I started off trying following Mark Rippetoe’s "Starting Strength" program, though I’ve diverged considerably from it, mostly due to age and some physical issues.
As I mentioned before, bone spurs in my right shoulder complicated things. I was unable to bend my shoulder to do a low bar back squat. High bar squats were possible with considerable pain, and the bar sat on my neck, basically. Due to moderate spinal kyphosis (old man stoop) that wasn’t really practical. And between the shoulder problem and some anthropometry issues, I couldn’t even come close to racking the bar in front; it stopped up at my chin, instead of on my chest.
Goblet squats felt very awkward. Landmine squats would probably have worked just fine, but I didn’t know that at the time. I bought a "safety squat bar" with handles on it. It works quite well. Weight increases have been slow, but as my knees have improved I’ve been adding small amounts every now and then.
Mongo *likes* deadlifts. My knees complain some, but not enough to be a problem. I’ve been alternating regular deadlifts with Romanian deadlifts. Recently I picked up a trap bar. I use a different bar each day since the muscles used differ a bit between types. Since I just built the wooden floor I’m lifting from, I’m lowering the bar and setting it down gently each time instead of throwing it at the floor like the barbell bros.
Overhead Presses:
After months of shoulder rehab, I’m back to doing those. Not a whole lot of weight yet, but I’m improving. Its amazing how much easier it is to lift something overhead when it doesn’t feel like someone is hammering a spike through your shoulder joint.
Bench Presses:
I had a lot of elbow problems there, and they only got worse, even with the bare bar. I tried different arm angles and other tricks without helping. I finally threw money at it and bought a Swiss bar; one of the ones that looks like a ladder. The change in hand angle was enough for the Swiss bar not to irritate my elbows. I’m doing okay on benches now.
Still can’t do those. I bought a climber’s safety harness, another pulley, and some nylon rope; when I get some round tuits I’ll hook it up so I can use a weight stack to counterbalance my weight a bit. Meanwhile, I’ve been continuing the shoulder rehab work and doing lateral pulldowns on the cable machine. Also, I’m still fat, which doesn’t help.
Power Cleans:
Rippetoe says not everyone can do power cleans. I can’t, for the same reason I can’t do front squats - I can’t rack the freaking bar. He suggested power snatches instead.
It appears that form for a "power snatch" is mostly a matter of opinion; various instructions are wildly different. Rippetoe’s method is complex and awkward, at least for me. As of this morning, I was able to successfully perform two sets of the Crossfit version. My form is probably not good, but I can work on that now that I can do the basic motions.