Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

'Let's just do it' progress log

Originally Posted by Ljdi
Measurements from 1/6/2012:

NBPEL: 15.5


My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"


So, I’ve been jelquing for the last 2 weeks on a bit of a decondition intensity. I figure over a year of almost daily work is quite enough and I needed a little break to re-motivate.

I’m quite happy with what has been achieved so far but I’m feeling that I have enough experience to step it up a bit now..

I’ve mentioned it a few times (and never really followed through) but I’m going to start experimenting more with ADS and ANS. I bought one ages ago but couldn’t quite get it comfortable for long periods of use. It turns out that it was the use of a “stealth” part rather than the normal part and I have managed to wear the ANS comfortably with reasonable tension and no problems a few times for a whole night so I think it’s time to try and get this a part of my routine!

So ive seen it theorised (from experience of other members) that you gain around 0.125 inches or 0.3cm per 100 hour of extender use at around 1kg (subjective not measured) tension.

Obviously that has got quite a wide range of variables so re-creation of those results is likely to differ greatly between set-ups.

I am however going to try and wear an extender on light tensions for as many hours in every 24 as possible and document the results and hours. As long as I remain comfortable it will only be removed for gym sessions, pee breaks and washing. That is it.

I will also incorporate some manual exercise into its use. Around the 10-15minutes per day. This will be a mixture of:
And, jelquing.

I will take pictures of my current state within the next few days.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Day 1: 5h
Day 2: 3h
Day 3: 3.5h
Day 4: off
Day 5: 4hr
Day 6: 4.5hr and counting.

Experimenting with positioning etc. today is the first time I have extended during the day as well as the night

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Just another update.

Got into a really good routine, had 2 weeks off around the end March but back in the full swing of things.

Routine is as follows, pretty much the same everyday but I take days off if sore.

10-15minutes of jelquing including a few of those holds which expand the mid-shaft.
Very occasionally I get slight haemorrhage if I overdo it from the very subcutaneous veins.

Generally no manual stretching but sometimes a do that also.

Then I use an auto-exsleeve all night until it wakes me up. It’s usually a good 5+ hours every night before I wake up due to pain. It’s nothing serious and goes away once device is removed. I stopped using tape for the end of my glans so sometimes I get some tearing the the frenulum, which I think is the pain which wakes me up.
Sometimes I can PE through it, sometimes I have to take 2 days off.

Will take more measurements soon.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Another update!

So everything was going very well until I got a nasty partial frenulum tear and had to take at least a month off. It was non-healing a total pain. Had to spend a lot of time with my foreskin rolled up so it didnt heal fused and tight and it kept re-opening and was just horrible. I noticed earlier this week that I didn’t have a sore cock any more so things are back to normal.

Measured myself quickly tonight to see how things were. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I seemed to have gained at least 1cm since the last measure in, but I will do a proper one in a few days with the same ruler etc.

Plan moving forward is a return to pumping and more ANS.
I have bought 3 tubes, 1.75” in diameter, 2.25” and 3” to work up from the bottom to the top.
My routine from now will be ANS as regularly as possible (hopefully every night) and pumping every 24h (to start) and then decreasing the frequency but increasing the volume, over time. After each pumping session I’ll do 10-15mins of jelqing.

I think this will just be my program from now on but gradually increasing pressure and adding stretches before the ANS to increase volume. Will continue to post results. Will probably post pictures and measurements soon too :)

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Originally Posted by Forger
Measurements from 1/6/2012:
NBPEL: 15.5

Current stats: (2 days since last session)

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

So, I didn’t get any time to look at the results and analyse them etc. earlier.

Although an increase from Day 1 there has been a bit of attrition in the measurements. I’ve not been able to PE for 2 months though and my measurement techniques are refined now.

This is going to mark a new phase in my PE career where I take more regular measurements so I can make adjustments more frequently.

For now - it’s going to be manual stretches followed by all night stretch with pumping (30minutes at 5-7mmHg) in the morning and jelquing (300 slow medium intensity) after pumping (and a few of the fancier hold-jelquing type exercises thrown in every 20 reps or so)..

Next measurements will be compared tho those above!

See you in 30 days!

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Everything seems to be going well!
Pumping usually for 3 days then 1 day off - starting to get some discolouration so am looking into creams for fixing that. I have seen some reviews on here for products so will see whats available in this country.
ANS isn’t really all night.. with all the pumping my glans seems to get quite sensitive and after about 2-3hours of stretching I have to take the device off.
I know there have been results cuz Im almost at my -7mmHg line when just normally erect now.

Anyway, the reason Im here before my measure in date - only a few days before I know - is that I thought I had discovered something really innovative based on what I do at training for stretching muscles and tendons called dynamic stretching. But its using a vacuum device.. on my wang. However its been documented on here a bit already.
Anyway ive been trying it for a few days and looking at what sort of pressures to go to and duration etc.

It seems that to static pump for 5mins before dynamic pumping causes less bruising afterwards (painless)
Limiting peak pressures to between -15 and -18mmHg is best - over that leads to brusing (painless) and sometimes focal bruising, like a haematoma but about 3mm in diameter and not raised. Taking aspirin soon after reduces healing time.
Heating up penis and pump before exercise prevents discomfort at higher pressures
This can easily get me about 1.5cm above the original starting line on the tube - duration of these sessions are not as long as static ones - precise time is still under experiment.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Not too much to report.

Been doing ANS almost every night until about 4 weeks ago - since then been on a break with a little bit of pumping.

I’ll take some more stats soon.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Still doing my thang, its been a bit on and off due to work restrictions but I’m trying to get 2/3x20-30 mins of pumping in a week.

I’ve not been ANSing as much recently due to living between two houses and leaving the ANS behind for 2 months..

Im back in the full swing of things anyway, and I’ve just read a cool article on here about manual stretching so, next time I’m on here I WILL 100% actually put some stats up. I think there has been some small increase but any is better than none. Even maintaining stuff from my first 6m would be good!

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

I had a BPEL of 19.1cm about 2 weeks ago after essentially 2 months break.

Im back on it now, and for the new year Im going to aim for:
BPEL : 22.8cm (9”)
NBPEL: 20-21cm (trying to get fat% down to sub 8)
EG Average (3 point): 17.5cm (around 7”)

(This is about an inch increase in every direction) - I figure I’ve been at this long enough to try and push it a bit harder now.

Ill take some baseline numbers in about 2 days (as I’ve just been experimenting with exercises)

Water pumping (using air pump):
30mins every other day (warm water) building from 5”Hg to whatever pressure yields no change in length in tube (held at max pressure for no longer than 10 minutes) - this may need to change due to swelling etc from overdoing a session.

200 Jelqs per day
Basic manual stretches for 10-15 minutes at night before bed, with supplementary 1-2minute stretches during any bathroom break in the day.
Use of all night stretch device

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Todays measurements (June 2012 Measurements)
FL - 13.5 (11.5)
FMG - 12 (12)
NBPEL - 16.3 (15.5)
BPEL - 19.4 (18.5)
EGB - 14.3 (13.7)
EGM - 13.8 (13)
EGG - 13 (12.3)

So I’m pretty happy with that
If I look at my “end goals: and say progress is constant it will take:
5 Years for BPEL : 22.8cm (9”)
7.5 years for NBPEL: 20-21cm
5.4 Years EG Average (3 point): 17.5cm (around 7”)

Goal for June 2015:
FL: 15
FMG: 12.5
NBPEL - 17.5
BPEL - 19.8
EGB - 14.6
EGM - 14.2
EGG - 13.5

Routine will be pumping 1 day 30 minute low pressure, building to high pressure, 20 minutes jelq, 10 minute stretch, ANS - 1 hour
Next day, 10 minute pumping session on mainly high pressure, 30 minutes jelq, no stretch, ANS - 40 minutes
3rd day, 0 pump, 30 minutes of manual stretching, no jelq, straight into ANS - 30 minutes
1/2 Rest days a week - Use of ANS only.
Going to aim to put non-gym days as the bigger PE sessions.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Last edited by Forger : 12-27-2014 at .

Good read and work!

I’m also planning to look into a ANS soon. Do you have any recommended setup/links?

Originally Posted by SomethingToBe
Good read and work!
I’m also planning to look into a ANS soon. Do you have any recommended setup/links?


For ANS I use this: Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device

It takes a bit of fiddling about and getting used to. I use a square of TP instead of the tape nowadays. But it’s very comfortable once you get used to it. I’m not circumcised so I think I’m more sensitive than circumsised guys. I can fall asleep with it on but I usually wake up with it off, I think I wake up and take it off when it’s uncomfortable in the night but it’s non-strangulating.

I have a Jez too but it’s nowhere near as comfortable, and wouldn’t not want to fall asleep with that on. You’ll probably end up with a dead dick.

I think the ANS is probably a key part to any PE stuff. You need a lot of hours to make progress looking at the successful people on here, doing it whilst asleep isn’t quite as good as manual stuff but not a lot of people have 2 hours to dedicate to their dick a day..

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"


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