Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

'Let's just do it' progress log

Just another update. Been pumping 2:1 on:o ff still.
Have increased to 15 minutes static at around 0.2 PSI. I tend to pump if up very high to start. Then drop it straight down to that.

Noticing some length changes. This morning I had a noticeably larger erection than before (I compared it to my toothbrush.. Which has always been a bit of a length goal) and I was definitely past my old measurement. So next month will be some good news I think!!

I am about to go up to 2x10 minute sessions soon.
Then I’ll do some maths and reduce the time in te cylinder but increase the pressure and slowly increase the total time. Don’t really see the benefit of going over 20mimutes in one day. Anything you gain would just be lymph and nothing permanent..

Thats it for now.
LJ x

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Originally Posted by Ljdi
Measurements from 1/6/2012:

NBPEL: 15.5


BPEL. 19.2cm
NBPEL 15.7
MEG: 14

Cannot believe it!! Pumping and jelquing for the win boys.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Nice gains! all those in a month!! Gratz man! By the way, do you smoke? If yes, I’m reliefed because I know I could gains even if I smoke.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

I can’t quite believe it either.. I pumped maybe 3 times last week and before taking those measurements I had pumped 36h before and before that not for 2 days. Very happy indeed. I hope I can keep it up!

Unfortunately I don’t smoke!

It can make you impotent so it might be worth cutting down? For your PE at the least! Never mind the whole cancer thing’!

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Still not using ANS. not sure why. I think I’m going to get myself used to it over the weekends so I don’t lose sleep for work.

Still pumping, though it has been more 1on1off and slightly increasing the intensity.

5-10minutes of manual stretching. I pull until the tension goes.
Then followed by a timed 15minute pump at -6mmhg / just over 0.2PSI.
I tend to stop halfway to re-effect myself.

Followed by pump cycles to 15mmhg and kegels as I increase the pressure. I tend to hold the pressure on the first and last of each set. Never more than 15 cycles per set. Working my way up to 4 sets of 15.

Each set has 70 jelqs between. Usually faster than the 3 seconds. Probably around the 1 second per stroke. I prefer the faster changes in pressure.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

So I did another cheeky BPEL check and it seemed to be at 19.4cm. Which is up again! By 0.2 (almost a whole cm in less than 6 weeks……!!!) but it’s not for certain. I was just checking to see how the -6mmhg and cycles were going. Keeping the routine the same for the next week or 2 then I’m going to have a think about what the next step is/if their is a next step for now…!

Minor changes to my routine:
After stretching I tie my scrotum in place. By that I mean I literally just tie a loop of something around the top of my scrotum and it stops it being sucked in. Feels a lot better already! And prevents false packing at the bottom of the tube.

Keeping it at 4 cycles of 15 reps to -10/-15mmhg for now. Don’t want sustained pressure at that height.

Thinking about doing the cycles before the static pump but might need to reevaluate the warm up first.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Yeah im finding that less is more really. I’ve had a few days off. I’m going to measure on Monday properly again after enough of a de condition and probably do cycles before the long static session and keep it all a bit lower.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Okay. So I had pretty much a week off. Been quite busy and thought it might be good for my cock to have a break.

Measured at 19cm tonight BPEL so not lost too much considering doing literally nothing.

I’m going to try the following for the next few weeks.

Standard warm up
10 minutes at 5/6mmhg
100 slow 3s jelq with cable clamp
10 minutes at 4mmhg

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Hello again.

Pumping at 5/6 for 10 minutes followed by some seriously slow jelqs and then 10 minutes at 4/5hg seems to feel pretty good.

I noticed people looking at my crotch today walking around town in my gym gear.. Feels pretty good.. Even if I am fairly average..

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"


So still aiming for one on one off.
5/10 minutes of stretching followed by 10 minutes at 6mmhg then 100ish Jelqs and then another 10 mins at 4/5mmhg.

Did a full 4 days last week. Had 2 days off in a row this week. Back on today. Had a bit of colour change/blood spot, still here today but thought best to give it more time. Will monitor and adjust workouts accordingly.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

So I’ve been playing around a bit with pumping.

I’ve totally changed my routine. I think I’ve found something that works for me.

I now pump 2/3 times a week for extended sessions at whatever pressure I can without discomfort.

I essentially pump for 40/50 minutes at 5-10 mmhg. Usually increasing slowly. Rarely above 8 for any time.
Followed by Jelqs and stretches.

Then I do not pump again until I get morning wood/any spontaneous errection. Which is usually 2-3 days after a session.

I figure that I’m conditioned enough to step this up a bit.

Pump also placed as dorsally as possible

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Hello again.

Just checking in. Glad to report training is still going well.

Trying to pump about 10-15 times a month for 20 minutes at the highest pressure without pain.
Also followed by jelquing for 5-10 minutes witch includes edging.

Normally the morning after I try a few stretches.

I wait for erections to return before I allow another pumping session. Usually that’s writhing 24 hours, most of the time back to normal next am.

Stats update wil happen around Christmas/new year. Keeping it bi-annual makes things more exciting.

Peace out. X

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

Okay, I did a really quick not official measure again today just to see whats going on.

BPEL: 19.3-19.5
MSEG: 14-14.5

Im fairly sure if I was measuring properly I would be the top of those.
My plan for between now and christmas is:

Day1: pumping at as high mmhg without pain for 20 minutes
Followed by jelquing and edging for up to 10 minutes.

Day 2:o ff.

Day 3: 10 minutes of stretching, 15 minutes of jelquing followed by 10 minutes at -5mmhg (post ejaculation)

Repeat. Add 20 minutes of manual 10stretch/10 jelq on sundays.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"

It’s been over a year since I made this a New Years resolution! What a great decision! I haven’t done any measurements in ages but I compare myself to objects around the house and there is definitely improvement since last year.

I would measure if I could be bothered but I quite enjoy it anyway so why focus on gains unless I need some motivation.

Have taken a break from pumping, I think it’s a good technique and worth adding to your arsenal but definitely not worth making the main area of your conditioning.

Currently doing 2 on 1 off.
Day 1- manual stretching. Using PVC piping in the shower for leverage and warmth. Tend to last 12-15minutes high intensity holds of around 1 minute per position
Day 2- jelqing. Lasting about 15-20minutes. Includes the mid-shaft girth exercise and the glans girth ecercises. I forget their names.

That’s all for now folks. Good luck to you all. Might measure soon and take some pictures.

My routine log: 'Let's just do it' progress log

My picture thread: PumpStretchJelqANS Progress & Pics

Current: BPEL: 7.638" Average Girth: 5.394"


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