Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Been a while. My weight loss has become a little stagnant due to building a lot of muscle. Still hovering around 200lbs. I take a testosterone test Friday.

I hit 6 3/4 BPEL last night edging. Tonight I will take girth measurements.

For the first time in my adult life I am getting 100% erections.

At 100% EQ my new stats are

6 5/8-6 3/4 BPEL


5in MEG

5 3/4-6in head girth

I’m feeling big

I’m down to 190lbs starting to look muscular. No ED problems whatsoever in the last 2 months. Updating measurements later. About to start pumping.

6 3/4 x 5

Tried pumping for the first time

-5 hg with 2 5min sets to try it out

Wrapped with a heating pad.

I hope to pump 3 times a week. Working my way up in sets & time.

Still doing manuals 3on 1 off

New goal

BP 7.25x5.25MEG

Going to add more stretches to my already light routine.

Now that I’m starting to have a body that looks like captain America (couple inches shorter). I want that Dick to match.

Cmon 7x5.25

Are you an MF DOOM fan? Congratulations on the gains!!

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.

Originally Posted by CeyLong

Are you an MF DOOM fan? Congratulations on the gains!!

You caught me lol

Spelled it wrong though

There is no better way to lose fat than weight training combined with a calorie deficit. Cardio only will cause your body to not give a crap about what it is burning off which means it will burn fat AND muscle. As a man we should strive to maintain muscle mass especially since you mentioned trying to keep or elevate your testosterone levels. I have been into fitness for years and can easily cut 8lbs per month on my cuts with zero cardio just eating a deficit and weight training. Since you work construction that is enough cardio anyway.

I have seen too many people take the cardio only route and they end up looking skinny fat. Basically have the same shape as they did when they were bigger except they are skinny. Prime reason why when women take that route they have friends that tell them “you looked better when you were bigger.”

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

I know all that. Went from struggling to maintain an erection to getting rock hard every time. I used the anabolic men website to hone my workouts and eating. I do an extremely small amount of cardio to warm up.

One problem I do have is putting myself at too much of a deficit and eating in the middle of the night. Makes it harder to reach my goal weight. Which has gone up 10lbs due to how awesome I am starting to look at 190lbs.

Originally Posted by MadVillian
I know all that. Went from struggling to maintain an erection to getting rock hard every time. I used the anabolic men website to hone my workouts and eating. I do an extremely small amount of cardio to warm up.
One problem I do have is putting myself at too much of a deficit and eating in the middle of the night. Makes it harder to reach my goal weight. Which has gone up 10lbs due to how awesome I am starting to look at 190lbs.

Great job man. I an cutting right now too. My current goal weight is 195lbs. I got 10lbs more to lose. I will be at around 9 or 10 percent bodyfat there with an unflexed 6 pack which is my main focus before I start another mass gain phase.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by Rahman810

Great job man. I an cutting right now too. My current goal weight is 195lbs. I got 10lbs more to lose. I will be at around 9 or 10 percent bodyfat there with an unflexed 6 pack which is my main focus before I start another mass gain phase.

Nice. I still have a belly left, im just now seeing the outline of some abs. starting to get legit definition is a great feeling. I still don’t have a clue what my real body goal is. What I do know is my results are great and my life has never been better!

I need to do more research so I can learn more about what I am doing to my body for maximum results. It’s tough finding info when everybody has a different method of working out.

There are many ways to workout. The most important thing to do is learn how to count calories, protein, and fats. Carbs are optional and usually fall into place when you hit your others. Both full body and body part splits work. That is all personal preference. That is if weight training is what you decide to do later. But other things work too if muscle mass is not your goal and you just want to be slim but fit looking. Just dont let anyone fool you into thinking that you have to eat 100% clean to get a 6 pack or anything. I eat anything I want as long as I meet certain daily requirements and I get results. I know people who are like 6 to 7 percent bodyfat who eat burgers and things like that. You just have to do things strategically. Tracking what you eat is everything in the fitness world.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

I count calories like a champ, Rahman.

So I was hovering around 192-195 pounds, out of nowhere I’m down to 188.

My love handles are just about gone.

All this extra weight lost now makes it possible to see that I have a decent bulge.

As far as PE goes, I’m focusing on stretching more to try and coax out a little more length in my limited workout.

EQ is down a little because of it

Hit a crossroad in my PE career. I went too hard and it affected my ability to have sex. Depending on my PIs the next few days, I might switch to an extremely light, EQ only routine.


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