I will definately look for your innovative HTW wraps at Walmart. (If Sam Walton only knew how much he has contributed to my PE effort…)
Ok, peanut butter and jelly everday for lunch for three months - then I’ll get the BIB.
I tried to reread your notes about your decon cycle. Could you summarize your findings concerning the proportion of “downtime” vs. “uptime”? I believe deconditioning is important; I can see how that could theorectially be how all of us are gaining. What I am unsure about is the ratio. Big Girtha has talked a lot about how he never quits and yet tries to keep some variety in his routine. I understand there is a biomechanical response to external stimulus that helps the tissues adapt to stress. I need to find a way to keep this mechanism guessing. I want the body’s natural adaptive mechanism to be shooting at a moving target; always one step behind me. ;)
I usually work 5 days with little variation, and then on the weekends I lighten the load considerably. I have yet to take any time “off” in the sense that I cease all PE.
I don’t mean to make you rehash the lessons you’ve learned, but you got any nuggets of wisdom you could pass on?
"Debate the idea..."