Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Liquid's Log for Longevity

Liquid's Log for Longevity

Hey everyone, decided to make a log of progress.

Started 6.5-6 x 4.7
Current 7.3 nbp (small fat pad) x 5.1

Currently taking a week break, doing slight stretches through out day to get the blood moving between classes.

Also deciding not to jack off at all anymore as I’m not really in the mood most nights after the gym and school.

Currently at a mere 5’9 153 pounds, mostly muscle, with a almost nonexiststent fat pad, hoping to bulk to 160 by summer or 165 by next year January.

slightly interested in a couple girls, don’t really want to approach though, any tips for getting numbers? I’m not to bad off but then again I’m not Johnny bravo when it comes to the ladies, meaning I don’t pull or get the shit slapped out of me haha.

Will update in a couple days.


Whats your goal with PE`?

Measure BPFSL and BPEL too. Its most stable measurements to find out if you gain or not.

With the ladies, no other real option then approaching. They wont do it, you have to. Period.
Read up what courage means and then ask yourself what happens in the future after you had the courage to approach them?
A stuttering approach, getting laughed at and beeing red faced is worth more then not approaching.

Its a numbers game. Could be you speak to 100 girls and dont get laid and No. 101 will be a blast and fuck buddy for life…
After you done it several times it will be easy to do it again.
Btw. looks, money and whatnot will just drop down the turn down percentages but you still have to approach a considerable number of woman.
When younger I always thought next one, she wasnt that hot and other excuses. So many missed opportunities. Now I take every opportunity I can to approach.
And of course the % of beeing turned down is much higher then getting a number or laid. Dont take it personal. Many reasons why they turn down.
Some even like you but are too shy and will turn down cause of beeing insecure.

What you do or say doesnt matter at all. Just ask her about her opinion on this and that while telling her that you like her, want number/date.

My goal is a modest 8 bpel x 5.5 girth just around a little less than a inch length now and around .4 girth. Not to crazy haha. I’m going to clamp soon, although I’m not sure on a routine or if clamping is better than pumping?

Which one would you recommend for better girth gains, pumping or clamping?

Ever since breaking up with my ex I’ve been giving a shit less about what people think which has caused me to have a really chill, stoned attitude about 24/7. Talking to people has become a lot easier because I just don’t care whether I say something stupid or not.

I would approach but I feel like I’d be rejected a lot more than most people would. Once summer comes and I start tanning, get a clean cut, and lose some acne and beard than I’ll start approaching, I think my chances would be ten times better then.

My goal for a girlfriend is a Latina. God most beautiful women on this earth in my opinion <3.<3

Good luck on your endeavours with the girls.

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
My goal is a modest 8 bpel x 5.5 girth just around a little less than a inch length now and around .4 girth. Not to crazy haha. I’m going to clamp soon, although I’m not sure on a routine or if clamping is better than pumping?

Which one would you recommend for better girth gains, pumping or clamping?

Jelqing at various EQ levels alone could give you that.

I would aim to get the length first. Stretching and ADS (4+ hours) for as long as possible daily(increasing time slowly), for some months, might give you that inch.

Clamping and pumping go with each other best in a superset way.
I would introduce pumping first as it is less intense.
I suggest you to research both in detail before starting anything.

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
My goal is a modest 8 bpel x 5.5 girth just around a little less than a inch length now and around .4 girth. Not to crazy haha. I’m going to clamp soon, although I’m not sure on a routine or if clamping is better than pumping?

Which one would you recommend for better girth gains, pumping or clamping?

Ever since breaking up with my ex I’ve been giving a shit less about what people think which has caused me to have a really chill, stoned attitude about 24/7. Talking to people has become a lot easier because I just don’t care whether I say something stupid or not.

I would approach but I feel like I’d be rejected a lot more than most people would. Once summer comes and I start tanning, get a clean cut, and lose some acne and beard than I’ll start approaching, I think my chances would be ten times better then.

My goal for a girlfriend is a Latina. God most beautiful women on this earth in my opinion <3.<3

hey man I feel ya on the attitude and you should be like that all the time. Not to the point of being detached and careless, but fuck people that want to judge etc, just be you man.

Honestly IMO it comes down to confidence and how well you speak to women. I did really well in college but had a fat friend, and he ALWAYS got laid. In fact we have double teamed a few girls, but women love confidence, ambition, and how you make them feel. Obviously looks help but its definitely not everything.

and i agree with the latina women, my wife is half mexican :)

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Good luck on your endeavours with the girls.

Jelqing at various EQ levels alone could give you that.

I would aim to get the length first. Stretching and ADS (4+ hours) for as long as possible daily(increasing time slowly), for some months, might give you that inch.

Clamping and pumping go with each other best in a superset way.
I would introduce pumping first as it is less intense.
I suggest you to research both in detail before starting anything.

Thanks for info. Wouldn’t ADS and stretching actually hurt my girth? I would imagine by stretching for hours upon hours a day that my girth would gradually become thinner. But maybe not. Thank you. I’ll research tonight, any recommended pumps?

Originally Posted by futuremonster
hey man I feel ya on the attitude and you should be like that all the time. Not to the point of being detached and careless, but fuck people that want to judge etc, just be you man.

Honestly IMO it comes down to confidence and how well you speak to women. I did really well in college but had a fat friend, and he ALWAYS got laid. In fact we have double teamed a few girls, but women love confidence, ambition, and how you make them feel. Obviously looks help but its definitely not everything.

and i agree with the latina women, my wife is half mexican :)

Lucky bastard! Haha

Yah I’m sort of a egomaniac now that I’ve gotten swoler and began lifting. Can’t wait for summer hah, tired of school.


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Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
Thanks for info. Wouldn’t ADS and stretching actually hurt my girth? I would imagine by stretching for hours upon hours a day that my girth would gradually become thinner. But maybe not. Thank you. I’ll research tonight, any recommended pumps?

I read that from time to time but I dont think thats a common thing and probably a false assumtion.
It might happen with faux girth that isnt cemented yet and is merely temporary.
Overall I recommend you to read more on the theorys available. It helps to have that knowledge if you want to do PE beyond the newbie routine and newbie gains.

If you want stable measurements you have to record them with exactly same EQ and same sitting position etc. to avoid confusion.
Girth measurements can easily vary just by the method and position doing them.

Ah alright so you’d recommended attacking my length goal first?
Include jelqs for length? Or just do stretching and ADS? Also could I pump and clamp with that or would that be overload?

I measure the same way every time which is standing up with a white measuring tape in my lowly lit, fluorescent bathroom making me look like an albino who just walked out of an igloo in the middle of Antarctica, when, in fact, I more closely resemble an really pale dude who hasn’t got outside much in a while, which would be the truth.

Anyways still a break day for me, just finished at the church of iron. Committing all types of sins as I hit my all time max of 235 bench press.


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