My PE Log
Well I decided to start a log today. I originally started September 10th. Then stopped October 10th until yesterday. I messed with jelqing and stretching about 10 years ago. Unfortunately I wasn’t patient enough to read through the forums and thought it might have been BS but after educating my self over the last few months I believe it is completely legit. If I stretch before I jelq I sometimes have difficulty achieving an erection so I do jelqing first. If anyone has any advice on how to improve the intensity gradually let me know please or anything else you think I could be doing better or need to change, all advice is welcome. Also I notice a lot of red spots from stretching and found two bruises yesterday.
September 10th 2013: NBPEL 5.25”, BPEL 6” , MEG 4.5, FL 2.50” , MFG 3.75”, EQ 5
October 10th 2013: NBPEL 5” , BPEL 6.25” , MEG 4.75, , FL 2.50” , MFG 3.75”, EQ 5
Short Term Goal ( 3 - 4 months from now ): NBPEL 5.75”, BPEL 6.75” , MEG 5” , FL 4” , MFG 4”, EQ 7
Long Term Goal ( 1 - 2 years from October 10th 2013 ) NBPEL 6.25” , BPEL 7.25” , MEG 5.5” , FL 5” , MFG 4.5, EQ 9
Newbie Routine:
Warm up ( heating pad ) 5 - 10 mins
Wet Jelqs ( with coconut oil ) 200 strokes
Warm up ( heating pad ) 5 - 10 mins
Stretches 2 sets of 30 seconds for each direction and rotary 1 minute each direction.
Warm down ( heating pad ) 5 - 10 mins
I do 50 kegals either after the workout or through out the next day