My Brutally Honest 13 Year PE Experience.
It’s time I make my contribution to the PE world after all it has done for me. I apologize it took me this long to come out of the “male enhancement closet”. This is going to be a long post but I feel you will all enjoy this story as I’m sure some of you were in the same place as me. I am posting this in progress because it is both my physical and mental growth over the years. Let me start by saying I did not start out with a small cock by any means. My first memory of my measurements came in at a healthy 6.75 x 5.1 BPEL. Nothing jaw dropping but certainly not small right? Well here’s the catch, I’m 6’2 with monstrous hands and size 14 feet! Not exactly going to make that cock look like something a girl would expect to come out of the pants of a guy my size. To me it just looked small. Mind you, back in 2003 “averages” were thought to be as high as 6-7 inches in length and 5 inches in girth. Especially on the internet (scouts honor). When I would hook up with girls some would say nothing.. And a few would say “you have a good cock”. Certainly never been scoffed at but certainly never praised like a member of the gods. Until I met this one girl.. Let’s just say her name was Jen. Jen was hot! Big tits, huge ass, and a pinched in waist. Well when it came down to game time she pulls out my dick and says “oh”. “Excuse me what’s wrong” I said confused. “Nothing.. It’s just.. My ex, he was just bigger”. BOOM right there.. Shot down in flames, mortally wounded, killed by my brand new sexy girlfriend. Let me tell you I tried so hard to date her after but all I could think about was her ex stuffing her little hole with a big beefy hammer. And guess what? That whole month she was cheating on me with her ex. I found out when I walked in her dorm room and he was on top of her. I walk in the room and he looks up while he’s on top of my girl. He pulls out and all I hear is “thud”, it wasn’t the sound of my heart dropping, it was the sound of his big long thick cock hitting against the bed as he pulled out of her and quickly ran for the door. I quite honestly contemplated suicide for weeks after. I finally got out of the funk and decided to see what I could do about it. I knew pills were bogus but I started reading about jelquing. Seemed alot like jerking off to me.. But I tried the proper method and sure enough I visibly had a bigger cock, I was now 7 inches in length and 5.2 inches in girth after just a few months. I began manual stretching in the years after, if it could be done with hands and a bottle of lube I have done it. Slowly the Gaines tapered off. I gained another. 3/4 inch and another .2 inches in girth over a decade leaving my size at 7.75 BPEL and 5.4 inches in girth at midshaft. Finally I was getting the compliments.. And hearing things like “wow that’s a big dick” and “that might be one of the biggest I have seen in real life”. I was happy.. But I wanted that massive cock I saw swinging off that ass hole that stole my girlfriend. I needed it, I craved it, I desired it more than anything. I entered the world of stretchers and hydro pumps in early 2013. Damn did the length gains keep stacking up! As I write you this I’m currently 8.5 inches BPEL, 9 inches BPFSL, 8’ NBPEL and 5.5 inches in girth at mid shaft. I’m still not a monster because of my girth. And recently I had a girl tell me she’s had bigger. Which at this size statistically shouldn’t happen unless she has fucked 1000 men. I’m sure many of you play the “statistics game” where you try to calculate what your odds are of you being the biggest a girl has had compared to how many guys she’s slept with. I will tell you this, statistics are not a good representation of how big cocks are distributed throughout society. Men with big dicks tend to show them off more and sleep with many more women due to the word getting around about what they ar packing. So men please don’t have this mentality, there will always be someone bigger. Don’t kill yourself over it like I literally considered. It is my sad news to report to you that girth gains in my honest experience, through years of clamping and jelquing, and pumping are extraordinarily hard to achieve compared to length gains (at least for me). My gains have since tapered off, I’m more or less now maintaining what I have. I truthfully believe there is only so much you can gain, but I’m here to tell you those gains are worth it. It will change your life. But nobody is going to hand them to you. You have to take them through hard work and consistency, and hundreds of dollars worth of lube.