Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

So, the last blister healed, I resumed pumping and vacuum hanging, and a couple of days later, yep, another blister.

The time before, I was hanging at an angle. This time, the cause was the ADS. And it was the ADS every other time, too.

I use the same bell and sleeve for the ADS and when hanging. I’m hanging straight out with three pounds, for up to three hours. Rigged as an ADS, I’m pulling straight up with 3/4 pound for about the same time.

I think what is happening is, when hanging, the bell pulls straight out. But as an ADS, my shaft curves along my belly, and the cap gets pulled at an angle since the ring is on the end of the bell. Sometimes I get air leaks due to the bell cocking in the sleeve.

I’m going to cobble up some kind of leg strap arrangement and pull straight down and see how it works.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Though I’d like to give the Netflix-and-Doritos Diet a fair try, it looks like I’ll try the usual exercise-and-keto thing.

Have you looked into intermittent fasting? I’ve lost a lot of fat this way and it’s helped with some other issues I was having (headaches fatigue and memory/cognitive function overall from long term drug use)

Saw the endocrinologist this morning.

In our last exciting installment, I had called a few weeks ago to set up my six-month appointment, only to be informed that they were displeased that I had missed my previous appointment. That was news to me, since I hadn’t heard from them since the previous November. So they made a new appointment for today.

Got there, got to see the doctor promptly. (unusual, but welcome). She asked when I had taken the last injection. That was yesterday. She got pissed off and said they wouldn’t be able to take blood for her labs. I was of the opinion that if it had mattered, it was up to them to let me know, as I’m surely not their only patient on TRT. It went downhill from there. I had printed out an information sheet for her; she didn’t want it, so I read it off to her. She had no problem with splitting the injections from 2x/mo to 4x/mo. She got mildly freaked out when I asked about the daily injections some endos are doing now; absoutely not. I told her that my creatinine and CR-P are off-kilter, and that I had gone off the keto diet temporarily to get clean readings. She got upset and said testosterone would not cause that. I said I understood that, it was a known characteristic of a ketogenic diet, but her labs from November listed CREAT and CR-P, and if those were important for her evaluation, the numbers might be skewed. She reiterated that testosterone would not cause that. We circled that drain a couple more times and I skipped to the next item on the list.

One of the things she had asked about in the first visit was if I had “brain fog” or trouble thinking clearly. That was a yes. I mentioned it was still a problem. She denied ever having asked that question, and got upset again. Hoo-kay. Good thing we were about done by then. [she did ask; I noted it in my post-visit writeup, and this sort of thing is *why* I write a synopsis of each visit with a medical practitioner]

She wanted a copy of the results of the lab my regular doc will be having done next week. No problem. She felt the dosage I’m taking is fine. She wanted to see me in December. I got an appointment card on the way out.

I was fairly annoyed; she kept jumping the gun and rabbiting off, which wasted time, and I resented being cast as the one making a mistake when they didn’t tell me not to take my regular dose before seeing her. All in all, it’s a pretty good example of what I call the Alien Encounter; we spent most of the visit having two entirely separate conversations. Alien Encounters seem to happen all to frequently to me.


The endo’s office is in a hospital complex. Going back to the car I walked past a black Dodge Charger. I’d noticed it on the way in; it had been raining off and on all night, and it was misting rain both times I walked past it. The car was spotlessly clean, even the wheelwells. Normally tires and wheelwells would be covered in liquid slop lifted from the road by the rain.. The water was beaded up all over the body. It takes a really good wax job to do that on modern basecoat/clearcoat paint. But my nose caught something as I was walking by… sniff… sniff… that “fresh rubber” smell. Ah, I know it well, from mounting new tires on the race car. I looked down… the little injection-mold nubblies were still visible on the tread blocks. The nearest Dodge dealer is thirty miles away; they should have been long gone. I’d lay odds the car had been delivered there on a rollback. Heh. I thought delivery went out with bell bottoms and tie-dye.

I hate the relationship when in with doctors ( some not all), they abuse the situation as they know it’s hard to see them and you need them. They use this to be dicks, unnecessary. Sorry for that little rant in your thread, hopefully you have a better meet the next time

Oh, it’s a rant I’ve unleashed frequently, myself.

Twice I’ve had appointments for the early morning - 0530 and 0630 - for surgery, showed up on time… and nobody showed up to unlock the office until 0800. The 0530 one, the parking lot was full before they let anyone in. At noon when I left, most of the people in the waiting room had been waiting outside with me at 0530. Apparently their modus operandi was to have the entire day’s group of patients show up before they opened, they used some hidden method to select when they were going to actually see anyone, and the losers had to wait all freaking day. The other was supposed to operate at 0730; he didn’t even show up at the surgery center until almost 1000. He came unwound when I asked why he was so late; I wound up pulling out the IV and peeling off the EKG electrodes myself, got dressed walked out, and had a nice chat with my insurance company about the incident, and they refused to pay him.

Oh, and a couple of cases where, two or three hours after I was supposed to see the doctor, I walked up to the receptionist to ask how much longer I’d have to wait, and was told “oh, Doctor has left the office for the day.” Would have been nice if you’d mentioned that two hours ago, bitch.

Nowadays I’m *much* less likely to put up with crap than I used to be. I’m probably on some of the “bad patient” lists now. Fuck ‘em; if they piss me off enough I’m happy to turn the knob up to ‘11’.

Don’t you know that you’re supposed to be so eternally grateful for their wisdom and greatness that you should cheerfully absorb these slights?

My Mom was an RN for decades upon decades, and her view of doctors is quite a jaundiced one.

Shocking abuse of their position, sounds worse where you are though. I hate that approach of having everyone lined up waiting for the doctor, they are always late no need to have people lined up.

Originally Posted by scienceguy
Shocking abuse of their position, sounds worse where you are though. I hate that approach of having everyone lined up waiting for the doctor, they are always late no need to have people lined up.

No shit.

My wife works for a medical corporation and we get discounts, hsa, and other extra benefits for doing annual bloodwork/physicals/etc.

A couple years ago, my appointment for the insurance checkup at the employee clinic was at 2:15pm. 4:15pm, I’m still sitting there. I gave the receptionist a mouthful. Not that it meant shit to her. If they’re gonna require a 15 min prior check-in, they can at least be on-time. 2 hours is circle jerk. I walked out. I won’t ever be going back. They can suck it. I don’t go to the doctor for shit, anyway. I wouldn’t even take a Tylenol if I was dying.

The only benefit I do use, is dental at the VA. Funny thing there, still a 15 min prior check-in, but about 2 minutes later your ass is in a chair with the dentist that’s already researched your records, and off ya go. 13 minutes early. Straight to it.

I’m not gonna bother anymore with my disdain for the execution of job duties at regular facilities. You won’t ever find me there, that’s for sure.


I did a 21 day water fast


Lost 16% total weight

Feel like it reset a lot of bodies natural processes.

0 desire for alcohol now

I eat mainly plant based with fish….occasional chicken or beef

Id do it once a year imo if life permitted….but only 14 days max. For future fasts


Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Originally Posted by 114life
I gave the receptionist a mouthful. Not that it meant shit to her.

Most doctors are part of group practices and the group hires staff who aren’t directly responsible to any one doctor, or the practice hires a “practice management” company to handle their office work. Back in the day the doctors used to be the cocks of the walk; nowadays their name might be on the sign, but the practice is likely actually owned by the management company and they’re just employees or shareholders. Independent doctors owning their own practice are extremely rare in my area.

Either way, it’s the office staff that is usually the problem. I’ve been with my doc for a very long time. A couple of times he’s had staff that tried that shit. Some people, even office manager types, go total sociopath given even a tiny amount of power, and really, the only power they have is to screw with people. I gave the doc an earful at that visit, and he gave me his cellular number and told me to call him directly if it ever happened again. He had a whole new crew the next time I saw him.

The doc will be retiring soon. I’m dreading the day I have to find a substitute. I’ll probably end up with a series of McDoctors that I will see once each, instead of the professional I’ve worked with for decades.

I think we should all go and burn down our doctors! Who’s first? 😀

I read a story once where people burned down a doctor’s place of work. Eventually it ends in the doctors death at the north pole.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

PE day: 686
keto: 14th day off keto
two weeks ago: 291#
today: 299#

Today is the 14th day off the diet. I have an appointment this afternoon to take blood for a follow-up lab. Tomorrow I will resume keto.

The sneezing, stomach upsets, occasional constipation, allergies, joint pain, and other issues I’d had all my life had gone away when I went on keto, then came back a few days after going back to carbs. I had gotten used to a mostly-discomfort-free existence. Plus I felt guilty eating “normal” food. And most of it didn’t taste the way I remembered. Funny, that…

Counting calories instead of carbs, I should still have been well under the break-even point, but I’ve been gaining weight considerably faster than I was losing it.

PE work has been steady. I’ve been doing a lot more time with the vacuum ADS and vacuum hanger lately.

I’ve been off the nootropics for a month. I have a whole new batch to try, starting later this week.

Otherwise, nothing to report.


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