Ddiggity's Progress
I’ve been doing PE for a long time, but I have been very inconsistent through the years. While I’ve had some decent gains, I believe that when I’ve done PE I’ve gone too hard and didn’t realize my full potential because I didn’t give myself enough rest days.
Either way, I’m back at it with a 2 on 2 off routine, a less is more approach that some great forum members have advised. It has worked very well for me, the wife was even confused after I came home from a month away as to how my dick was bigger! First time that has ever happened. While I have gained over the years it has been so slow that she hasn’t noticed. She now thinks that maybe your dick grows bigger as you get older, haha. Maybe I’ll tell her about PE at some point, not sure.
Right now my routine is:
Day 1: 3 10 minute pump sessions at 4hg
Day 2: Jelqing always, mix it up with O-Bends, Ulis, hand clamping. I’m going to be getting a clamp in soon and plan on doing 2 5 minute sessions with that for a while.
I always use water when I pump with the brake bleeder because I have issues with my sack getting pulled in. If you use water, there is no volume in the cylinder for your sack to replace. I do have the correct size cylinder, my balls just ride really high up the shaft, which sucks. If anyone has good advice on how to get them lower, it is appreciated. I’m trying to stretch the skin on the lower shaft but it is time consuming and while seems to help somewhat, an easier method would be awesome.
I’m ONLY going for girth right now. I’ll probably be fairly long between measurements, but here they are right now:
BPEL: 6 7/8”
MSEG: 4.95” (Just a tad under 5. I can’t say I’ve broken the 5 mark yet, but I’m really happy about that measurement, must be where my wife noticed the difference!)
Starting Stats: BPEL 5.5" EG 4.4" -- Current: BPEL 6.9" EG 4.95" -- Short Term Goal BPEL 7", EG 5.25" -- Ultimate Goal : BPEL 7.5" EG 5.75"