First, thank you Titleist, I appreciate the insight! I don’t take more than 1 day off in a row, but I don’t worry about having to adjust my schedule some. :D many thanks, again.
Alrighty so it’s been about 2 weeks! I wasn’t really expecting many gains, but I wanted to just check and see if maybe I got lucky.
Positives first: I have night and morning wood much more often now. My flaccid is way bigger than it used to be; it used to kinda shrink up and now it just hangs like it’s at half mast all the time, which is cool. I also don’t have a lot of the common negative PIs like the spotting on my glans and stuff, presumably because I spend a lot of time warming up and warming down. I spend almost 2-3x what it says in the Newbie routine. For warm up I just use 2 washcloths with warm/hot water and alternate them to keep constant warmth, but honestly I just like the feeling of relaxing all the tissue. I prefer a rice sock for afterwards and I just keep it wrapped until the rice sock cools down on its own, which ends up being about 25 minutes usually.
The only negatives I have at that my EQ goes from like 10 down to a 6 when I bust out the ruler. With a really strong kegel and forcing blood in there I measured maybe an extra mm or two on BPEL and NBPEL, but I did not measure girth due to the aforementioned EQ dip. It ‘feels’ bigger in my hand by that could just be in my head. I think I could safely add an extra 1-2mm with a 10 EQ but since I haven’t measured with a 10 EQ, I won’t count it. I’m going to snoop around here more and try to find a cure for my ruler anxiety and report back around the 24th.