Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

dookie9's progress

3-14-14 — 4:00 pm .
He woke me and we did 3 sets - Erect P-P-J’s + kegals + raphe stretch .
And 1 set Flaccid P-P-J’s + kegals + raphe stretch .

1 set flaccid P-P-J’s + kegals + raphe stretch .

Bed thigh raises - 100 reps .
Had to do these in stages .

Commode stretch - 50 reps .
Chair raises - 100 reps .
Kitchen Shuffle - 45 min .
Lunch - 45 min
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Pizza night - 45 min .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Bed Thigh raises - 50 reps .

SFL - 7.4 ” .
Gonna have to see what I was doing when he was 8 ” SFL .
Well , I know he was more woody and I could do more erect P-P-J ‘s .
Arggg ! LoL !!
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-15-14 — 8:00 pm .
Started sleeping NOT on my back .
Felt him get wood about 5 am .
So gave him 2 sets Erect P-P-J’s + kegals + raphe stretches .
Later I found him plump and gave him 1 set semi erect P-P-J ‘s .

Breakfast - 45 min .
Chair Raises - 100 reps .
Lunch and hair wash - 50 min .
Bed Thigh raises - 50 reps .

SFL - 7 .8 ” .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-16-14 — 4:30 pm .
Finally sleeping on my sides again !
Got a pleasant wood this morning .
Gave him 2 sets Erect + 1 Plump P-P-J’s + kegals + raphe Stretches .
When I do my glans pull to finish my set , I pull him and keep the stretch .
While with the other hand I P-P with my little finger , to expand the CC’s .
Cool , he measures 7 .8 ” SFL .

Pancake day - 50 min .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Lunch - 40 min .
Bed thigh raises - 50 reps .
Dinner - 45 min .

Dynamic Pumping - 40 min . 3 - 6 Hg .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-17-14 — 8:30 pm .
Again I get to sleep !!
He was feeling better and gave me a great wood !
We had 3 sets - Erect P-P-J’s + kegals + raphe stretch .
He’s back to 8” SFL .
Now , how much more can he be ?

Breakfast - 45 min .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Lunch - 40 min .
Dinner - 45 min .

Not much later .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-18-14 — 9:00 pm .
Had wood this morning and decided to change the way I did my PE .
Now I use one pinch-pull from the inner penis and include the shaft , 3 sec . pull .
As I finish the movement , I use the bundled skin to do the glans pull .
I don’t use my CS at all .

Did 60 P-P’s , then a 3 min . raphe stretch .
Later , I really had a piss hard , so we did 40 P-P-J’s before he softened .
Gave him 4 erect squeezes - 30 sec . plus a bend at the glans .

Commode raises - 50 reps .
Breakfast - 45 min .
Chair - 50 reps .
Lunch - 30 min .
Dinner - 45 min .
Bed thigh raises - 40 reps .
Knee straightening - 30 reps .

Ha , “Peck” still 8 ” SFL !
Guess he can stay there for a while , till I get better at pulling him .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-19-14 — 9:30 pm .
Woke up about 6 am ., and we did 100 Erect P-P-J’s + kegals .
4 min . raphe stretches .
4 - Erect Squeezes with a bend at glans - 30 sec . each .
30 - JP Rotational Stretches .
Edged for 20 min . and got quite juicy !
But kept it in .

Dynamic Pumping - 3 - 6 Hg . - 30 min .

Did nothing else but the clinic getting my stitches out .
Took all day .
Sure feels better , not as tight .
They tell me , 10 weeks before I put weight on it !! Damn !!

SFL - 7.8 ” .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-20-14 — 7:00 pm .
Odd sleeping without stitches !
Nothing sticking me .

Woke about 5 am and we did 60 P-P-J’s + kegals + 3 min . raphe stretches .
20 - JP Rotary stretches .
Just barely 8 ” SFL .
But I’m liking his size !
I did too many P-P-J’s yesterday .
I’ll have to build up to that amount .

Breakfast - 45 min .
Bed Leg Straightening - 30 reps .
Did these till my plate hurt .
Bed thigh raises - 50 reps .
Lunch - 40 min .
Dinner - 45 min .

Just checked - 8 ” SFL !!
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-21-14 — 6:30 pm .
Slept till 8 am .
No stitches , YEAH !!
Played with his wood , 3 times today .
About 3 am . we did 40 P-P-J’s + kegals + raphe stretch .
Then at 5 am . another 40 reps .
At 7 am . we did 20 reps .

Lets see , he says he’s 7.8 ” SFL .
Not bad “Peck” .

Commode raises - 50 reps .
Breakfast - 45 min .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Bed knee straighten - 40 reps .
Lunch - 40 min .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Pizza night - 50 min .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-22-14 — 4:00 pm .
Gave me reasons to give him 3 sets P-P-J ‘s + kegals + raphe stretch .
And another set after waking .
4 Plump Squeezes + glans bend .
He’s still 7 .8” SFL .

3 eating events - 3 hrs .
Commode raises - 50 reps .
Bed Leg Straightening - 35 reps .
Pool- Sun - 30 min .

Gets the rest of the day .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-23-14 — 7:30 pm .
Grabbed his woody self and gave him 3 sets - Erect P-P-J’s + kegals + Raphe stretches .
After breakfast , a combo of erect and plump P-P-J’s +kegals and raphe stretches .
Gave him 4 - 30 sec . Squeezes with glans bends .
Gripping with sequential finger placement , the CS .
Makes his head swell nicely .
“Peck” likes his exercises , SFL - 8 ” .

Commode raises - 50 reps .
Bed Leg Straightening - 30 reps .
Pancake day - 50 min .
Lunch and brownie making - 40 min .
Dinner - 45 min .

dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-24-14 — 5:00 pm .
He woke me standing and wanting played with .
What a guy !
Gave him 80 - 3 sec . P-P-J’s + kegals and 4 min . raphe stretch .
20 - JP’s Rotary - P-P- Stretches .
Using his bundled skin against the glans for pulling .
4 - 30 sec . Erect Squeezes with glans bends .

Gave him another set - 20 - P-P-J’s + kegals and raphe stretch .
20 - JP ‘s Rotary P-P Stretches .

Commode raises - 50 reps .
Breakfast - 45 min .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Bed Leg Straightening - 30 reps .
Lunch - 40 min .
Dinner - 45 min .

Was going to do more , but lost ambition .
SFL - 7.75 ” .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-25-14 — 8:00 pm .
Grabbed my friend and we exchanged 60 - Erect P-P-J’s + kegals and raphe stretches .
Then - 40 - JP’s P-P- Rotary Stretches .
Been wanting to include more stretching in my routine .
Also 4 - Erect Squeezes with bends - 30 sec . each .
Little later , another set P-P-J’s . - 20 reps .
And more stretches - 20 reps . and squeezes - 4 reps .

Dynamic Pump - 40 min . - 3 - 5 Hg .
Mostly stayed at 4 Hg .

Thinking of doing more PE , but I get lazy .

Commode raises - 50 reps .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Breakfast - 45 min .
Lunch - 40 min .
Bed Leg Straighting - 60 reps .
Need to do more of these .
Dinner - 45 min .

SFL - 8 ” .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-26-14 — 7:00 pm .
Buddy woke me and let me give him 100 Erect P-P-J’s + kegals and a 4 min . raphe stretch .
Also , 60 - JP’s Rotary P-P-Stretches .
Using his bundled skin to increase the pull .
4 Erect Squeezes + bends .

Later another 40 P-P-J’s + kegs and R Stretches .
And another 40 JP pull- stretches + 2 Squeeze-bends .
Tells me he’s 7.8 ” SFL .

Dynamic Pumping - 50 min . - 3 - 5 Hg .

Bed L.S. - 80 reps .
Stopped when the plate said to .
Thinking that’s the best way to judge .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Breakfast - 45 min .
Lunch - 40 min .
Dinner - 45 min .

Cool , just barely 8” . SFL .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-27-14 — 7:30 pm .
He woke me about 5 am , so I gave my friend 80 - Erect P-P-J ‘s + kegals and 4 min . raphe stretches .
Plus 80 - JP- P - P Rotary Stretches .
4 -30 sec . Erect Squeezes with bends .
He’s just shy of 8 ” - SFL .

Just checked his flaccid base girth - 6 ” .
Mid Shaft - 5.5 ” .
Good to know !

Bed Thigh raises - 100 reps .
These are getting easier to do .
Commode raises - 50 reps .
Breakfast - 45 min .
Lunch - 40 min .
Chair raises - 50 reps .
Dinner - 45 min .

Dynamic Pumping - 3 - 6 Hg . - 45 min . - Mostly at 4 Hg .
I purposely let it leak pressure .
Then repump .
Still 8” SFL .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-28-14 — 5:00 pm .
Woke him up before he was completely wood .
Just because I wanted to , I let him have 100 Erect P-P-J’s + kegals and 600 count raphe stretch .
4 - 30 sec . Erect Squeezes + bends .
100 JP - P-P- Rotary Stretches .
Pinching down to pull from the inner penis .
Using his bundled skin as glans pull .

Another set - 40 P-P-J’s +kegals + 2 min . raphe stretch .
2 Erect Squeezes .
4 way Directional Stretches - 25 reps . each .

Dynamic Pump - 45 min . 3 - 6 Hg . - mostly stayed at 6 HG .

Getting 8 ” SFL - and 6” - BFG - 5.5” - MFG . + 4.5 ” FL .
Good to get that done .

Commode raises - 50 reps .
Bed Thigh raises - 70 reps .
Breakfast - 45 min .
Lunch - 45 min .
Pool - 30 min .
Dinner - 40 min .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.


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