Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Autoextender 5

Hanging session overlapsed to today last night (started around 11:10). So I guess it’s still an hour hanging yesterday 😁. Also 2 hours and about 15 minutes in extender yesterday. About 40 minutes pumping today, 10 minutes soft clamp, 5 minutes hard clamp. Gonna do some more hanging and extending later.

4 hours in extender today. 1 hour hanging. Messed up, and didn’t lß the grip on my vacuum cup. So when I pulled on it, it gave me a small abrasion. Despite this, I still hung for an hour. Surprisingly, I still maintained a great vacuum seal, eventhough wrapped over the abrasion. This usually causes slippage, but it stayed on. I feel the stretch after taking the device off too, a little more than usual today.

Woke up feeling a stretch behind my scrotum, and a little sore 😁. I think the abrasion, below my glans came from me turning my heat up to high on my Stealth Innerwear heat wrap also. Looks like I can wrap below the glans, where the sleeve is, without slippage. Feels like there’s still a stretch feel, so I’ll probably wear my Stealth Innerwear at the gym today 😁. I’ll just use my velcro strap, to strap it around my leg so it won’t bulge 😁.

1 hour hanging, 3 hours extending, and about 3 1/2 hours in Stealth Innerwear. Got my 1" rods in around Friday. I’m extending to 8" right now.

So, I have to do one last modification to my extender’s base 😄. Like I said in the past I put loctite on all my rods, because they moves so much while I’m wearing it. When I got to the base springs, I was unsure whether I needed to do the same. Luckily, I had put super glue on them instead. So now I need to unscrew them 😄. The screws to adjust the length, are really tight sometimes, for the Autoextender. So I have to replace them with my X4 labs base rods. So of course it’s super hard to unscrew them 😄. I Googled how, and it said use WD40, or heat from a solder gun. I did the WD40, and after letting them sit, I was able to get one loose. I sprayed the other one again, and let it sit. I do have a solder gun though, if needed. The cylinder with the dashes is wobbly too, so I had to replace them.

I thought I updated my modification on my rods swap, but it was successful 😁. The thumb screws glide up and down so effortlessly, with the x4 labs base. The screws don’t flush fully to the base of the rods though, when closed. Other than that, I wore my extender for about 6 hours yesterday (a little over 5.5 hours). About an hour and a half today, so far.

2 hours in extender today. About 3 hours 3 days ago when I last posted. So that was about 4 hours and a half that day, with the hour and a half prior.

3 hours in extender today.

About 2 hours and 15 minutes in extender yesterday.

2 hours in extender today, and about 3 hours in it yesterday.

3 hours in extender yesterday. About 4 hours and 35 minutes in extender today.

About 2 hours and 20 minutes in extender today.

About 4 hours in extender today.

About 2 hours in extender today.

About 2 hours in extender today.


All times are GMT. The time now is 12:05 PM.