I haven’t particularly done the one on, one off. But I just recently posted a thread on my gains on have a workout routine that worked for me. I took a lot of days off, and actually noticed better results.
My Recent Thread!
My routine is two days on, one day off like yours, but I found a little twist. After I was Pe-ing for a couple weeks, two days on, one day off, I took almost a week off, and noticed something amazing! The extra 5 days, rather than one day break, allowed my penis to heal a little better, and in return gave me the biggest hard on, I’ve ever seen in my life. Just something to think about, since your thinking of switching. Instead of switching, got for 2 weeks, and take 3-4 days off, then star two days on, and one day off again. And repeat. You might just need that extra long break towards the end. Instead of one day on, one day off.
Best stats 2009 = NBPEL - 6.25", BPEL - 7.25".. Mid EG - 5".. Base EG - 5.75" BPSFL - 7.375 —New stat 2021 = NBPEL - 5.5", BPEL - 6.5", Mid EG - 5.25
Goal stat = NBPEL - 7.75", BPEL - 8.25".. Tip EG - 5.75".. Base EG - 6.25”
:dance: Need a workout log? I've got one Here. :-pulse: