Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

LoLKing log

LoLKing log

Howdy, been a long time stalker. I have done PE off and on over the past few years, without very much consistency but I have finally decided to work through it. I have been using the Newbie Routine for about a week and a half now, and finally realized that I should take measurements so I can have a starting point. I am from the US but decided to use metric because its just easier for me to use.

Official starting stats 03/24:
NBPEL: 14cm
BPEL: 15cm
EG: 11.5cm.

Goals: (basically 7” x 5.5”)
BPEL: 18cm
EG: 14cm

I will take measurements again in 2 weeks and then once more in 1 month, and then probably each month after that. My goal is within 3 months to have made 1cm length gains and maybe .5 cm girth gains. I am going to keep a log here otherwise I will probably slack off and I would like to remain consistent.

Last edited by LoLKing : 03-25-2015 at . Reason: accidently made a frowney face

It’s not my measure date yet, but I have already noticed changes. The biggest one is that I now get morning wood. I’m pretty young, but when I started working early mornings(I work 6:30-3, but I wake up at 4), I stopped getting morning wood. It has returned though, which is a great PI from what I understand. Also my flaccid hangs more fully, especially when I am standing. It’s a good start, I can’t wait for more positive gains!

I do have a question if anyone is reading: I’ve been following the newbie 2on-1off, but my girlfriend doesn’t know I PE, so I avoid doing it on days that I see her since she shows up right after I’m off work. So sometimes I have to end up doing like, 2on-1off-1on-1off-2on. Is this something that is okay, or will in seriously hinder any kind of progress?

Never worry about sex hindering progress. Don’t get the cart before the horse. Use the tool first and work on making it bigger second. A shift in days isn’t something to worry about.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

First, thank you Titleist, I appreciate the insight! I don’t take more than 1 day off in a row, but I don’t worry about having to adjust my schedule some. :D many thanks, again.

Alrighty so it’s been about 2 weeks! I wasn’t really expecting many gains, but I wanted to just check and see if maybe I got lucky.
Positives first: I have night and morning wood much more often now. My flaccid is way bigger than it used to be; it used to kinda shrink up and now it just hangs like it’s at half mast all the time, which is cool. I also don’t have a lot of the common negative PIs like the spotting on my glans and stuff, presumably because I spend a lot of time warming up and warming down. I spend almost 2-3x what it says in the Newbie routine. For warm up I just use 2 washcloths with warm/hot water and alternate them to keep constant warmth, but honestly I just like the feeling of relaxing all the tissue. I prefer a rice sock for afterwards and I just keep it wrapped until the rice sock cools down on its own, which ends up being about 25 minutes usually.

The only negatives I have at that my EQ goes from like 10 down to a 6 when I bust out the ruler. With a really strong kegel and forcing blood in there I measured maybe an extra mm or two on BPEL and NBPEL, but I did not measure girth due to the aforementioned EQ dip. It ‘feels’ bigger in my hand by that could just be in my head. I think I could safely add an extra 1-2mm with a 10 EQ but since I haven’t measured with a 10 EQ, I won’t count it. I’m going to snoop around here more and try to find a cure for my ruler anxiety and report back around the 24th.


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