Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Autoextender 5

About 3 hours in my extender yesterday, then I wore my Stealth Innerwear while working out. I wore it for probably about 3 hours. Finishing up a hanging session right now 😁. I’m going to try to do a second session later on today. I will definitely be wearing my extender most of the day today 😁. I’ve got it stretched to 8" now, and I always have a longer hang afterwards. My stretched length usually gets really close to 6". I’d say it gets to about 5 6/8 -5 7/8". Usually when I stretched it to 7 1/2", it would have a stretched hang to only about 5 1/8 - 5 1/2".

Did 7 hours in my extender yesterday.

I did an hour hanging yesterday, 20 minutes pumping, and about 2 hours and some minutes extending. Oh, also 5 minutes clamping. I pretty much clamp after every pump session. Oh, and my extender is actually stretched to 7 3/4", but sometimes it’s really close to 8".

Wore my extender for about 5 hours yesterday. Then wore my anti turtle Stealth Innerwear sleeve for about 3 hours.

Hung for 41 minutes yesterday, 19 the day before. I started a little before midnight, so my session rolled over to the next day. Also, wore my extender for 1 hour, yesterday.

Wore my extender for 3 hours today. Looks like it’s going to 4 hours today. About to finish it up in a few.

1 hour in extender.


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