My 3 month experience
Ok guys I have to ask a very very important questions as I believe I have done something wrong in my past 3 months of PE to starts off I did the newbie routine to progress doing it for 1 minute instead of 30 sec thats double normal then even doing it twice a day adding erect stretching all within the first two months what I noticed was that I seemed to progress very fast way to fat doing alot of PE manulslly 5-6 hours a day 1 hour girth and like 4 hour length and through my discovers I’ve noticed that I’ve gained no length at all but the first month I gained .25 girth then stopped the second month to focus on length only to lose my .25 and gain no length for the third month I’ve gained .15 in 15 days and its been 10 days since which I expect to measure for the increase in the .25 again in 5 days ending the 3rd month but what I have to say is I’ve been doing alot of reading about lighter is better and such and I ask you guys how long should I decondtion my penis for length work so I can start bwith a routine of less work because I beleivfed I overtrained length way to much and thats what resulted in my no gains, though I did gain flacid size and FSL also why is it that my FSL prior girth work is greater then normal FSL but el is identical I have sg extender that I’m not usiing as much maybe for 1 hour after my 1 hour length routines now for the third month so 4 horus sitll in length but 1 hour workouts maybe 1 hour 30 I also just bouight an uncle jim strap to help the healing process is not having an ADS being the reason why I’ve not gained or overtraining because I can work less and wear ADS instead and work up to longer routine over time but how do I deocondition and how long does it take should I stop for a month in length and just ciontiunue girth ? Or slowsly do less length ? Or just wear ADS please help I really want length I just need 1.75 length to reach my goal and .75 girth which I find girth will be easy I’m willing to buy a lm to get a better strech in my manuls as my hands may be the reason why I don’t gain then again I’m fucking strong in my opionon if another person put in the time and effort I did they would have got atleast .5 in length please help I also am doing longer warm ups I don’t wanna be that guy that doesnt gain length because PE is possible I wanna make it work hell I gained girth but not length makes no sence I must crack this code of my penis .1 a month would make me happy I just wanna measure longer then I did a month prior I’m also gonna start reading alot alot more might even buy lm so I can do PE in hot warm water to get the best gains possible thankyou for your time and input I really need it thunders I trust your intellical approach