Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Day One Newbie

Day One Newbie

Here we go.

Starting out I measure up like this:-
FBPL - 4.724
FG - 4.330
SBLP - 6.721
EBPL - 6.692
EG - 4.921

Always been aware I’m not small, never had any complaints but I’ve been single for the first time in a long time and I’ve been having more casual sex. I’ve been enjoying this and getting much better at it but I want to take it to another lever.

So my goal is :-

EBPL - 7
EG - 5.5

Been reading up on here for a bit and half arse playing around with some of the exercises for a month or so. I’ve been figuring out form, what I’m comfortable with and what fits with my life style. And my plan is this.

Hot wrap/hot shower with 10mins of basic stretching - daily
Kegels - daily
2-3 30min jelq sessions - per week
2-3 pump session- per week

I’ll keep this updated every few weeks when I measure or tweak the routine but advise and suggestions are very welcome.

Wish me luck!

That’s a good start. The usual warnings apply - don’t go nuts with either the jelquing or pumping at first; start easy and work up. If you hurt yourself you’ll have to stop until everything is OK again.

Men respond to different exercises in different ways. You have a good set of starting measurements; if you keep a log of your work and your measurements (monthly will do), you can tell what works for you and what doesn’t, and whether you’re still making progress or if you’ve plateau’d a particular routine.

There’s a novelty product called a “Clone-A-Willy” (and variants thereof) that can make a silicone copy of your erect shaft. The kits are expensive and fiddly to use, but one would give you a perfect copy of your tool as it is now, that you can hold up against yourself later to measure your progress. You can get a useful approximation by rolling some cardboard to your current length and girth. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to make a second one at your flaccid size. In six months, make a second pair.

Thunder’s has been around for over twenty years; the archives have a tremendous amount of information you might find useful. At the bottom of the first page of every thread there’s a link to related threads; as you have time, click on one or two and see what’s there. You’ll likely find all kinds of useful stuff.

Welcome aboard!

Welcome, ammotive. Looking good already. Glad to hear you’re enjoying the plethora of sex coming your way as a single guy.

Forgot I’d made this.

However. I’ve have been sticking to a routine where I can.

I’ve been wearing an ADS (the vacuum/leg strap kind 3-4 times a week for 2-8hours, pumping 6-8 times a week for 10-15mins.
With a daily manual stretch routine with heat provided by an electric hand warmer, which works superbly. I also warn before pumping if possible.

I’ve not measured but something is definitely happening. I’ve had a gf the last two months and even she’s noticed and she has no idea about my PE. She has to brace a bit more when it starts and I’ve got to go steady in certain positions, it’s a massive confidence booster and I don’t get why all guys don’t do this??

Even on days when I having pumped or worn the ADS for a few days my flaccid hangs better and I don’t get that “cold dick” feeling like it’s retreating. I was already doing regular pelvic floor stuff but my erections are the best I’ve ever had.

I’m planning on measuring end of April.

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