Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My odyssey beyond 9 and 6.

My odyssey beyond 9 and 6.

Hi everyone!
I’m new here.. But not really to PE.

Well in fact I’ve decided to do it many years ago for few months, but did it wrong and didn’t really gain that much. Finding time was hard and some sessions at university made it almost unthinkable.
Not to mention that I injured myself, or think I did, so I’ve quit for 6 months then a whole year to make sure that everything got back in order. But now, I’m committed and serious. Well involved since 5 months.
I’ve read forums and collected information, got an extender, learn to do the exercises properly and finally decided to join in and start my own thread on this forum.

Two main reasons pushed me to get involve into PE:
The first being that I always wanted to be more endowed.. Well as every guy could want.
The second being that I once had been a “pseudo” victim of a dubious attempt of public humiliation by a biatch that I didn’t even know.. And you know how things might go after that.
Just to say that being a “grower” can really sucks sometimes.

Some Info about me:
I’m a 33 years old 5’9” Caucasian currently weighting 170 lbs
My EQ resumes to being pretty erratic.

My program : (After 5 months.)

½ To 1 hour warm-up with a rubber water-bag on a wet cloth. (No more bruises or injuries anymore!)
I know it’s long but I can still keep working on my computer while warming up my ambitious buddy.

Jelqing (four sides type + twist), semi-erect bend, v-stretch, kegel, erect squeeze.

20 min. Exercise sessions (x2) /Day
Or—- Entire 40 min. —-> Spread as 5min./2 min. Pauses (x6)
/// ~ 4days a week. /// Usually 2 In/1 Off (or) 1 In/1 Off

*Recently added: Extender in the bath after oiled sessions.

JES Extender:
4 to 6 hours a day (sometimes 7) —————> 5 days/week
1 to 2 hours/day off. Spread on (1.5 to 3.5 hours sessions)
Using the swollen head technique.

Using a home-made foam band. Comfy, not to tight and well-ventilated.
My flaccid stays longer and I can bladder wearing it.

Cycling hypnosis mp3 in my library some nights when going to sleep (every now and then)..
Good for motivation and doesn’t matter if it really helps or not. It’s just fun for feelings.

Diet and supplements:
Multivitamins (1Tablet)/Day
Vitamin B100 complex (1Tablet)/Day
Vitamin C (500mg)/Day
Vitamin D3 (25mcg)/Day
Vitamin E (184mg)/Day
Omega3 (2000mg)/Day
Pumpkin Seed Oil (6000mg)/Day
Zinc (50mg)/Day
Healthy diet: Meat and substitutes (all kind), lot of vegetables (in variety! Not just potatoes for example),
Fruits (variety), cereals, dairy products, lot of water.. Don’t drink soda, don’t eat fast food.
(Except for an all-dressed subway once in a while).

Potential lifestyle Flaws:
Drink coffee and smoke tobacco.

Feel totally free to comment or advise..
Although I’m feeling a little bit more at ease with the process, I know that I still have a lot to learn from you guys.

P.s.: Sorry for any spelling mistakes or incorrect grammar, English isn’t my main language.
Though I think I get along as being ok.

My input would be you are going way overboard with your physical routine. Your penis just can’t take all of that attention. It needs rest and healing time and your routine doesn’t allow any. I am kind of surprised you have any EQ at all.

You do have good nutrition and I wouldn’t worry about the coffee, but someday you should let the tobacco go.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Thanks a lot

Originally Posted by gprent
My input would be you are going way overboard with your physical routine. Your penis just can’t take all of that attention. It needs rest and healing time and your routine doesn’t allow any. I am kind of surprised you have any EQ at all.

You do have good nutrition and I wouldn’t worry about the coffee, but someday you should let the tobacco go.

Hi Gprent!

Your advice don’t fall onto deaf ears. I’ll add a plenty amount of rest in the redesigning of my program.
Starting with a good entire “week off” like the one I took on my previous month.

I’ll drop exercises at “1Day in/2 Days off” (10 min. -Or- 10*2) for a while and stick to it if things goes well.
Might even add 3 to 4 occasional redeeming days if I feel the need of it. (I already did it along the run so it won’t be a problem.)
I’ll slow down on the extender too. As the proverb makes sense: “A watched pot never boils.”

My routine was different on the first 2 months, but my EQ was pretty shitty at this time I agree.
And slightly still is, well it’s definitely better then it was, but really seesaw. Which is bad I admit.
Maybe my long warm-up spared me.. I wouldn’t really know.

I still wake up with vigorous woodies here and there.. Like the two last mornings.
But you’re right, slowing down would be wise and very beneficial on the long run.
Gains are slow so I guess it’s definitely a sign that I’m doing something wrong.

Quitting smoking is freaking hard. And I hate it too.
That’s another beast I’ll have to fight eventually.

Thanks again, I’ll modify my approach.
Your observation and share of knowledge is more than welcome !

Hi man, welcome.

Originally Posted by Jizanthapus

½ To 1 hour warm-up with a rubber water-bag on a wet cloth. (No more bruises or injuries anymore!)
I know it’s long but I can still keep working on my computer while warming up my ambitious buddy.

That’s alot of warming up. Not sure but I think it’s too much. After looking around people’s routines, I believe anything from 9 to 12 minutes should be enough (for beginners). In the future, when PE starting to take alot of time, it is plausible to add more time warming up in the middle of the session.

Originally Posted by Jizanthapus

Potential lifestyle Flaws:
Drink coffee and smoke tobacco.

Not sure about tobacco (effects on PE), but coffee (cafein) is something that you should let it go. Cafein vasoconstrict, we want the opposite, vasodilatation.

Have nice one in your journey man.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

HI Jizanthapus

Welcome back! I can relate with this off and on career. I too recently made a decision to restart my PE career. Very grateful that I did. Sorry to hear about that ill hearted girl. We just have no control over some situations but the good news is, it brought you back and probably with more motivation to gain than the average person.

>Drink coffee and smoke tobacco.

I agree, one of the best things that you can do to enhance your gains and your overall health is to quit smoking. Smoking causes your blood vessels to constrict. Robbing your body of the blood, oxygen and nutrients that are needed to heal and again. I would say if you were to pick one resolution this new years, it would be to quit. This is coming from a guy who smoked 1 to 2 packs for 10 years. I finally quit cold turkey. You can talk to your doc if you have trouble quitting on your own. They can provide you with nicotine supplements and medication to help taper the withdrawal symptoms, which do suck and there is no way to completely get around them. However, the supplements can help make the quitting process suck not so bad. Good Luck bro. I’m sending you good wishes your way.

Thanks sir

Originally Posted by Useless
Hi man, welcome.

.. .. ..

That’s alot of warming up. Not sure but I think it’s too much. After looking around people’s routines, I believe anything from 9 to 12 minutes should be enough (for beginners). In the future, when PE starting to take alot of time, it is plausible to add more time warming up in the middle of the session.

.. .. ..

Not sure about tobacco (effects on PE), but coffee (cafein) is something that you should let it go. Cafein vasoconstrict, we want the opposite, vasodilatation.

Have nice one in your journey man.

Hi mister !

Yes I guess my warming up might sound pretty long.. Not really sure if I’m willing on changing the process however..
Since I’m fine after my stretching sessions as it is. I got many bruises and red spots on my first two journeys attempts (2~3 months).
And it was one of the thing that made me doubt about committing actually. Not to mention the unpleasant pain that kept on coming on the right side of my shaft.

I just knew and felt that I needed more warm-up.
I don’t know.. Maybe I’m just to scare to harm myself and pain was normal or that my penis was too sensitive for the short suggested warm-up.
But with 30 min. Minimum, I get not even the sightliest sign of dark bruises, red blots nor pain. I really don’t want to jeopardize my quest by curtailing warming up.
It’s just a feeling.. I really want to stick to safety first.

Coffee issue:
Yes but coffee is so damn good !
I’m the kind that wouldn’t be able to get through the day without having coffee on the system.
I’m hooked.. To the point that no coffee on the morning results in a big headache for the rest of the day.
If I was to quit either one or another, I would definitely go with cigarette first.

But I think I’ll go with dilators such as L-arginine at first to compensate.
Then try to downtrend the consumption of my bad dependencies progressively.

Thanks a lot for the advice !
Also a big thank you for the encouragement !

Merci beaucoup !

Sounds Ok. Nothing wrong with a prolonged warm up espacially if it helps you to avoid injuries.

Like with everyone you have to gauge for yourself if you hit the right intensity that enables you to gain.
Basicly you can either do too much or not enough. Both can equall not gaining. The solution is doing more or less (lol).
If you gain and even if it is slow then keep on doing what you do until you gain no more at all. If yo ugain no more then yo ueither Increase intensity/time or decrease/pause.
Another option is introducing other exercises or different angles of “attack”.

Your reasons to do PE are legitimate but the emotional pain for beeing humilliated wont be solved per se by increasing your size.
Try to find a different position towards this event and another outlook onto it for the future.(recontextualizing it/ different emotions to the event(forgivness))

good luck

Originally Posted by unattenuated
HI Jizanthapus

Welcome back! I can relate with this off and on career. I too recently made a decision to restart my PE career. Very grateful that I did. Sorry to hear about that ill hearted girl. We just have no control over some situations but the good news is, it brought you back and probably with more motivation to gain than the average person.

>Drink coffee and smoke tobacco.

I agree, one of the best things that you can do to enhance your gains and your overall health is to quit smoking. Smoking causes your blood vessels to constrict. Robbing your body of the blood, oxygen and nutrients that are needed to heal and again. I would say if you were to pick one resolution this new years, it would be to quit. This is coming from a guy who smoked 1 to 2 packs for 10 years. I finally quit cold turkey. You can talk to your doc if you have trouble quitting on your own. They can provide you with nicotine supplements and medication to help taper the withdrawal symptoms, which do suck and there is no way to completely get around them. However, the supplements can help make the quitting process suck not so bad. Good Luck bro. I’m sending you good wishes your way.

Hey Hi Unattenuated

Glad to hear that you also resolved to come back and gain more on the crotch area !

Yeah to make a story short about that thing:
The girl in question swoosh abruptly into the bathroom at a party where I was. The doorknob was broken so the door didn’t lock.
She saw my 3.75” flaccid shorty peeing, which naturally appeared even shorter from a “out-of-the-fly” perspective.
She closed the door, burst out laughing and yelled out loud (and she really did!) ~English translation: “Oops! I think a saw a teeny-weeny dick pissing.”
I heard some short burst of laughing (Some friends in the lot of course) .. More from the surprise of hearing such a thing I guess. And I was there peeing with a “pouting” face rolling up my eyes and thinking
“Really.. ? But really ? Do I have to deal with that shit now ? ” Then I got out and I swear, she came to me, she smiled, put her hand on my shoulder and said out loud: “I know it doesn’t mean anything.”
What!? She really did a cunt move, and made herself even more “cuntish” by clumsily adding insult to injury. What the fuck was that ?
And where the fuck was the music ?. There was music all damned night and now it’s gone for no actual reason. But Anyway.. Bleh.

A verbal poke is just a poke. I’m not tight at all. It’s a nice way to have fun occasionally.. But a poke in the genital area ..
If a girl ever happen to read this I say ! Girls, just don’t poke on that topic.. That’s just too low. Nothing below the belt.

I just shrugged my shoulders and didn’t say anything. Didn’t really care at that time and didn’t want to be defensive. Just to avoid discrediting myself.
But anyway I know, well I guess that my erect size is on the average.. So fuck it .. But like I said being a “grower” really sucks sometimes..
It’s just that now, some of the people that were there (some are friends) are probably thinking that I have a small dick.. And that just bugs me off a little.
But I’m fine, really. That just bother me a little.

About quitting smoking:
I did it recently for 2months and a half.. Was hard. Was also on patch and nicorette.
(That I paid for.. That shit is almost as expensive as smoking is.)
Started jogging on a 5 km itinerary (from 500m non-stop until I reached the whole 5km non-stop) ~4days/week.
Nothing phenomenal at all, but in my case (ex-smoker without any implicated cardio antecedent) that seemed like a decent achievement.
I’m still working out, but I keep it at the maintenance level. Nothing more, nothing less.

But I will quit eventually, I know that nicotine is harmful in so many ways.
But not until next year.. I might drink a little on the holidays and that won’t help me to stop smoking at all, I just know it ! :)
But yes about the doctor, we have a medicare system here in Québec/Canada and I heard about a free support for a 6 months supply program or something like that.
And you can submit once every (I forgot how much). Not entirely sure though if it’s still the case.. But I’ll have to check that out.

Thanks for the wishes ! They’re honestly appreciated !
I wish you the same mah’mate ! Keep up the pace !

Merci beaucoup !

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

Sounds Ok. Nothing wrong with a prolonged warm up espacially if it helps you to avoid injuries.

Hi Dickerschwanz,

Yes, despite all I could hear about decreasing my warm-up time, I’m afraid that I’m not likely to decrease it.
You know: “Scalded cat fears cold water.” :)
I know, I’ve read many times that it’s bad for semen.. But I try to keep my sack away from the heat source as much as possible.
But I’m really stubborn to stick up to safety. That’s one of the aspect that I wouldn’t change on my routine.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

Like with everyone you have to gauge for yourself if you hit the right intensity that enables you to gain.
Basicly you can either do too much or not enough. Both can equall not gaining. The solution is doing more or less (lol).
If you gain and even if it is slow then keep on doing what you do until you gain no more at all. If yo ugain no more then yo ueither Increase intensity/time or decrease/pause.
Another option is introducing other exercises or different angles of “attack”.

I’ll see if decreasing the amount of stress, which seems a little bit high I admit, resolves on something more efficient !
And on the angle of attack:
I added the inverse kegel recently and I must say that it feels great. I know as I had read that I must not abuse and keep on doing regular kegels.
But I plan on definitely adding this process to my future pipeline. The girth at the base just feels huge and insane on inverse kegels.
But I’m talking for me. Don’t know if it’s the same for everyone.
Seems promising for girth gains.. But I wouldn’t advance too much on the topic. I’m not really sure about that..

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

Your reasons to do PE are legitimate but the emotional pain for beeing humilliated won’t be solved per se by increasing your size.
Try to find a different position towards this event and another outlook onto it for the future.(recontextualizing it/ different emotions to the event(forgivness))

I’m not really hurt, just slightly annoyed or more embarrassed.
Common sense keeps me up totally. I would just like to avoid potential similar situation in the future..

But I don’t know. At this point I’d just like to hear something like:

Her floppy size-queen lips queefed out loud when she sat at her last job interview.. And that would just be soooo fine with me.

But hey thanks for the luck !
Wish you the same :)
Happy holidays !

Joyeuses fêtes !

Originally Posted by Jizanthapus

Quitting smoking is freaking hard. And I hate it too.
That’s another beast I’ll have to fight eventually.

Even a few days after not smoking my EQ goes through the roof. But I understand the addiction and hate part

Originally Posted by Jizanthapus

Then I got out and I swear, she came to me, she smiled, put her hand on my shoulder and said out loud: “I know it doesn’t mean anything.”

Did that not mean she new that flaccid size was no indication of your actual size.. Sorry if I’m getting this wrong but I’m looking for some good in this story


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