Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

I think it’s time to go for lower pressure when pumping. The useful presets on my timer are 15 and 30 minutes when pumping my shaft. I’ve been using 30 minutes at 3” for a long time. I can usually go 45 minutes with no or very minor edema, or two 30 minute sessions 10 or 20 minutes apart with… more like slight puffiness than normal donut edema.

The aquarium pump maxes out at 4.5”. I think I’m going to crank it up to that and back off to 15 minute sessions for a while to see what happens.

In other news, I’ve mostly been using the two hour setting when pumping my balls. After that things get sore. I finally figured out that the coconut oil I’ve been using as a lubricant is drying out or being absorbed at that point, so I’ve been taking the tube off and re-lubing every hour or so. When I go that, I can stay in the tube as long as time permits.

EQ has been going up lately even though I haven’t resumed any of the EQ-related supplements that worked before. As I mentioned elsewhere, that happened when I started going every-other-day with testosterone instead of every week. I didn’t see any change in EQ from no-TRT to weekly TRT, so it may be just a coincidence.

Today wrapped up three months of steady ball pumping. Daily, from one to three hours per day. Progress is slow, but they’re almost always over 25ml now and firm; they used to be small and squishy. I still don’t have enough free scrotum to wear a ring, but I’m getting close.

Last year I tried Damiana twice. Damiana is supposed to make your balls bigger. In my case, my scrotum got fuller and larger, but my balls didn’t change in size or firmness.

One month ago I tried another herb called Shatavari. Given I’ve been seeing slow but steady progress from pumping, I can’t say that Shatavari did anything… though after a couple of weeks on it I started seeing a noticeable improvement in EQ even though I stopped taking the “EQ” supplements two months ago. I will finish up the bottle of Shatavari in couple of days. Sometime this summer I will try Shatavari again and watch for changes in EQ. I will also try raising the dosage to see if that helps.

I’ll wait a couple of weeks and then try L. Reuteri, which is also claimed to increase testicle size.

I think big balls has much to do with scrotum make up as it does actual size of the testicles. Thinner skin, more elastic, allowing for nice low hanging balls.

One thing to look forward to with age, thinner skin and droopier balls:-) . Then again, I suspect I will bruise easier, ugh, nothings for free!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

I did not think you could actually make your balls bigger because of their you know sensitivity I guess, I’d done some looking into it but never found anything that produced more than temporary results…
I will probably buy a ball pump after I’ve reached my penile goals now.

I also think this might help with turkey neck and the creeping up of hairy skin on the shaft of penis that comes from gains.

What’s the timeline like for growth of the balls from pumping?

Last edited by Bombastik : 02-01-2023 at . Reason: Readability

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I think big balls has much to do with scrotum make up as it does actual size of the testicles. Thinner skin, more elastic, allowing for nice low hanging balls.

I’m bassackwards. I started with reasonably low hangers, and by the time I was 60 I looked like a eunuch. Though that was probably a side effect of the staph infection that left me with scars.

My goal is to get back to where I started, and maybe a bit more. I was used to making occasional adjustments when sitting down, so I know what to expect there.

Originally Posted by Bombastik
I did not think you could actually make your balls bigger because of their you know sensitivity I guess, I’d done some looking into it but never found anything that produced more than temporary results…

There’s a certain amount of tail-chasing on testicle size, as opposed to just scrotum size. Your balls shink and grow as your testosterone level changes throughout the day, and sometimes apparently for no reason at all. You can see a 50% difference in volume in just a few hours. So you’re looking at “mostly about as big as you want” instead of being able to nail a specific target.

The other thing is, I’m over 60 and I’m on testosterone replacement therapy, both of which will cause testicle shrinkage… “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”

I also think this might help with turkey neck and the creeping up of hairy skin on the shaft of penis that comes from gains.

I have been reasonably successful at stretching the skin on my lower shaft, and never suck a testicle up into the tube any more when pumping my shaft. I do skin stretches, sort of modified jelqs, when my balls are in the tube. The tube holds them firmly so I don’t have to try to hold a lube-covered scrotum. It works out quite well.

What’s the timeline like for growth of the balls from pumping?

Three months ago, the left testicle averaged about 15ml as measured by a Prader orchidometer, and the right testicle about 10ml. The clinical cutoff for “undersized balls” is 25ml. Now I’m almost always over 25ml on both sides, usually something like 30ml on the left and 25 on the right. I have the measurements written down; when I find some round tuits I’ll make a chart.

I started working on a chart so I could graph my testicle, and hopefully later, scrotum size. Because I had detailed logs going back to mid-2020, I started there, with my first sessions with the Froehle tube, which has a pocket for your balls.

It has been a long time since I looked at those logs. Pain, scars cracking, and bleeding at 3/4” or even 1/2” Hg on the shaft, and not much better on the scrotum. I’ve felt like an underachiever with the modest 3 to 4” I use now, but time had glossed over where I came from.

I also found a note about why I stopped pumping back in 1997 - prominent rolling veins that made it painful to masturbate. I was pumping at [cough] then, for hours at a time, and getting massive donuts, because I didn’t know any better. The enlarged veins went away after a few months and, fortunately, haven’t come back at my current 3 to 4”.

I had planned to try L.Reuteri this month, but when I was rooting around in the big plastic tub of supplements I noticed some are reaching their recommended expiration dates. So I’m going to see if MCT oil does anything worthwhile for me.

I discovered it when I was looking for cognitive enhancers, but it’s claimed it also helps as a dietary aid, particularly in conjunction with a keto diet, an energy booster, and an anti-inflammatory. I’ve been tracking all those for a long time, so I have a good baseline measure changes.

I’ve mentioned my progress in BPFSL a couple of times. At the moment it’s 7-7/8”, while erect length is 6-1/2”.

I noted this, and that it was a lot of difference, but I didn’t really think about it until just now.

When doing the flaccid stretch the shaft is soft and the “steel cord” is prominent. If I get erect, as I do when doing “wigwag stretches” by the glans to make it easier to get the vacuum hanger on, my length goes down while girth goes up. I’m around 6” there, depending on EQ. Much less when flaccid and stretched.

Hmm. I don’t need or want any more girth, which seems to be working against length. A smaller diameter pump tube might be a good idea now.

I’ve started doing a “warm-down” phase after my last pump of the day. After the timer cuts off the pump and heating pad, I just leave the tube on and go to sleep. It takes a while for the heating pad to cool off.

Interestingly, I usually get some edema after doing this. The vacuum in the tube drops to zero when the pump goes off since I’m using an air bleed to adjust pressure, so it’s definitely the heat, as I don’t see any edema if I remove the tube after pumping.

I’ve been using the vacuum extender a lot more lately. I’ve been working the time up bit by bit, until today. When I took it off after 6.5 hours I had a fingernail-size blister on the left side of the glans. That’s a known weak spot; I got blisters there twice with the Size Doctor, and I occasionally got petechiae there when I moved to the bell and sleeve.

Unlike the BB-sized blisters I got from the Size Doctor, this one doesn’t hurt; it’s just a thin shell filled with lymph. Since it’s not being a problem I’m going to let it ride for a day or so and see if it goes back down quickly. If not, I’ll do the pop and drain thing.

I started feeling an occasional twinge around the four hour mark, but I always get those; it’s when they get too intense that I have to stop. Ah, well. It has been 113 days since I resumed after a 30-day break, three and a half months. I probably ought to take another break, though maybe only a week.

Huh. Two hours after removing the bell, the blister is down to a small ridge about 1mm wide and 13mm long. I might restart Tuesay if everything looks good then.

The little blisters I got before hurt like a bastard and took a week or more to heal.

I gave the blister a full week before restarting, did a few days, and then got another blister, that one from the vacuum port. I think I’m going to need two layers of paper towel from now on.

Mrs. Andy borrowed my heating pad a few days ago because her back hurt. I drove her to the doctor this morning and he put her on hydrocodone until they can run an MRI next week. Maybe now that she’s stoned I can steal my heating pad back.

I’m starting to get frustrated with the Total Man vacuum cap. The valves keep leaking. I put a new replacement valve in, which still leaked about half the time. This morning I ran into something new - the valve won’t let any air out with I suck on the hose. (the latest ones come with a mouth tube instead of the squeeze bulb)

I was headed out to do grocery shopping, and I normally wear the cap and one or two weights when I’m out. I still felt like going commando, but the inside of my pants is rough on my glans. So, what the hell, I dug out the bag of tape I had bought last time I was at the store. I got one of every kind of medical/surgical tape they had.

The first one to hand was “Best Choice Waterproof Tape”. The spool is 10 yards or 9 meters. It’s 1/2” or 13mm wide. “Best Choice” is that local store’s house brand. I’m sure the same tape is sold all over, but it would have different names depending on what store you found it in.

I ran one strip across the tip left to right, another top to bottom, and then wrapped them with a third. It felt OK, and protected my glans from my pants. Not too long after getting back a bathroom break was on the horizon, so, with a bit of trepidation, I tried peeling the stuff off.

Mission: successful. I had folded over one end of each piece of tap to make a peel tab. I started with the last one. As long as I pulled slowly, there was only mild discomfort. I expected more, particularly across the corona and the meatus, but there was no problem.

Bonus: no sticky residue

Special bonus: the tape was still sticky, and I could probably have used it again if I hadn’t let it wad up on removal

I’ll snag a couple more rolls of the stuff next time I’m at the store - ironically, the same grocery store I just got back from.

It looks like taped vacuum hanging is in the near future as soon as I get the check valve thing sorted out.


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