Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging: Ride the Fatigue (Blink's Progress)

Thanks for the advice :) I will be doing a lot of reading in the near future to make sure I’m wrapping right and getting the settings right. I figure a lot of the next month will consist of just getting comfortable with the hanger.

One type of wrap to try is the Scuncci hair tie band. You use two of them for layered affect. I forget who does this but you can search for HTB. I use them with my ADS and love it.


July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

Thanks for the reminder—for now I’m using a 1.5”x15” strip of cotton from a sweatshirt and theraband 1.5”x 18”.

I’m on my second hanging set for the day. I just started with 2.5lbs. Cotton underneath + theraband on top seems to work really well/ the hanger grips it great. The cotton underneath is a bit annoying though because it takes a long time to get it on straight (it.s hard to wrap). The HTW may be better, more simple, quick and effective solution for me. I’m glad you brought that up.

Right now I can tell I’m only stretching skin, I already knew it would be like this (normally week 1-2 are just skin stretching and conditioning I think for almost all guys. It’s perhaps slightly different than what I expected, but nonetheless, it is roughly what I expected from my PE studies.

My penis looked girthy today, so I measured it in the same place where I measured when I started PE. My length was a little shorter than my last measurement. I’m worried about whether my girth measure is a fluke or something, I’ll measure it again tomorrow to make sure I didn’t do something wrong. My length was a little shorter today than my last measure, I think maybe I was more engorged on my last measure because I had already done a workout that day (I’m not sure of that though, I honestly can’t remember).

Start: 6” BPEL 4.88” EG
Now: 6.25” BPEL 5.25” EG

(.25” Length increase, .37” Girth increase)

Today I did 3x hanging sets, only 2.5lbs per set, 2x this morning, 1x tonight. All sets included 10 mins of heat before & after. I took a 10 min break between the two 20 minute morning sets to restore the circulation in my penis between the sets. I did 100 jelqs after the 2x morning sets; it took about 50 jelqs to fully restore the bloodflow to my penis, it’s funny, it looked dented for a while and took a little while before it expanded and the blood flowed in. The evening set was cut short—to 13 minutes. I feel a very slight dull soreness in my penis. I’m pretty sure I hit fatigue on the third set which was this evening . The 2x morning sets were just skin stretches, nothing more. For some reason the skin was more pliable this evening.

I did both HTW and a Strip of sweatshirt as my base wrap. Both were about equally comfortable, although the HTW is much more practical & takes less time to put on/ take off. I used theraband as the outer wrap.

I’m hoping to work up to 3x full sets per day of extremely light weight this week; 2x morning, 1x night.

I’ll have to go by feel to see if I increase to an additional set next week, or more weight. My first priority is building up more hang time per day, although 2.5 lbs really might not be enough to make an impact, even with a lot of sets. I’ll go by feel; we will see.

Great log. You are doing a very good job of taking it slow and watching for reaction. Everyone has different takes on hanging and with your approach I think you will find it safe, comfortable and affective.


July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

One unexpected benefit of PE is actually learning to control myself. Making sure I’m not erect while wrapping & hanging or making sure I’m partially erect while I’m jelqing. Really controlling things I’m not normally trying to control—kegeling; I could hardly hold it for a fraction of a second at first. I can still only hold it maybe 2 seconds, but I’m seeing improvement. This is all new for me; it’s teaching me a strange kind of control I’ve never tried exercise before. I consider this a benefit of PE.

Even though I’m doing low weight, hanging is still a bit scary because I can’t gage whether I’m not pushing enough or not pushing at all. I suppose since I plan on going up in weight very slowly, I’ll have plenty of time to understand this.

Originally Posted by blink2000
One unexpected benefit of PE is actually learning to control myself. Making sure I’m not erect while wrapping & hanging or making sure I’m partially erect while I’m jelqing. Really controlling things I’m not normally trying to control—kegeling; I could hardly hold it for a fraction of a second at first. I can still only hold it maybe 2 seconds, but I’m seeing improvement. This is all new for me; it’s teaching me a strange kind of control I’ve never tried exercise before. I consider this a benefit of PE.

Even though I’m doing low weight, hanging is still a bit scary because I can’t gage whether I’m not pushing enough or not pushing at all. I suppose since I plan on going up in weight very slowly, I’ll have plenty of time to understand this.

Both great points.

I can remember the first time I tried to put my homemade wench on. I got a raging hard on and couldn’t hang. Now days I can really turn that reaction off if I want to and use my time more effectively.

Hanging weights from your most precious member is something you should always be cautious of. I think accidents happen when people get lazy and forget what they are doing. You constantly need to be aware so being a bit scared is a good thing if you ask me. Take it slow and you will be an old pro soon enough.

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

As I have slowly been learning to adjust my Bib Hanger settings, and I suppose in conjunction with skin conditioning, the hanger is quickly becoming more & more comfortable. Now the 2.5lbs I started with — which is quite low doesn’t feel like much anymore. I decided to throw in a 4th set today. My goal is to be able to somehow get work done while hanging up to 24 sets a day — I expect it to take at least 6 months to work up to this. I’m going to keep the weight as low as I can & as long as I can, and I’m going to stick with the methodology that I reach fatigue within the first few sets.

Speaking of which—I’m hanging my 4th set right now & I’m really feeling it much more than my 3rd set (it’s my second night set, 4th for the day). It’s the first 4th set I’ve done so far, I’m only on day 5 of hanging. So, during week 2 I may just do 4 sets of the same weight—although If I’m not feeling enough fatigue with 4 sets I may add just a little weight. I plan on running to a local store to pick up fishing weights or golf weights to increase resistance on a micro level initially (2.5lbs.. perhaps I should only jump in very small increments, which will total 1-2lbs per week).

I plan on doing a lot of BTC and shifting my package down a bit. My exit point is extremely high on my pubic bone, and in college athletics I noticed this. I know some people seem to think ligs can’t be stretched, but I’d rather not talk about it on this thread.

Blink, some good information here.

However, are you serious about doing 24 sets or 7-9 hours hanging per day?

To me this is total overkill. Bib himself I believe use to do 4 hours per day and now believes in retrospect this was too much.

The general advice is 10 hours min per week. I tend to do 2 morning and 2-3 evening sets.

Using your athletics anaology, would a 100m runner practice doing the 10k each day?

I’m suggesting sometimes working smarter is better than working harder.

I’m hanging at 14lbs, I can tell you to get the hanger well set to take this weight becomes quite hard, I dare to think what would happen if I was doing 24 sets at this weight? And yet, you can only target “twitch” fibres so far, normally 50% of max rep weight, right? So there comes a point where hanging with too low a weight is a waste of time.

For example, have you considered hanging then using an ADS device for the remainder of the day if you wish for an all day workout?

I also believe your objective of adding 4 inches in length is also unrealistic. VERY few have claimed and proved such a gain, even Bib himself has never posted pictures, although I do believe him. However, taking Bib he believed he was quite a special case as regards his anatomy after he had certain medical tests and realised his potential gains. Consider, we all have FINITE gains to make from PE. If this were not the case we would be seeing guys with 15 inch dicks, we don’t, because gains are finite, not because some lack the time and effort. The point I make here is you could hang all day, every day at 50 lbs and still your gains will be finite and some even argue pre determined by biological and physical factors.

Furthermore, as much as hanging IS a function of weight and duration, it is also time dependant on other factors. Stretching the ligs is only one part, the skin and other nerves and soft tissue have to be allowed sufficient time to adapt and grow and this will be a limiting factor outside any methodology.

I hope the above points are of some use.

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

I’ve spent a lot of time on the forums in reference to hanging, and I still plan on doing more. The first week I learned about PE I literally spent about 60-70 hours just reading up (yeah, I dropped everything to do that—no joke).

—Why Not ADS? It’s Too Limited—
ADS would create a potential fluid buildup issue and interfere with hanging. Also, you’re limited to about 2lbs of force and you can’t do every angle with an ADS under your pants. Sure, an ADS is nice, but I see very finite limits on it’s potential. Anyway ADS 2lbs even at 16 hours per day, force / time would be equal to hanging 8 hours with 4lbs. Once I go beyond let’s say 10-15lbs of weight during 8hrs per day, there’s no ADS that could safely match that.

—Hanging: Any Angle/ Very Few Limitations—
Hanging appeals to me because you can control the exact amount of force you’re applying and there’s effectively no limit-you can use fulcrums, RSDT, and all sorts of angles OTS/ UTL/ SD/ BTC… most of which are really not available with an ADS. I pick a primary attack angle, then a secondary angle when the primary angle is too fatigued to continue. One part of my penis can heal while I continue to fatigue a different part of my penis. This eliminates the need for rest days, only with the exception of an injury. I’ve purchased about 40lbs of weights, I don’t foresee ever needing more than that, especially considering I’m going to try & hang maximum hours per day.

I’m aware that Bib feels 4hrs per day is more ideal. However, it’s by no means a maximum. Its ONLY a maximum for inexperienced hangers (I’m still inexperienced, and I’m no where near this number, I’m just doing 1hr per day starting out).

Bib was hanging 8 hours per day (Not 4hrs—reread his posts, you’ll can validate this).

—Why Do I want to Hang So Many Hours? / My Goals—
You’re welcome to your opinion, but mine is different. This is my personal choice. I have the time and the desire and the ability to reach my goals. I don’t know where you got the number 4”—I’m not sure I want to gain that much. Also, no one is in any position to say what’s realistic or not until I’ve spent some time PEing. One month is hardly enough time to say what my potential is OR is not. Once I’ve made 2” of gains, I’ll re-evaluate my goals.

This is my progress thread—I don’t mind a little feedback, but I don’t want to get it overly cluttered, and I definitely don’t want a debate here. People are welcome to ask methodology questions or why I’ve chosen my medium for gains (e.g. ADS vs Hanging), or even give me advice. I’m probably not interested in hearing whether my goals are realistic or not. I’m going to put in the time and sacrifice I need to reach my goals—and once I’m satisfied with my length, I’ll move on to girth work.

—Become an Expert on Hanging: Difficult With Fragmented Source Info—
Bib has helped a fair number of guys hit 3” and beyond with hanging—and a lot of that practical info is sitting on his forum. I have actually been compiling notes from Bib’s forum. I’m thinking of throwing a hanging type FAQ together—or perhaps more accurately a summary of hanging info. I’ve noticed theres a vast quantity of valuable information but it’s scattered throughout his forum on hundreds of threads & thousands of pages. I have found it a little bit difficult to learn sometimes because I can’t just read 100 pages and say “ok, I get hanging”. There’s always something else that wasn’t mentioned that’s actually somewhat important. And this keeps happening again & again. I’m not sure if I’ll finish it—if I do though, I may run it by him & with his permission post it there. If that happens, I’ll probably re-post it here with a link to it over there.

—Why People Don’t Gain More / Unrealistic Goals?—
Something else about my goal’s being ‘unrealistic’. I think you’re not realizing that many people only gain 2” or less with PE because that’s all they want. Once people reach their goals, they stop. Not because they have reached the limit of human potential but because they are happy with where they are. Very few gain 3” or 4” partly just because very few need or want to gain that much. I think anyone can gain 3”—and I’m sure many people would love to debate this. I would say, it’s just a question of time & commitment. If need be, people can spend many years. Who is to say someone can’t gain 3” or even 4” in 30 years of PEing? Anyway, with that in mind, I think it’s foolish to try & put a finite limit what someone can gain. I think people will gain what they want to gain, based on the time & effort they put in. Plain and simple.

Last edited by blink2000 : 07-13-2008 at .

I’m probably measuring too often—chalk it up to me being a newbie.

I’m only on my second week of hanging, doing 4 sets per day now (although I only did 2 sets today—probably because my penis just felt sore.. sort of everywhere. I’m ranging 3.5 to 2.5lbs depending on the angle and depending on whether I’m feeling fatigue. I’ve noticed my hanging technique makes quite a huge difference on how comfortable hanging is. My technique is slowly improving.

I’ve had great gains on my base girth—I’ve been afraid of a baseball bat effect, so I emphasized my base mostly with my jelqs. My base started at 5” at most. It’s currently 5.25”. So I’ve gained 1/4” base girth.

Here’s my current stats:
Start BPEL 6” EG 4.88” (midshaft)
Now BPEL 6.5” EG 5.06”

Gains: .5” Length, .18” girth

Those numbers above are gains from exactly 1 month of PEing. And just barely over 1 week of hanging (I’m only on my second week of hanging). I’ve gone from 3 sets per day (2 morning 1 night) to 4 sets per day (2 morn / 2 night). I’m never doing more than 3.5lbs, and if I feel uncomfortable, I drop all the way back to 2.5lbs and / or shift angles.

I’ve noticed a huge difference in the length of my flacid hang. I measured at least a .75” gain in my flacid hang/ perhaps 1”. The difference is very noticeable.

I’ve been pretty cautious. I’m going to try & do my best to continue to be cautious.

I’m just wondering how well I’ll handle adding 1 set per week of hanging & only adding very slight/ small amounts of weight. I’m hoping to get up to 20+ sets per day in under 6 months. My focus will be on low weight / over a lot of time, but still hitting fatigue and getting those microtears & deformation.

Last edited by blink2000 : 07-17-2008 at .

The South Beach diet is working for me.. I’ve lost 13-14lbs now and the improvement is extremely noticeable. I’m confident to go out in swim trunks again. I’ve mostly leaned up in the arms/ legs, and it’s barely hitting me in the midsection. Hopefully I’ll start seeing more significant midsection effects soon.

I don’t have a weight specific goal—I’ll just know I’m ‘there’ when I get a 6 pack. Hopefully that will also reduce my fat pad a bit giving me a better NBPEL.
Was: 215 lbs
Now: 202 lbs

A woman I find very attractive just asked me to go to her house—I’m so tempted to go over there now. But I’m going to be a trooper & hang weights from my penis first!

First things first you know! Gotta train the soldier.


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