'Let's just do it' progress log
Hello everyone!
I’m going to keep this as brief as possible for now.
I have a history in anatomy/physiology etc. Working as a veterinary surgeon. I did some research into the methods of PE. (Pubmed would surprise you) and was interested to see if it works first hand (pun not intended).
I’ve been “stalking” the site for a year or so, tried a few routines but couldn’t work out how to fit it into a typical week. Starting just before the new year this time has proved thus far a success and the only break I took was for 3 days during which my rough callused hands did the skin on my member some injury..
I’ve realised that with many things in life to succeed at anything the best way to reach greatness in little baby steps. Fitness and education included. Too much at once leaves you demotivated. Also “over focusing” on goals tends to be a recipie for disaster.
I read a thread entitled “less is more AND more is more?” and it stuck me that PE is no different. I am much more likely to reach my goals if I stick to something I ACTUALLY HAVE TIME to do.
So I produced the following routines. (Always during a shower as its a good warm up)
Month 1:
5mins of flaccid jelqing - moving to 10 minutes as I started to adapt. DAILY.
Months 2:
10 mins of flaccid jelqing moving to erect jelqing by the end of the month. Daily
Month 3:
10/15 minutes of erect or clamped jelqing (using thick string as a clamp). Usually erect->clamped->erect and as tolerance improves duration of “clamped” increases. (4/5 a week)
I am yet to measure any results. I will probably wait a few more months as I add other things into the mix.
But wanted to keep a record to share successes and inspire others if it goes well.