Thunder's Place

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Autoextender 5

I did extending with an old noose style for 6+ hours/day for months. Gave me good length gains but was torture. 10 years ago.
Your dedication should pay off especially with this nice hanging/extending tech.

I looked at the deep VAC 5. Does it increase the glans size? Has it the same seal as the other versions?

Originally Posted by BDAgenda
I did extending with an old noose style for 6+ hours/day for months. Gave me good length gains but was torture. 10 years ago.
Your dedication should pay off especially with this nice hanging/extending tech.

I looked at the deep VAC 5. Does it increase the glans size? Has it the same seal as the other versions?

Thanks 😁. It feels like it does increase the glan size. Currently after stretching, it reaches 6". It use to be a little past 5 1/2", after stretching. Just finishing up a session, and I’m a little frustrated with always having to reapply the vacuum seal. I’m looking at my penis pump, and I’ve been like, why is the seal so much better on the pump? So I’m like, I’m just going to switch valves 😁. The penis pump valve will go deeper in the valve, but maybe I can just saw some of it off. The autoextender has a tiny valve, and although I get a nice seal, I think it loses the seal because there’s not enough air encompassing it. I’ve already put holes in the inner cylinder. I’m going to experiment with a few spare cylinder cups.

1 1/2 in extender today. Time for some more modifications though, because I keep losing the vacuum seal. I’m going to take off my vacuum pump valve, and put it in the autoextender, for a more powerful seal.

Just finished an hour hanging session yesterday, right before midnight. Did an hour hanging before then. Then I did an hour pump session, and about 3 minutes hard clamp and 10 minutes soft clamp. After that, I wore my extender for about 5 hours and 50 minutes( Practically 6 hours). The day before yesterday, I hung for 1 hour. My modification failed, with my pump valve, and my vacuum cup. I have a new idea though. I’m going to tape my Theraband (got from Size Genetics a long time ago) to the outside of my inner cylinder. This way, the theraband increase friction against the inside of the outside cylinder. My taped glands usually stick to the inside of the inner cylinder. Going to try this later on.

Oh, I meant to mention, I didn’t use my deep cup cylinder for the modification. I had an extra regular cup, from when the merchant thought I had a leaky valve, and he sent me another vacuum cup. So I experimented on that. Should’ve known I needed another pinch clip, to hold the air in, but I didn’t even get suction when I wore it. I assembled it in my car, soon as I got it. I guess it’s not built for bigger holes to be drilled into it, because I drilled away the little hole, on the inside of the cylinder. I just have to grease up my wrapping with this tac, and push in extra hard to get into this deep cup, after wrapping the inner cylinder with the theraband. I’ll punch some holes in it also.

I can’t edit my post before last, but my pump session was 20 minutes not an hour. My hour hanging session, the day before yesterday was part of my hanging session yesterday. I only did an about 35 minutes before midnight, the rest of the time lapsed over to yesterday. It still equals up to two hour sessions for two days 😁.

Originally Posted by AndyJ

You’re getting some serious time in!

Thanks. Sorry, I thought this was an old post 😁. I hope I can fix this vacuum seal inconsistency problem. I have to wear my vacuum tube under my shirt, while the vacuum bag sealer is in my pocket. That way I can somewhat discreetly reapply the vacuum seal in public. I just don’t do it in front of people, and if I had to, I make it seem like I’m fiddling with my phone. I usually do it in my car before going into a store or wherever.

Well, I got my theraband modification going. As I pushed the inner cylinder in, the theraband I glued to the cylinder began to roll down a little bit. It was on on two parts, but that’s because I didn’t glue those parts 😁. I thought if I glued where it started, and where it wrapped back around to, it be good. Luckily it didn’t tear. I glued those parts later, and let it dried. I’m going to test it out later, and drill holes through theraband that covers the holes slightly. I wish I could heat shrink the theraband, to avoid looseness. I might have to add a little Vaseline or lube, because it takes a while to get the inner cylinder out 😄. Now I just need a glans cap, and do the same thing with my wrapping. I’m going to try it again with my toe cap covers. Maybe I’ll have more luck using the tac, liquid chalk, and opening the holes more in my inner cylinder 😁.

Fell asleep, after wearing my extender, once I modified the inner cylinder. I was trying to drill holes through where the theraband covered the holes on the inner cylinder. Doesn’t seem like it made much of a difference. Once it was all said and done, I wore my extender for 2 hours. 1 hour up until midnight. Then 1 hour til 1 when I woke up 😄. I got some more theraband on the way, and I want to put some inside the inner cylinder, to keep me locked in. We’ll see how it goes when I get it. I just don’t want to keep having to reapply the vacuum seal 😫 😄.

4 hours in my Stealth Innerwear anti turtle sleeve yesterday. Just got my theraband today 😁.

Last edited by Schlong_7 : 10-29-2024 at .

Man, made a mess with this super glue from putting this theraband inside my inner cylinder 🙄. Should’ve took some gloves from work to protect myself. I just realized, I should’ve remembered to get some WhataGrip, that was recommended one year on here, back in 2012 or so 😒. I just ordered some tennis racket grip wrap, so I’m going to lay this on top of the theraband inside, then drill through the holes already in the cylinder, through the wrap 😁. Hopefully this helps my setup, to get more grip 😁. I use an extra piece of theraband to wrap around my unit, after putting a gel toe cap on it. Then I wrap some waterproof tape on the bottom part, of all the wrappings. After that I smear some tac and some liquid chalk around the theraband and wrapping.

Last edited by Schlong_7 : 10-30-2024 at .

4 hours in extender. 1 hour hanging.

Did some late hanging, the night before, so it lapsed over to today. So it was an hour hanging today technically. Also 4 hours in the extender today.

So my hanging last night was more experimental than a routine. This is why it lapsed over. It seems the tennis racket gripping strips, are durable than the theraband. The theraband kind of sticks to itself, even more after putting tack on it. So I like to use the theraband under the tennis racket gripping wrap. I then put a little tack on the tac wraps. Maybe I need to check the holes on the inner cylinder again. They could be clogged up from the super glue, and I can take the theraband off of the outer part of the inner cylinder. I’ve already taken it off of the inner part of the inner cylinder.


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