Just Starting
Hi all,
I am very new to this and am not really sure how to begin. I’ve started pumping due to the benefits that come from pumping and helping with mild forms of ED.
After ordering a cheap auto vacuum pump and started looking around on how to best use it. One site lead to 2 and so on until I happen upon this forum site.
I found the articles written by the members well thought out and informative which prompt me to investigate further,
I then receive and begin to try out my device, having put my fears to rest largely based on information found here. Quickly I found that my erections had started to regain their strength and frequency.
What’s more I found I like the sensation of pumping and I wanted this to be more of a passing fad.
After digging deeper and finding that Leluv seemed to be the most talked about setup (and the closest, living in Canada can be a pain), I order my tube, hose and pump and received it all today.
I have recorded my starting size believing that the auto pump had done nothing more than help breath new life into my package.
If any one notices this and has any info to offer I would not be adverse.