the mad random capitalization. No, you idiots, you do NOT change the text in an entry field from what the user put in. Like with zeroes, sometimes caps have meaning.
No wonder I hate spreadsheets. I’m still feeling a bit twitchy.
Anyway, I put the tests names, allowed ranges, and units in the leftmost columns, then nine columns with the labs; 2022, 2022, 2022, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2016. Yeah, I made it five years without having to see a doctor…
The lab the doc uses changed its report format along the way, and the lab the endocrinologist used had an entirely different report format. Some of the abbreviations - not the same between them - caused some consternation; I had to do some web searching and look at the suggested ranges to make sure they were all talking about the same thing. Incidentally, the “suggested ranges” are noticeably different between the two labs.
The main interesting thing was, there’s a basic blood lab that was common between them all; about 25 tests. The others are sort of random; a lot of things were only tested once. Some of the visits were follow-ups for the same original problem; I would have expected he’d have the same test done each time. I’ll ask, next time I talk to him.
C-reactive protein: range, <0.5
05/14/2022: 27.9 <—
06/09/2022: 1.3
creatinine: range, 0.80-1.40
09/26/2016: 0.89
07/20/2021: 0.93
05/14/2022: 1.92 <—
06/09/2022: 1.33
blood urea nitogen: range, 8-23
09/26/2016: 17
07/20/2021: 19
05/14/2022: 33 <—
06/09/2022: 20
Some of the other stuff was off a bit on 05/14, but for some reason it wasn’t re-tested on 06/09.
The only “lipid profile” (cholesterol) tests were done this last time; they’re mostly whacked. The web says that keto can affect that, but I was two weeks off keto when they took the blood. I guess I need to read up some more on that.