Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Autoextender 5

Greetings fellow PE enthusiasts

One question.
Which is produces better results, ADS after hanging or Pumping after hanging?

Or any others?

Originally Posted by PacificGold
Greetings fellow PE enthusiasts

One question.
Which is produces better results, ADS after hanging or Pumping after hanging?

Or any others?

I’m kind of new to hard clamping, but when I pump the next morning after hanging that night, it feels like it hangs lower. I usually wear an extender after hanging though. I do this because I’m going more for length.

Did about 6 hours yesterday in autoextender. Then 3 hours today, followed by one hour of hanging. I’m still having problems with my vacuum seal. I’ll have to get some of that itac 2 someone recommended.

I don’t know the reason why, if it’s dealing with having a cold, but I pumped for like two hours today 😄. I guess because I’ve been doing it for a while, and haven’t been using my creams to entice me 😄. I should’ve put a toe cap on my glans, when it got too good. Now I have a blister 😟. No worries, it’ll pop when I wear my extender tomorrow 😄. I couldn’t believe my erection got up to 8". The problem was I didn’t relube, and couldn’t take it out, until it softened up 😄. I then wore my clamp, and cock rings for about 10 minutes or so.

I always love getting "stuck" in the tube! Haha. Great times. But yeah, blisters suck, I had one once and now I am scared of getting them ever again, because when it popped, it hurt!

Other than using much lower pressures, and wearing a glans cap [which I am currently doing] how do you avoid getting those blisters? Curious.

What size tube are you using? I know when I got to 8" in the tube, I felt AMAZING! But I have only gotten there once or twice and never consistently! Typically, I am closer to 7.75-7.9".

Just curious, how long have you been extending and what is your current routine? What have your gains been? Sorry about the hundred questions, just curious!

Just want to be the me I want to be. ;)

Start: BPEL 6.3" EG 5.1"

Now: BPEL 7.5" EG 5.7" Goal: MORE

Originally Posted by Mrcsmxx
Other than using much lower pressures, and wearing a glans cap [which I am currently doing] how do you avoid getting those blisters? Curious.

I use the same technique you do, glans cap, and lower the tension. If blisters are a consistent problem, I just stop, and do something different. I’ve never got a blister from hanging 😁.

What size tube are you using? I know when I got to 8" in the tube, I felt AMAZING! But I have only gotten there once or twice and never consistently! Typically, I am closer to 7.75-7.9".
I have a 10" tube, should’ve gotten a 9" tube. I guess it’s fine now, just in case it elongates to 9" erect. I’d really be surprised then 😄🤣. The diameter of the tube is 7 1/8", but I use a silicone seal on the opening (it’s like jelly 😄).

Just curious, how long have you been extending and what is your current routine? What have your gains been? Sorry about the hundred questions, just curious!

I’ve been extending since 2010. I started with the x4 labs extender, but it kept restricting blood flow ☹️. Despite that, I gained half an inch erect, to get to 7.5". I switched to the vacuum extender this year. I think it’s been 5 months now, since I started using it. I’ve gained about a 1/4" flaccid. Depending on my eq, I’d say about 3/4"- 7/8".
My routine is jelq for about 5 -15 minutes with gres cacao gres koulev bave beef (I might start doing this last. It makes me super stretchy 😁). Sorry, first I heat it up down there, and stretch. After jelqing I hang, then I throw on my extender, with my Stealth Innerwear warming pad, off and on. I am for 4 hours in the extender, but longer when I don’t have to work.

Oh yeah, I’ve been using the vacuum pump since 2001, it was the Joel Kaplan pump. I was 21 at the time, with my own place. I think it was like 8 months or 3 months (perhaps the former since I just hit 8" again, after 7 months 😁). That pump was only 9" in length. When I hit 8" then, I figured it was big enough, and threw it away ☹️. The gains weren’t permanent. It was crazy though then, women were hitting on me, asking me what’s hanging at work 😄. I was like I have to slow down 😄. I wanted the two stage cylinder, but I was afraid it was going to damage my jewels 😖. So I stuck to the one stage. I’m debating now on the two stage, to accelerate my length. Oh yeah, before then, I had some kind of novelty item with some kind rubber band noose, to stretch me out. I was like 19 then, and living with someone, so it was kind of hard to sneak around with it 😄.

Tried the itac2 someone mentioned for better grip. Well with my toe cap glans cap it didn’t work. Without the glans cap, it worked pretty well. I wore my extender for about 4 hours today.

Did 20 minutes pumping, 5 minutes with hard and soft clamp, and 1 hour hanging yesterday.

Did 20 minutes in the pump 2 days ago, and 4 hours in the extender yesterday.

Did 4 hours in my extender yesterday, and 2 hours the day before. The deep cylinder has a grip that it never loses. I think the small deep cylinder might be a better fit for me though. MB only had the medium made. I’ve been stretching it to 7.5 -8" easily. It’s just the base starts to burn from all that pulling, after a while. I’ve super glued a torn silicone sleeve around it, but that didn’t help much. I might tear off a piece of velcro and super glue it to this cloth, from a knocked off bib hanger. I can stretch it as far as I want, it’s just causes pain, and a little ballooning from the size up, after a while.

Did about 7 hours in my extender, and 1 hour hanging yesterday.

Originally Posted by Schlong_7
Did about 7 hours in my extender, and 1 hour hanging yesterday.

Good deal! How are you liking it? I’ve been looking into extending/hanging (since allot of parts match) as my next PE endeavor. I’m looking forward to your results.

-Stay safe.

Originally Posted by 114life
Good deal! How are you liking it? I’ve been looking into extending/hanging (since allot of parts match) as my next PE endeavor. I’m looking forward to your results.

-Stay safe.

Man, I was just about to post on here that’s a complete 180° in regards to the deep cup 😄. I still love Mb’s inter locking, 2 cylinder system. I found a little trick with the regular cylinders, I’m getting ready to post. Far as hanging and extending, it’s cool. It’s some trial and error, and time consuming, but it’s nice to see the results 😁.

Last edited by Schlong_7 : 08-09-2024 at .

Man, I take back what I say about the deep cup 😄. Mb’s interlocking 2 cylinder system is still great though. I wasted my money on the deep cup though 😄. I fixed the slippage problem though, with my regular cylinder. So, I started putting two glans caps, or toe caps on my glans. Voilà, no slippage 😄.


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