Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Didgeridoo to alphorn progress


Didgeridoo to Alphorn progress

I’ve had the issue of my PE journey getting out of hand by doing too much and not documenting it enough for future reference. For example the past 6 months been a bit blur as haven’t made that much progress and I did plan to do some rest periods but didn’t really fully commit to them. Maybe posting here will help with setting a schedule of consistent rest and healing time. My current plan is to follow Kyrpa’s methods and adjust them to my needs.


Note about measurements: For the most of the time in PE I used a bendy measuring stick for length that could bury really deep in to the fat pad and I think at some points my measurements might be a bit off on the length. Only in august 2019 I decided to modify a non bending triangular shaped stick to my needs. Also in the summer of 2019 I used a silicone girth band to “help” with my girth/length measurements so there is definetly a couple of mm extra there.

—-2005—- I found out about PE, did some jelqs but didn’t really continue because of privacy issues and general feeling of embarrassment of doing something like this. Gained maybe 5 mm (3/16 inch) in a few weeks? Starting measurements were around 14,5 cm BPEL (5,7 inches) and 10 cm BGEG (3,9 inches). Somewhere around 2009 to 2013 measured 15,7 cm BPEL (6,18 inches) for some reason. I think my biggest issue wasn’t erect size, it was the flaccid size. I was really small when flaccid and had (and still have) a massive fat pad. So I didn’t really want to start PE because I kinda thought I was surprising my sexual partner with my size..

—-2017 summer—- Started with the newbie routine and ordered Bib starter hanger. By the time it arrived in the mail in mid-July, I was 17 cm BPEL (6,7 inches) and 10,5 cm BGEG (4,1 inches). Was fairly happy with the gain rate. I think I did 10 min jelqs and 10 mins of stretches twice during the day, morning and evening. Didn’t really like the manual side of the PE so I was happy to get the BIB. Noted that I have a steel cord on my dorsal nerve on the left side.

—-2017 autumn—- Started hanging 7 days a week with something like 1 kg (2,2 pounds) with gradually increasing the weight and time to 2 kg (4,4 pounds) and 2 hours per day. Used a heated rice sock for 75% of the time and and the last 25% was used to cool down. I started hanging completely wrong as I rotated the hanger 90 degrees, so I was cutting off circulation from the dorsal and the ventral side. I remember that I was really happy with the setup and made good progress with it until after one hanging session I lost the feeling to the head. That made me do my research properly and found out that the dorsal and ventral are supposed to be free from any pressure. So I decided to rotate the Bib to the correct position and then my struggles with it started. Most of my gains during that autumn were from keeping the hanger in the wrong position. At the end of this period I was 17,9 cm BPEL (7 inches) and 11,7 cm BGEG (4,6 inches).

—-2017 winter/2018 spring—- I remember spending like 1 hour every day to figure out how to hold the hanger in place without it rotating to the wrong position. My penis is oval shaped and the left CC is shorter and thinner than the right side(also shaped like a curvy didgeridoo.. Heh), so what ends up happening is the left side gets filled with blood much earlier and this causes the hanger to rotate. I had dark spots near the opening of the urethra and some other bad signs. During this time I had some weird periods that I was actually gaining girth quite fast and some times I was gaining length. Anyway spending 3 hours everyday on PE and trying to lose weight was really doing its thing on my mind. At the end of this period I was 18,2 cm BPEL (7,2 inches) and 12 cm BGEG (4,7 inches). During April 2018 I kinda decided to put a hold on PE and focus on something better, getting my willy wet as I had gotten way more confidence due to way larger flaccid size.

—-2018 Summer and autumn—- Rest period, only measured once during October or something and I can’t recall the measurement but I think it was the same as before. Upped my lay count to something that I am happy with and I think I grew up a bit during that time.

—-2019 January to march—- Staring measurements were 17,5 cm BPEL (6,9 inches) and 12 cm BGEG (4,7 inches) so length was lost a bit. I think I measured girth a bit later so hanging might have affected girth measurement a bit. Started hanging again with the BIB with same issues as before, doing everyday for two hours.

—-2019 March to end of may—- Started to research into vacuum hanging and bought VacHanger 3. Used the same protocol as before, reached weight of something like 3 kg (6,6 pounds) x 2 hours x 7 days a week. Found out about Kyrpa’s protocol and use of US therapeutic heat as way to make gains. I decided to make changes to my way of doing PE:
- I always had the idea of doing girth later when I reached a reasonable length. Kyrpa’s use of pumping changed my mind, so I ordered a set of LeLuv vac cylinders.
- Tried to wrap my head around also incorporating rest periods to my protocol and decided to plan a rest period.
- Adopt the use of US heat. Ordered an NuTec Sonic-stimu pro 1 MHz/3 MHz 2 W/cm² machine

18,3 cm BPEL (7,2 inches) and 12,5 cm BGEG (4,9 inches). During this time I

—-2019 June to September—- Had planned on doing a 15 day rest from vac stretching but all the ordered stuff came in early from the mail and I just had to start testing it. My protocol was:
- 3 days on 2 days off
- Morning routine
- 1 - 2 kg (2,2 - 4,4 pounds) for 1 hour
- 20 mins US heat with 2-3 kg (4,4 - 6,6 pounds)
- 1 - 2 kg (2,2 - 4,4 pounds) for 1 hour
- Evening routine
- random pumping and clamping techniques, tried to find a good method to increase girth but didn’t really document my methods

I was gaining 1 mm a week but I wasn’t really consistent on the measuring part. I think I buried the measuring stick too hard on my fat pad and it left a dent that was gradually growing. I was so set in the gains so when I finally hit the wall I had to switch protocol to something else. I tried to adapt manual stretching after US heat but it didn’t really work at all and I found that my length started to retract. On hindsight this was the time that I started to use a more consistent ruler. I also didn’t really consistently measure pre and post vac stretching BPFL. I also didn’t choose to do real proper rest periods because I thought I had not reached enough gains to warrant a rest period on my steel cord. Had some issues with blisters, sometimes I didn’t pop them while continued vac stretching and they went away. Once I popped them and had a pretty big open wound on my head, was scared a bit but that healed quite fast.

—-2019 October to 2020 January—- Started to concentrate on BPFL measurements and stopped using any kind of aids to measure girth. Kinda started to get burned out because I wasn’t making progress. Upped my weight to 2-3 kg x 60 min -> 4-5 kg US heated 20 mins -> 2-3 kg 60 min cooldown and got some of the lost gains back. At some point I realized I had not done the planned rest periods at all and decided it had to be the culprit. In December started a rest with vac stretching that lasted for 50 days until the end of January. I still did some clamping and pumping that was supposed to be “light” but I ended up doing 10 mins clamping followed by 10 mins pumping 3 times a day. During this period, even though I was doing clamping and pumping, my BGEG measurement dropped from 12,3 cm to 11,2 cm. I of course realized that I should only measure when my unit has had enough rest from PE to actually see progress.

So to sum up all the mistakes that I think I made:
- Not enough rest.
- Not using ultrasound correctly, I used it while stretching straight out thus the ventral side of the penis was oscillating against the US waves that were coming from the US device. I should use OTL stretching.
- Not measuring correctly. Used a girth band to measure girth and a bendy stick for length and using them after workouts. Should adapt a more consistent measuring protocol and concentrate on pre and post BPFL measurements.

Last edited by Didgeridoo : 02-05-2020 at .

Current situation/plan

2 days on 2 days off for 30 to 50 days followed by a 2 week rest period. I start with a 4 day streak to condition my unit to handle stretching. In my experience with vac stretching, my glans need a extended period to condition them to handle higher that 2 kg weights. My starting stats:
BPEL: 18,6 cm
BGEG: 11,3 cm
MSEG: 12 cm
BEG: 12,8 cm
Pre BPFL: 19,9 cm
Pre BPFL: 20,6 cm

During my starting period, I noticed that even with this routine I reached strain % of 3,5:
- 1 kg conditional stretch
- 1,75 kg US heated stretch
- 3 kg manual stretches

So I think I will not add weight to this routine if I reach a strain of more than 3 % and it produces gains. So maybe I need to add this to the list of mistakes: too much weight.

My plan currently (started January 31st):

- Vac Stretching routine:
— 40 minutes conditional stretch 1 kg for 42 days
— 20 mins US heat 1 kg x 1,75 = 1,75 kg for 38 days
— 10x 30 sec manual stretches 1 kg x 3,00 = 3,00 kg for 30 days

- Girth routine #1 days 1 to 30:
— 10 minutes of heated clamping followed by 10 minutes of pumping 5-7 in HG

- Girth routine #2 days 31 to 53:
— 10 minutes of heated clamping followed by 10 minutes of pumping 5-7 in HG twice per day

- Rest routine:
— 14 days complete rest
— 37 days rest from manual stretches
— 29 days rest from US heat
— 25 days rest from Vac stretching

Problems with girth:
- I don’t know if my girth routine is enough to make gains or am I limited by something or should I just concentrate on length first. I chose 10 mins clamping + 10 mins pumping because I suffer from too much swelling of my foreskin. I was pretty inconsistent in my girth workout methods during summer and autumn and I should choose on method and stick with it. If I don’t make any gains with this girth protocol during this period, I’ll consider to having a 135 to 150 day rest from girth workouts and try it again after that.
- I just don’t know if 7 in HG is enough for making gains in 10 mins.
- I haven’t really figured out how come my girth dropped from 12 cm to 11,3 cm BGEG.

Tools used

Bib starter 07/2017-04/2018, 01/2019-03/2019
- Made the Dorsal and ventral openings larger
- Couldn’t figure out a way to make it work with my uneven length and oval shaped penis.

Penimaster 06/2019-07/2019
- Installed an LeLuv female vac pump attachment

Doesn’t provide enough suction force or the force is unreliable. The suction sleeve that was installed to the cup was already perforated and I spent way too much time on figuring out what was wrong. Can’t really stop foreskin from getting inside the cup and causing edema. Too scary to use without seeing inside the cup if there is any liquid buildup or worse, blood.

VacHanger 3, medium size 03/2019-today
- Installed an LeLuv female vac pump attachment
- Shortened the soft vacuum cone so that when installed, the cone fills the gap between the VacHanger cup and the area behind the glans. Shortening the cone is because I can get the US transducer closer to the glans. Compared to the PM cup, I just lose maybe 8 or 10 mm of “heating space”. I don’t really need to use the silicone sealing sleeve, the vacuum cone does good enough of a job.
- To install,
1. I dip the glans in talcum powder.
2. I use two perforated silicone toe caps, the inside one is perforated in a way that it accommodates the glans and the part that is not perforated is the one that sits slightly behind the glans, forcing the toe cap to stay in place. The second cap is perforated in such a fay that it fills the gaps made by the first toe cap.
3. I place the shortened soft vacuum cone behind the glans, on top of the toe cap edges. This makes it so that there is no possible way for the foreskin to be vacuum sucked in the cup, which used to be a problem for me
4. Attach the cup and pump to 9 in HG
- There was sort of a training period that took 3 months to really accommodate this tool. I used to get quite a lot of cuts in the area around the frenulum. Within 3 months I think the distance between the frenulum and the urethral opening got extended a bit and now when the head is in the chamber, the frenulum is tucked below the toe caps in a safe place.

Leluv 1,5 inch, 1,75 inch and 2,00 inch vacuum cylinders 06/2019-today
- In the summer 2019 I felt that I could make gains much easier with these cylinders. I could pack the 1,75 inch-er much better than now. I do think that it was mostly foreskin edema.
- I have a sleeve which fits the 1,75 and 2,00 inch cylinders which makes them 0,125 inches smaller. I felt that transitioning from 1,5 to 1,75 and 1,75 to 2,00 is “easier” if I use the sleeve.
- I need to find a way to make these things generate gains.

Cable clamps
- Small and the medium one.
- I think I should use the medium one with a silicone sleeve. Its much easier to clamp by width with the medium one, I haven’t found a good sleeve that works the way I would want. I can attach the small one, but I need to be flaccid and get maybe maximum 2 clicks on the clamp

—-Day 14/53 report—-
BPEL: 18,6->18,9 cm (+0,3 cm)
BGEG: 11,3->11,3 cm (+0,0 cm)
MSEG: 12->12,0 cm (+0,0 cm)
BEG: 12,8->12,8 cm (+0,0 cm)
Pre BPSFL: 19.9->20,3 cm (+0,4 cm)
Post BPSFL: 20,6->21 cm (+0,4 cm)

Extremely satisfied with the length results. I was supposed to increase load by now but kept the forces as such:
- 1,0-1,25 kg conditional stretch
- 1,75-2,0 kg US heated stretch
- 3 kg manual stretches

Who knows, maybe my 2019 “stagnation” was due to using too much force. I’ve decided to modify girth routine as the routine wasn’t doing anything permanent:

Girth routine days 13 to 53:
- 10 minutes of Us heated clamping
- 10 minutes of pumping 10 in HG (vac cylinder preheated)
- 10 minutes of clamping
- 10 minutes of pumping 5 in HG

Very nice and serious approach. And you have had some serious gains. I’m on a three week complete rest right now. I was starting to lose size despite doing PE every day. Of course it was to much and realised I was over training…..again. From now on I have to take more complete rest days.

Reading your thread and findings gives me motivation to do less.

Go hard man but not to hard🙂

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

—-Day 26/53 report—-
BPEL: 18,9->19 cm (+0,1 cm)
BGEG: 11,3->11,6 cm (+0,3 cm)
MSEG: 12->12,2 cm (+0,2 cm)
BEG: 12,8->12,9 cm (+0,1 cm)
Pre BPSFL: 20.3->20,5 cm (+0,2 cm)
Post BPSFL: 21->20,7 cm (-0,3 cm)

Patrik_16 : thanks for the comment. I think everybody has a sweet spot how much is enough what is too much depending on their current situation.

After my last post I decided to not do any measurements and ease off vac stretching due to reaching a point where I felt my steel cord being really tight and not malleable.

So after day 17 I stopped manual stretches and switched to this routine(all in one go, no rest between sets):
— 40 minutes conditional stretch 1 kg
— 20 mins US heat 1 kg x 1,75 = 1,75 kg
— 10 mins vac pumping 10 in HG and US heating through the vacuum cylinder
- 10 mins clamping heated with water
- 10 mins vac pumping cooldown 5 in HG

I think this setup works for increasing girth, which has been hard for me in the past. There is some edema, but not as bad as before. After the sets are done I feel that the top half of my penis is plump from the inside, not only from the skin edema like in the past.

I want to note that I think I should not do girth exercises in the morning as I feel as if the CC’s are very odd feeling and tight some days. I’ve almost always had morning wood going on and done girth exercises after waking up. If I do girth in the evening the CC’s feel a little softer.

After today ill switch to this routine:
— 20 mins US heated bundled stretches 1,25 kg
— 10 mins vac pumping 10 in HG and US heating through the vacuum cylinder
- 10 mins clamping heated with water
- 10 mins vac pumping cooldown 5 in HG

After day 32 routine:
— 10 mins clamping heated with water
— 10 mins vac pumping 10 in HG and US heating through the vacuum cylinder
- 10 mins clamping heated with water
- 10 mins vac pumping cooldown 5 in HG

I’ll again stop measuring until I reach day 53, where my two week resting period starts. This whole not measuring thing has been helpful for my mindset and now when I do my PE stuff, I just do it and don’t think about it.

—-Period #2, day 1/53 report—-
BPEL: 19->19,1 cm (+0,1 cm)
BGEG: 11,6->11,7 cm (+0,1 cm)
MSEG: 12.2->12,2 cm (+0,0 cm)
BEG: 12,9->12,9 cm (+0,0 cm)
Pre BPSFL: 20.5->20,0 cm (-0,5 cm)
Post BPSFL: 20.7->20,7 cm (0,0 cm)

- I decided to end my last period one week earlier. So I’ve had 3 weeks of complete rest.
- Didn’t really bother to measure at the end of the period. I think my measurements stayed the same. I did measure twice my length and girth and they stayed pretty much the same for the whole two weeks.
- Today I felt really “meaty” after my workout. Something makes me think that doing vac stretching with US heat prior to pumping is the key to girth gains for me.
- Substantial loss (5mm) to Pre BPSFL
- Decided to go for less load than what I did during last period. Pre and post workout BPFSL strain was 3,5% so I am reaching that over 3% number with less load than before. Maybe I won’t increase my loads at all during this period.

Routine until day 21:
1. 40 minutes conditional stretch 1 kg
2. 20 mins US heat 1,5 kg
3. 2 kg manual stretches, cyclical 10 x 30 sec, 15 second rest
4. Pumping 15 .. 18 inHG, cyclical 10 x 30 sec, 15 second rest

—-Period 2 start (april 2020) -> Period 2 end (june 2020) 9 weeks—-
BPEL: 19,1->19,2 cm (+0,1 cm)
BGEG: 11,7->11,9 cm (+0,2 cm)
MSEG: 12.2->12,3 cm (+0,1 cm)
BEG: 12,9->13,0 cm (+0,1 cm)
Pre BPSFL: 20.0->20,3 cm (+0,3 cm)
Post BPSFL: 20.7->20,8 cm (+0,1 cm)

-> Cond stretch 1 kg, US heat 2 kg, cyclical 3 kg sets
-> Pumping 15 .. 18 inHG, cyclical 10 x 30 sec. And clamping

—-Rest 12 weeks (june 2020 - september 2020)—-
BPEL: 19,2->19,0 cm (-0,2 cm)
BGEG: 11,9->11,9 cm (0,0 cm)
MSEG: 12.3->12,1 cm (-0,2 cm)
BEG: 13,0->12,9 cm (-0,1 cm)
Pre BPSFL: 20.3->20,2 cm (-0,1 cm)
Post BPSFL: 20.8->20,7 cm (-0,1 cm)

—-Period 3 start (september 2020) -> Period 3 end (november 2020) 9 weeks—-
BPEL: 19,0->19,3 cm (+0,3 cm)
BGEG: 11,9->12,3 cm (+0,4 cm)
MSEG: 12.1->12,4 cm (+0,3 cm)
BEG: 12,9->12,5 cm (-0,4 cm)
Pre BPSFL: 20.2->20,4 cm (+0,2 cm)
Post BPSFL: 20.7->21,0 cm (+0,3 cm)

-> Cond stretch 0,6 - 1,5 kg, US heat 2 kg, cyclical 3 - 4 kg sets
-> Pumping 15 .. 18 inHG, cyclical 10 x 30 sec. And clamping

—-Rest 2 weeks (end of november)—-

—-Girth work set (december 2020) 4 weeks—-
-> Static pumping 7 .. 15 inHG in water and clamping

2020 analysis:

I think 3 weeks rest between period 1 and 2 was not enough. Even though I had a fairly decent rest between period 2 and 3 but I think I need to add a girth routine at the end of each period for at least 4 weeks. I am going try in 2021 to ditch all cyclical pumps/stretches from my routine as I found out it’s way easier to do less weight and pressure with water and reach the same goal(post PBSFL). I also ditched out the talcum powder and silicone toe caps and replaced them with adding water to the VacHanger cup really removed any possibility to get blisters and I could potentially hang 6 kg+ with ease.

—-Rest 12 weeks (january 2021 - march 2021)—-
BPEL: 19,3->18,6 cm (-0,7 cm)
BGEG: 12,3->12,1 cm (-0,2 cm)
MSEG: 12.4->12,3 cm (-0,1 cm)
BEG: 12,5->12,5 cm (0,0 cm)
Pre BPSFL: 20.4->19,5 cm (-0,9 cm)
Post BPSFL: 21.0->20,5 cm (-0,5 cm)

—-Period 4 start (march 2021) -> 2 weeks—-
BPEL: 18,6->19,0 cm (+0,4 cm)
BGEG: 12,1->? Cm (? Cm)
MSEG: 12,3->? Cm (? Cm)
BEG: 12,5->? Cm (? Cm)
Pre BPSFL: 19,5->20,0 cm (+0,5 cm)
Post BPSFL: 20,5->20,7 cm (+0,2 cm)

-> Cond stretch 0,6 - 1,5 kg, US heat 2,5 kg, static 10 min 2,6 kg pull
-> After stretch 50 jelqs, static pumping 10 .. 15 inHG in water 15 mins with a restrictor band around cock and balls and end with 50 jelqs with the restrictor band on for 30 minutes

Somewhere around 9 weeks rested BPEL dropped quite significantly. I had my worries that all my year-to-year length gains were lost but after starting again BPEL jumped up quite fast. Maybe the rest in 2020 january to february was not long enough to reduce edema enough? So I’ll now have at least 12 weeks of rest between periods. Still, I have gained at least 10 kg’s of weight due to personal stressors plus I feel that it’s harder to take length measurements. The stick that I use to measure is quite thick but maybe the fat around the pubic bone is somehow affected by how frequently I press on it? The drop in BEG can be attributed to not being able to measure right at the base. I am back on track to losing weight.

In all of my periods I’ve had a moment somewhere in the 3 to 4 week point where Pre- and Post PBSFL drops significantly(0,2 - 0,3 cm). It’s like a jolt down after reaching a new record. PBEL measurements were unaffected by this. I usually just continued on until at the end of the period I finally caught up with the record measurements. I got no clue why this is happening? Maybe I should end my stretching routine at this point and concentrate more on girth workouts?

I came up with the restrictor band use with the pump as I was testing out different sized rubber bands if I wanted to use something after pumping session to keep my unit engorged. I tried it on while using the pump and I felt a huge difference in how the insides felt, especially the top part of my penis. After adding the rubber band I’ve had great after effects; reduced edema of the skin and plump feel on the CC’s for the whole day after the session. I haven’t bothered to make any measurements as I think I’ll concentrate now on measuring less. Ill do a measuring week after I have done my stretching routine and at the end of the girth routine.

BPEL: 19,0->19,0 cm (+0,0 cm)
BGEG: 12,1->? No girth measure
MSEG: 12,3->? No girth measure
BEG: 12,5->? No girth measure
Pre BPSFL: 20,0->19,5 cm (-0,5 cm)
Post BPSFL: 20,7->20,2 cm (-0,3 cm)

The drop in pre- and post PBSFL happened just a bit later after my last post. I can’t seem to figure out why this happens? Post BPSFL peaked at 20,8 just before it happened.

I’ve already spent 22 months on using Ultrasound and I’ve only added 0,3 - 0,7 cm to BPEL and somehow less BGEG than before? I think I am doing something really wrong. I think it is connected somehow with the drop in PBSFL.

Anyway I decided to switch routines to see if it will change my progress somehow. I started to think what I did right (gainz) and wrong (stalled) in my past:
- For the past two years I haven’t really seen PI’s. Distinct lack of soreness (the good kind). Compared to the time I did hanging with Bib/vachanging for 2 hours per day, 7 days a week I was seeing a lot of good signs. Meaty soreness. It’s hard to describe as I haven’t kept that good records of my endeavors. I think I might heal a lot faster.
- Any sort of pumping has had bad effect on my EQ and no real PI’s.
- I’ve had attachment problems with BIB due to my oval penis so using that is out of the question, I am not trying that again. I am amazed that I gained with it as the amount of attachment problems I had with it was massive.
- Now that I’ve wised up to use water as an intermediate inside the cup I’ve had zero problems with blisters. I think I could confidently hang at around fatigue and for a long time.
- I never had a problem spending 10 hours per week on PE as I have always been able to do my desk job at home.

So my plan is as follows:
- Get 10 hours of hanging per week. Max 60 minutes until I take off the vachanger and jelq my head until it is back to “normal”
- Use clamping and horse440 every other day

I do have a schedule which I follow but I think I’ll do some adjustments so I won’t be posting it yet. I have done this already for a week and I got loads of PI’s. Thick, meaty erections and EQ up. Only been measuring BPSFL and documenting fatigue. Right now I am hanging at 3 kg’s and I do feel fatigue already and I need to ease off a bit from time to time.

My plan now is to continue with this until the end of june/july as work/personal life permits. I’ll do a report then, I promise.

Great detail in those logs. And very sly joke in your subject line. I thought for sure that alphorn was a typo or something, until I Googled it.

BPEL: 19,0->19,3 cm (+0,3 cm)
BGEG: 12,1->12
MSEG: 12,3->12,3
BEG: 12,5->?
Pre BPSFL@4kg: 19,4->19,8 cm (+0,4 cm)
Post BPSFL@4kg: 19,9->20,3 cm (+0,4 cm)

Routine now since beginning of July on 4 days a week with rest days in between:
1. Vachang for 10 min @ 0,7 kg with heat “coil” wrapped
2. 8 sets of (with the heat coil) :
- 2 minutes of pulse stretching, loading up for 2 seconds and release for 1 second. No real holding, just reach 3,5 kg and release
- 30 seconds of rest with kegels and/or shaking my unit so some blood can circulate again
3. Release vacuum hanger
4. “light” extreme ULI with two clamps for 5 minutes
5. 15-20 minutes of pumping with the 1,75” cylinder @ 10.. 15inHg

Routine during may was similar to this one, expect no rest days and max force 7 kg

June had to take some time off

Prior problems:
- had to figure out why did the retraction occur with substantial loss in BPSFL.
- no real gain in EG.
- had to ditch out the 10 hours/week hang schedule as it also caused that retraction

- read somewhere that maybe pulse stretching would be useful to try out. Found out that I could reach the same post BPSFL numbers in less time with the above mentioned routine as with ultrasound. Gained 4 mm so this must be working.
- get a consistent clamp+pump routine for at least 3 months to see if it has any effect on EG. I really am confident this is aiding at least BPEL growth.

New problems:
- pulse stretch with vacuum doesn’t condition the glans as constant load so I had blood coming out of urethra as I was pulling manually to take measurements. Plus I didn’t know at what force I was pulling. So as a solution I started to measure while glans are in the vacuum chamber. New vacuum chamber measured numbers are less than manual measurements.
- the heating coil doesn’t produce consistent heat every workout. I have to figure out why it does this or buy a new one.
- I started this routine in may with too much force, max 7 kg. I did gain BPFSL but at some point the retraction happened again. I decided to start with a “low” 3,5 kg number but the measurements started to increase steadily.

- I kinda feel that whenever I reach a new post BPFSL record I get the retraction but it is more muted. It retracts like 1 mm and then it goes on making new highs.
- the whole spring I had problems staying on course and sticking to one regimen. I feel as I have fine tuned the length workouts to work well. Girth not so much.

BPEL: 19,3->?? Cm
BPEL in tube@lvl4: 17,7->18,4 cm (+0,7 cm)
BPEL in tube@lvl11: 18,7->19,1 cm (+0,4 cm)
BGEG: 12->12,1 cm (+0,1 cm)
MSEG: 12,3->12,7 cm (+0,4 cm)
BEG: 12,5->??
Glands width: 3,9 cm->4,1 cm (+0,2 cm)
Behind Glands width: 3,6->3,8 cm (+0,2 cm)
Pre BPSFL@4kg: 19,8->20,1 cm (+0,3 cm)
Post BPSFL@4kg: 20,3->20,6 cm (+0,3 cm)

Routine Tuesday 9 pm, Thursday 9 pm, Saturday 6 am and Sunday 9 pm roughly since 20th of august(changes in bold) :
1. Vachang for 7 min @ 0,7 kg with heat “coil” wrapped

2. 8+ sets of (with the heat coil) :
- 2 minutes of pulse stretching, loading up for 2 seconds and release for 1 second. No holding, just reach 3,5 kg and release
- 30 seconds of rest. If I start to feel too much heat I will do kegels and/or shaking my unit so some blood can circulate again.

3. Release vacuum hanger

4. “light” clamping with heat for 5 minutes. I wrap the coil and a neoprene wrist around my cock and pulse press dorsally.

5. 8 sets of (with heat coil around the leluv cylinder) :
- 2 minutes pumping with my breast pump cyclically. Hold vacuum until pump can't increase vacuum- > release pressure for 1-2 seconds. Each set increase pump power starting from level 4 (~8 inHG) until 11 (~16 inHG)
- let the pump run for 30 seconds without holding vacuum. Kegel fresh blood and try to get erection level higher.

6. Attach heating wrap loosely for 4-8hours.

Every morning routine
1. 10 minutes of 5-7 inHG pumping (pump level 2) with heat coil
2. Attach heating wrap loosely for 4-8 hours

I have been thinking about pulse pumping as a solution to my stalled girth. I have observed that if I cycle my pumps from 4-15 inHG every 3-5 seconds I can feel the tunica expand more than If I hold a static vacuum. For example with the following pumping routine I can gradually increase force and have some “tunica expanding” feeling each set:
Set 1: 2 minutes cycle 4-8 inHG (pump level 4), ~30 seconds of rest
Set 2: 2 minutes cycle 5-9 inHG (pump level 5), ~30 seconds of rest
Set 8: 2 minutes cycle 10-16 inHG (pump level 11)

This means quite a lot of hand work with my manual pump so I decided to buy a Spectra S2 breast pump. I modified the electric pump in a way that I can hold vacuum at will. The pump comes out of the factory as a cyclical pump which is explained really well by carveti in another thread.

Instead of measuring BPEL I’ve decided to switch to measuring inside cylinder. It’s a bit better way to measure as EQ can fluctuate quite a bit and I’ve been trying to avoid PMO. In the past when I have been masturbating and trying to reach new highs I would on a day to day basis get over exited and kinda get “over pumped” and I think that process caused BPEL measurements to go overboard. I measure each set once after 1 minute. I know this measuring might be overdoing it but in the process as I press the cylinder against the pubic bone and the pump cycles through higher and higher pressures it also creates a sorta weird synergy that aids with the internal expansion feeling.

I decided to add measuring width of my glands and behind glands as they are not affected much by edema. Although I don’t think I get that much of it anyway because of the cyclical nature of my style of pumping.

I tried to remove the pre hang part for the past week but it is clear that it has it’s benefits. It allows the heat coil to build up the heat inside the penis before I start pulse pulling and I reach “heat fatigue” faster. After I removed the pre hang my gains stalled as the retraction part became more pronounced. I have been noticing that if I get the heat to build up inside the vachanger to unbearable levels, those are the days where I reach new highs and those gains seem to last. Some days the “heat fatigue” comes faster than others. So instead of using fixed number of pulse pull sets I’ll start to do as many sets as I can until I reach that point.

I noticed that after every session my penis would shrivel and get cold. So a solution to that is attach a heating wrap that I wear 4-8 h after each routine. I’ve been measuring with my Flir camera and skin keeps nice and constant at 38 degrees Celsius. I got nightly erections 90% of the time when I wake up during the night so I think I should use them for my benefit -> I should do the evening routine at around 9 pm so when I am finished I am going to sleep. If I attach the heat wrap after pumping there is minimal constriction to my penis as it is in a expanded state and it will return to its normal size after a while.

Look, I know that this seems complex but I am just trying to figure out what causes my units “retraction phase”. I think it is also happening girth-wise and not just with length. Also there is a lot of measuring going on but I got a really great feeling with the whole process and routine as at every moment I am doing something (+ numbers are going up at the moment). Completely different feeling to hanging 2 hours per day stuck in a chair trying to do work or watch a movie. It’s like lifting, you go lift heavy shit and concentrate on the process which has no relation to whatever you are doing at work. Feels really refreshing to do this.

Last edited by Didgeridoo : 09-09-2021 at .
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