My mid life PE journey
OK so I have known about PE for years.. Contrary to my user name I am in my mid 30’s. I never got into it when I was younger. With measurements in my 20’s of 7.5” long and 8” around I was normally one of the biggest guys in the locker room.
I came to actually doing PE through an injury. I strained an abdominal muscle playing hockey and found that when it got tight I could feel it pulling down by my penis. I went to go get checked out for a hernia and nope.. The doc said you just need to stretch.
So I stretched every which way I knew how and not much seemed to work, so as I was researching stretching I remembered about PE stretching and figured why not give it a try.
The results were immediate!! So now my journey has begun.
OK since I was going to do this I wanted to do it right so my starting measurement for length was 7 1/16th (apparently I shrunk a little or my measuring in my youth was off a little) and my starting girth around I didn’t measure (oops) . After a month my length is at 7 1/8th (still no girth measurement) and my flaccid length has improved as well as skin softness and sensitivity.
I opted for a 5 day on two day off routine that I could incorporate into my daily grind. I dry jelq since wet can be messy and those with kids know private time is at a premium. I also do kegels and stretch.
So I dry jelq (and yes I am cut but it still works for me) at about 50% erect and I do sets of 10 alternating hands and grip placement for a total of 80 jelqs. I then do a kegel while pulling straight out, same principal 3 sets of 10 and I hold each for 2 seconds. I then stretch alternating hands and holding for 30 seconds with shakes in between each stretch. Example : stretch up right hand shake, stretch left left hand shake, stretch right right hand shake, and then stretch down left hand shake. On the second time around I would switch hands for the up and down stretches. Just recently I have incorporated the V shaft stretching as well.
FYI forgot to mention I start with a warm cloth warm up for a few mins before getting started and I cool down with some play / masturbation.
Any tips suggestions would be appreciated and I will keep everyone posted on my progress.