At the time I mentioned that, my own spurt of newbie-like lig gains had just come to an end. My hypothesis at the time, and still now, is that the ligs themselves can be stretched much faster than the tunica and penis shaft. Considering that the "rope like" part of the ligament is much smaller in diameter, this intuitively makes sense.
Another part of my thinking that I didn’t mention here was that the ligs have a "rope like" part, and then an insertion area. Going along with the ship and mooring analogy, the mooring would not attach to a single point like the cleats on a ship. Instead it would be more like being glued to the ship, or even more accurately, seamlessly interweaving with the fabric of the ship. And not to a single point, but to a large area. This link to a medical drawing of the ligaments of the knee gives some idea of my hypothesis of a so called "blended insertion" of the penile ligaments. Considering that the penis ligaments attach to other connective tissue - as opposed to bone, this "interwoven" quality is even more likely, but I admit I don’t know the true anatomy.
So my hypothesis was that the much slower tunica gains lengthen that area of blended insertion (comprising most of the proximal lateral/dorsal area of the shaft). But the ligament part of the blended area limits the expression of those gains. I.e. the tunica has grown, but the ligaments that are (again not sure if this is the true anatomy of the situation) "encasing" that area of the tunica have not yet grown. Then we can take advantage of the quick easy-to-grow ligament stretching, which both lengthens the rope-like part, and stretches out the blended insertion area, and expresses the hard won tunica gains in a matter of weeks. In other words, the interwoven ship-mooring area gets bigger, and the rope gets longer at the same time to accommodate for this embiggening.
At some point, the quicker ligament growth catches up with the tunica, and there is no more potential shaft to be expressed by this quick growth. We can keep stretching the moorings out, but it won’t do anything until more tunica gains occur. In fact they will begin to resist in concert - which will still feel like a large "work load" for the ligaments, but for the much tougher tunica, it won’t be doing much, and the quick gains come to a halt.
Thus tunica based length gains will only tend to express in the form of distal shaft growth - until ligament work is down to express the gain of the proximal shaft area. Perhaps the fastest gains would still come by stretching both out in concert at the marginal limit, a la Bib theory. However, the more time-efficient way would be the IPR based method of working the tunica for 6-12 months, and then quickly doing the equivalent lig work in a period of 1-2 months, all while benefiting from the health and regeneration from remodeling done with IPR decon breaks.
This is my internal resolution for the concept of the "inner penis being pulled out" which never quite sat right with me. It also jives with the LOT phenomenon. The most proximal point of the blended insertion area would be right next to the pubic bone over our entire PE career, however the most distal point will be 1-2" further away from the pubic bone. The entire area of insertion would grow along with the shaft under this hypothesis.
Food for thought,