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AndyJ's Body Enhancement Thread

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
When I want to end a back training session with burnout pull-ups, or I want to go higher reps (or tighter form, frankly) than I can do bodyweight I throw an exercise band over the crossbar/pullup bar of my power rack and step a foot into it.

Yeah. That’s the usual recommendation.


I bought some bands and tried it. Getting a foot into the loop required standing on a step. And then the bands tried to flip me over on my head when I put weight on them. I managed not to break my neck. You have to be above some minimum level of fitness for the bands to be practical, I think. I clearly wasn’t, and after that fiasco, I’m disinclined to try them again.

Probably a lot easier than a weight stack climbers harness set up. But also less awesome.

The harness and extra pulley cost less than the stupid bands!

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I bought a "safety squat bar" with handles on it. It works quite well. Weight increases have been slow, but as my knees have improved I’ve been adding small amounts every now and then.

Overhead Presses:
Not a whole lot of weight yet, but I’m improving.

Bench Presses:
I’m doing okay on benches now.

Meanwhile, I’ve been continuing the shoulder rehab work and doing lateral pulldowns on the cable machine.

Power Cleans:
As of this morning, I was able to successfully perform two sets of the Crossfit version.

Looks a lot like progress, quite a lot to be happy about regardless of sets/reps/weight.
Good luck on those power cleans, no way in hell I’d try those at my age. No reason to. Rip will just have to be disappointed.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Mongo *likes* deadlifts.

I’m the same, but have really only done them with a shrug bar. I have always been more DL focused since my squat is terrible, which keeps my squat terrible.
I’ve been trying to correct that, with little headway.

It seems my dumbass has been doing more of an RDL over the years than an actual SLDL.
I need to pay attention more.

As of Mar 24

BPEL - 6.5"

Erect Girth; Base - 5.75", Mid-Shaft - 5.5", Behind Glans - 5.25"

Originally Posted by WifeBoner
Looks a lot like progress, quite a lot to be happy about regardless of sets/reps/weight.

I’m not moving that much weight, but I’m getting the reps done. As the bone spurs wear down I’ve been able to add a little bit of weight at a time.

Good luck on those power cleans, no way in hell I’d try those at my age. No reason to. Rip will just have to be disappointed.

I can’t do a clean either, but power snatches are possible now. I need to work on form, but I can do the movements.

I’m the same, but have really only done them with a shrug bar.

[searches ‘shrug bar’] I know those as ‘trap bar’. Yeah, a trap bar deadlift is actually more of a squat than a deadlift, but it sure saves your shins and lower back.

I have always been more DL focused since my squat is terrible, which keeps my squat terrible.
I’ve been trying to correct that, with little headway.

What’s wrong with your squat? Form or lack of oomph?

It seems my dumbass has been doing more of an RDL over the years than an actual SLDL.

Some coaches recommend letting go of the bar completely when you set it down, just to make sure you’re doing a true dead lift instead of bouncing it up and down. [guilty look] Or just do a proper RDL anyway.

I need to pay attention more.

The way I look at it, if you’re not in competition, what does it matter as long as you don’t hurt yourself?

Originally Posted by AndyJ
What’s wrong with your squat? Form or lack of oomph?

I think my form is fine, it could be part of an oomph issue.
Squats are just hard to do and I’ve never really liked the exercise. Was always thinking about not screwing up my knees or my back during a set and then losing concentration when things got tough. It’s become a snowball at times which is why I never make all that much progress on it. I like DL so I was always able to keep better concentration on it which lead to much better progress.

If you like a certain exercise, you’ll keep doing it and you’ll keep making progress.

Doing DL’s, I’ve always just touched the weight on the floor and then pulled for each rep. No pause, no bouncing, no dropping. Sometimes a bounce as I wasn’t completely controlling the negative.

As of Mar 24

BPEL - 6.5"

Erect Girth; Base - 5.75", Mid-Shaft - 5.5", Behind Glans - 5.25"

I’ve played around with heated pumping a few times. I used an electric heating pad with a thermostatic controller that plugs in between the pad and the wall. There’s a long wire with a thermocouple, that I hold to the outside of the tube with a rubber band.

While the heat helped flaccid and BPFSL almost immediately, I always quit after a week or so due to edema. I had to cut way back on time and vacuum or massive donuts would result.

The last couple of weeks I’ve been using the heating pad again, first at 15 minutes at 4", then at 5", and now 30 minutes at 5". After the third or fourth set of the day I’ll have some edema, but it manifests as a fat shaft all the way down, as opposed to the donut. So, some edema, but not the runaway edema I got before.

I’ll carry on for a while and see if it results in any gains.

Heated pumping still coming along nicely. Lots of edema when I first started, but it’s very mild now.

Did my squats today, then some power snatches. It felt easy so I added ten pounds to the bar. Ran out of gas before I got it all the way up, lost control of the bar going down, and tweaked my lower back.

Well, sheeit. On the other hand, I tweaked my back a lot when I started with the barbell, so I knew if I quit right then and waited it will be okay tomorrow. So my Sunday off will be an exercise day. Oh well.


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