Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Lit's Progress

Got 2 rounds of 50 jelqs and a minute ULI, so there’s 150 points.

Beyond happy today, team. Extra time alone has allowed me far more latitude with the routine. Hung for 20 minutes this morning, 1 lb. Once I was truly alone, I got to incorporate heat for the first time. 5 minute pump with heat. 20 minute hang, heat for the first 10 (based on reading about cooling while stretched). 5 minute pump with heat. 20 minute hang, heat for the 1st 10. Ended with a 5 minute pump.

All told, 3 heated pump sessions and 3x 20 minutes hanging. 150 points from pumping, 60 from hanging. As usual, threw a rubber bracelet on after to help with a light constriction. I’ve been rocking that for essentially all-day wear for a few weeks. Gives a little bonus pump to the process.

Anyway, no jelqs or ulis today, more of a focus on length, but I’m quite pleased.

Short version, did it again. I actually warmed it ahead of time today for 10 minutes, then 3 cycles of a 20 minute hang followed by a 5 minute pump. Used heat until the last cycle. Put the bracelet back on. (Also, clarifying, I put it around the whole package and behind the balls, I don’t have enough girth to wear a wrist band like a ring without that!)

Still really happy with the whole thing. More errands tomorrow, probably don’t get a chance to be so fancy. We shall see what transpires. 210 points again today and all to the good.

Nothing yesterday. A little variety today.
50 jelqs
5 minute pump
1 minute uli
5 minute pump
2 x 30s horse 425’s.
So that’s 225 points for the day.
Goat rolls at the end for general principle.

Good variety, good feel, happy with the aesthetics afterwards.

3 x5m pump so far today. Getting increasingly curious what I’ll find on the 15th when I measure again.

50 jelqs
1 minute uli
50 jelqs
2x30s horse 425’s

175 points this morning. Back to work after a week of vacation, here comes reality to smack me in the face.

So I’m behind on updates. First, I did weigh last couple of days. Yesterday I was back over 225. This morning I was 223.8. So one-day progress, but I’m up from where I was a couple weeks ago at 221.

Also exercise update.
50 jelqs
1m uli
75 points total

50 jelqs
1m uli
50 jelqs
30s uli
30s horse 425
So what, 162.5 points?

Got a slightly larger spot on the shaft, maybe the size of a drop of water. I don’t like that, it’s the biggest spot I’ve had since getting back to PE. Tomorrow is measurements day. Excited!

Well, eff me.

I was 223.6 this morning.
My measurements haven’t changed. Strange to me, because visuals have changed a lot, but I guess math is math.

Hang in there. Growth seems to come in little jumps for many of us and the next measuring session might show results. If not then at some point you can make adjustments.

Rock out with your cock out!

2 rounds today of:
50 jelqs
30s uli
30s horse 425’s

175 points.

223.6 again. This after two days of skipping desserts. I’m guessing it was even higher going into the weekend. Gotta keep it going and see actual progress.

50 jelqs
1 minute uli
50 jelqs
1 minute uli
50 jelqs

200 points today

Been a bit. Simply dropping by. Have been wildly busy, and fatigue has been killing EQ and the time I would usually use for PE has gone to sleep. Finally even got back to where I had any morning wood a couple days ago, hit one 3 minute pump this morning, which is the most of anything in a while. I guess welcome to a reset. Again. Super importantly, I’ve been going hard on the weight. 1-2 meals a day, eating really clean when I eat, not wasting the intake on junk. 216.4 this morning. I’ve weighed every day and been putting it in a spreadsheet. Almost 10 pounds down from a peak of 226. Still aiming for 205.

Hope all are well.

Nice job on the weight. Doing what you can when you can!

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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